(14번째 보내고 있는 이메일 서문. '골리앗과 다윗' 전투중인 정동희올림)
골리앗 호주정부는 '자국 고위공무원들의 부패와 뇌물의 승리'로 많은 것을 잃을 것이다. 정의는 다윗 정에게!
호주 정부에 부당하게 공권력 폭력이 3차례 연속적으로 밟히며 '호주 고위공무원 대규모 비리를 최초 신고하여 호주 정부 국고에 18M USD 기여했고 민사재판도 24년6월에 승수한 재판원고 Zheng이 거지가 되는 실화'는 더 이상 서호주 일부에서만 쉬쉬하며 이야기되는 이야기가 아니다.
시간이 지날수록 호주 전역 및 아시아에도 알려질 것이며 미국 및 유럽에도 결국에는 알려질 수 밖에 없을 만큼 '호주정부의 부패와 뇌물 이야기가 간단하지 않고 문제는 그 구조가 여전히 현재진행형으로 호주 정부에 의해 결과적으로 보호되고 있어' 아마도 상당히 큰 이슈로 발전될 가능성이 높아보인다.
골리앗 호주정부는 '자국 고위공무원이 저지른 부패와 뇌물이 선의의 최초신고자가 거꾸로 거지가 되고 뇌물공무원의 범죄자산을 거꾸로 지켜주는 승리'로 많은 것을 잃을 것이다
The Goliath Australian government will lose a lot due to the 'victory of bribery and corruption among its own high-ranking officials'
The Goliath Auz government has a lot to lose from the victory of corruption and bribery. Justice to David Zheng! (David and Goliath 2025 Real Story)
The Australian government was unfairly subjected to public violence three times in a row, and the 'true story of trial plaintiff Zheng, who was the first to report large-scale corruption among high-ranking Australian government officials, contributing 18 million to the Australian government's treasury and winning a civil trial in June 2024, became a beggar' is no longer a story that is only talked about quietly in some parts of Western Australia.
As time passes, it will become known throughout Australia and Asia, and will inevitably become known in the United States and Europe as well. 'The story of corruption and bribery in the Australian government is not simple, and the problem is that the structure is still ongoing and consequently protected by the Australian government,' so it seems likely that it will develop into a fairly large issue.
The Goliath Australian government will lose a lot as a result of 'corruption and bribery committed by its own high-ranking public officials turning the first reporter in good faith into a beggar and protecting the criminal assets of bribed public officials.'
This shameful mistreatment of the Australian government can be prevented very easily at this point.
'The problem is that last November, when I asked the banking supervision bureau about the costs associated with concluding my trial, it clearly be stated US$6,000 for defreezing fees and remittance fees of the Banking Supervision Bureau. There is evidence of this conversation. (Posted on November 22, 2024)'
I Ask the Australian authorities to investigate this with the same intensity they are investigating now.
The problem is that the Goliath Australian government neither acknowledges nor investigates its own mistakes and wrongdoings, and through the hypocrisy and coercion of its large physique, it insists on unreasonable logic in order to rob the weaponless trial plaintiff of his winning survival assets and clings only to the execution of internationally shameful atrocities by public power, such as double punishment and double billing.
I even went so far as to say that I would only receive compensation within the amount of the $60,000 remittance fee paid last week and would give up the remaining compensation, so I asked the Attorney General of Western Australia to request an end to the trial. (The Attorney General of Western Australia rejected my pathetic proposal. There is evidence such as remittance fees several times in the conversation, but what the Australian government's Ministry of Justice and the banking supervision bureau have in common is that they do not admit their mistakes at all.)
I'm just sick of the lies from the disgusting Australian attorney general.
To sum up the whole situation now, ‘justice belongs to David Zheng.’
(David and Goliath) The duplicity of Auz govern resulting in large-scale bribery and corruption of high-ranking Auz government official.
(David and Goliath) The duplicity of the Auz govern, which ultimately helps high-ranking Auz govern official who is criminal in large-scale bribery cases.
The Australian government, which does not hesitate to impose double punishment on others, does not admit its own wrongdoing (for which there is clear evidence).
This duplicity of the Australian government ultimately helps high-ranking Australian government officials who are criminals in large-scale bribery cases.
The story of David and Goliath in the Bible features Goliath, who has a huge physique and is heavily armed with thick armor.
Australia, a country and a continent, is similar to Goliath in that it is huge.
And there are two more things in common.
One is that he wears thick armor in that he refuses to admit any wrongdoing (for which there is clear evidence).
In other words, Perth in Western Australia is the only large city, and as such, it is 'the only entity that persistently criticizes others' without any institutions to check abuse of public power.
Second, as soon as I received a notice asking me to pay again on January 23, 2025 (just a few days after the Attorney General of Western Australia received the money as collateral for his life on January 17, believing in the promise of 'This is absolutely final fees' in a government document dated January 6, 2025), I rely solely on email to harshly point out the unfairness of it. 'I am dealing with Goliath like David in the Bible,' he said.
In Australia, a huge country, the capital and large cities such as Sydney and Melbourne are all located towards the east.
But on the other side, in Western Australia, why were so many high-ranking Australian government officials able to commit so many bribery cases?
And even though I, the victim of the high-ranking public official in the bribery case and the first reporter, am the plaintiff in the civil trial, won the trial in June 2024, I become a beggar due to the Australian government's violation of its written promise/double punishment/double billing during the trial's conclusion. Conversely, will a high-ranking Australian government official who is a criminal in a large-scale bribery case take the money back and the Australian government ultimately helps?
The key point is that 'the Australian government, which does not hesitate to punish others without even a single speck of double punishment, does not admit its own wrongdoing (for which there is clear evidence) at all.'
To put it another way, 'the Australian government, which does not hesitate to double punishment for others, does not admit its own wrongdoing (for which there is clear evidence) and is only focused on making money (even if it means helping a high-ranking Australian government official who is a criminal in a large-scale bribery case') and is giving up even the minimum of international common sense and humanity.'
The core entity is the banking supervision bureau and its helper, the Australian Attorney General, who arbitrarily control the finances without principle.
Among the Goliath territory of the huge country of Australia, let's take a look at what kind of 'criminal violence by the Australian government, which is extremely contrary to international common sense, continues three times in a row' in Western Australia.
And let's take a look at whether 'I, the informant of the bribery case of the highest-ranking public official in Australia, which brought 18 million won in treasury income to the Australian government', has been fighting like David, relying only on email for the past month.
Now, the Attorney General of Western Australia and the Banking Supervision Bureau are requesting that the government stop assaulting public authorities by allowing high-ranking Australian public officials in large-scale bribery cases, who are ultimately criminals, to take back the money for 'Procedural reasons (self-made, ignoring international standard procedures)' and exercise 'a minimum of conscience based on international common sense' to save 'the dying David, unlike the Bible.'
The Auz government is robbing ‘public interest informant who provided 18m USD to the Auz government by reporting corruption of high-ranking Auz government officials’. (The unconscionability and duplicity of the Australian government is beyond imagination.)
The Auz government is robbing the property of a ‘public interest informant who provided 18 million USD in treasury income to the Auz government by reporting corruption of high-ranking Auz government officials’.
(The unconscionability and duplicity of the Australian government is beyond imagination.)
I have continued to send 27 emails to Australian Prime Minister / WA PM / Federal Attorney General / humanrights.gov.au etc since January 23, 2025, when Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, violated the government's promise that 'This is absolutely final fees' and 'I paid $6,000 in remittance fees and other charges by asking the banking supervision bureau about my trial completion costs in November of last year.
They did not respond to a single letter even though I, a 'public interest informant who provided 18 million USD in treasury income to the Australian government by reporting corruption of high-ranking Australian government officials', was being robbed of my surviving assets in violation of international law.
Obviously, there is evidence such as remittance fees from the banking supervision bureau last November, (given the one-sided, gangster-like atmosphere of the Australian government) but like a fraudster, 'the financial institution I used received the banking bureau's response last November' are unable to protest against this.
And yesterday, a whopping 200,000 USD was stolen from Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau, but the civil trial in favor of the 'public interest whistleblower who provided 18 million USD in national treasury revenue to the Australian government by reporting corruption by high-ranking Australian government officials' is still not concluded.
Please do not just look on at the 'unconscionability and duplicity of the Australian government beyond imagination', but help me, as a public interest informant who provided 18 million USD in national treasury income to the Australian government by reporting corruption of high-ranking Australian government officials, at least show some conscience.
(※ Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley(Address: 11th Floor, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, WEST PERTH WA 6005 / Telephone: 61 8 6552 6800 / Email:Minister.Quigley@dpc.wa.gov.au)
The fees I have already paid during the course of my trial closing proceedings from November 2024 to Feb 20, 2025 are as follows.
① The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$23,600 for handling the case (Paid on November 22, 2024)
② The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$25,860 for closing the case (Paid on November 22, 2024)
③ US$6,000 for defreezing fees and remittance fees of the Banking Supervision Bureau (Paid on November 22, 2024)
④ The trial plaintiff paid the trial defendant the exchange rate difference of 258,633 USD. (Paid at 24th Dec 2024)
⑤ The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$12,800 for an execution fee (Payable on December 24, 2024)
⑥ the freezing procedure fee of US$ 189,823 of the Banking Supervision Bureau (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑦ the General Administration of Finance remitted US$ 38,960 to Stamp charge (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑧ the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 12,800 US dollars for an execution fee, again (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑨ the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 5,780 US dollars for a certificate fee (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑩ pay the late payment fee of 108,570 dollars ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
⑪ pay an extension fee of 53,800 US dollars ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
⑫ US$ 62,630 has been included in the reduction of handling fee ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
(still, needs to pay US$ 174,648 before March 7)
I contributed close to 20 million USD to the Auz government in treasury revenue (I uncovered the astronomical bribery corruption of high-ranking Auz government officials). I appeal to the Australian government to stop its completely unethical actions of completely robbing me of my living assets and turning me into a beggar.
Dear Governor-General, Prime Minister, and Members of the Federal House of Representatives, and Governor-General, Prime Minister, and Members of Western Australia,
Although I am Korean, I have played the role of over 100 Australians.
I was the first reporter to uncover the astronomical amount of bribery corruption by reporting the request for a bribe by the head of a bank invested by the Australian government to the Australian financial authorities, and as a result, I caused the Australian government to contribute close to 20 million USD, a portion of the criminal funds, to the treasury.
Isn't it the Australian government's duty to at least make sure that 'the person who uncovered the true nature of bribery corruption among high-ranking public officials that even Australians could not reveal' becomes a beggar?
However, after winning my civil suit in this regard, my parents and I are suffering from bankruptcy and serious illness due to the Australian government's predatory actions that violate various international laws, the Australian government's broken promises made in writing, and double billing of a large amount of money during the closing process.
I have continued to send emails to Australian lawmakers since January 23, 2025, when Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, violated the government's promise that 'This is absolutely final fees' and 'I paid $6,000 in remittance fees and other charges by asking the banking supervision bureau about my trial completion costs in November of last year, but they then charged me again for a large amount of money.' However, because the Australian lawmakers were so indifferent, I recently contacted New Zealand lawmakers right next door several times, and they were surprisingly interested in my work.
Respected Australian Governors, Prime Ministers, and members of the Federal Senate and House of Representatives, and Western Australia Governors, Prime Ministers, and Members of the House of Representatives, who have long valued friendship with New Zealand, aren't you ashamed?
Even though Australia's first history was partly a process of convict settlement from Britain, today's politicians proudly say, 'I am their descendant.'
However, are you just continuing to watch the Australian government's attempt to rob the minimal surviving assets of 'I, who contributed to the Australian government's national treasury income of approximately 20 million USD by uncovering astronomical bribery corruption of high-ranking Australian public officials that even Australians could not reveal,' through acts that violate various international laws and the barbaric violence of public power by breaking government document promises 5 days after receiving my money?
The Australian government is enforcing Double Jeopardy, which requires me to pay $200,000 in connection with the finalization of this trial for a case that has nothing to do with this trial, including the correct payment of a fine in October 2023. But on the other hand, why does the Australian government itself not admit any of its faults by breaking its promises in government documents and extorting another $200,000 by extorting a large amount of remittance fees already paid in November 2024?
If the Australian government is unilaterally greedy for money, I will pay the money.
However, on January 6, 2025, I believed Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley's promise in a government document that said 'This is absolutely final fees', and put my life as collateral to raise funds through private loans and pay them, and now my parents and I are in a very bad situation. So, please help me escape from this hell by paying the fees you are unreasonably demanding in the second step using the '$50,000 deposit I already paid in connection with the case that was suspended in February 2024 due to a request for a bribe from the head of a bank invested by the Australian government.'
(Also, since I have evidence showing that the remittance fee is exactly $6,000 by asking the Banking Supervision Bureau for the cost of my civil trial settlement process in November 2024, requesting a large increase in the remittance fee again is either the fault of the Banking Supervision Bureau or the fault of the financial platform, which is the intermediary messenger. Therefore, for the amount I am short of, if the responsibility lies with the banking supervision bureau, please allow me to pay the shortfall through the aforementioned 2-step settlement, or if the responsibility lies with the financial platform, which is the intermediary, please let me borrow money from it to pay the shortfall.)
It is by no means my fault, as the current situation is all about the Australian government taking the money they promised and then throwing it away after 5 days and charging double bills.
Dear Governor-General, Prime Minister, and Members of the Federal House of Representatives, and Governor-General, Prime Minister, and Members of Western Australia,
Please do not forget that I contributed to the Australian government's treasury revenue of close to 20 million USD by uncovering the astronomical bribery scandal of high-ranking Australian government officials.
Please help us stop the Australian government's completely unethical actions of completely robbing me of my wealth and turning me into a beggar.
I'm not saying I'm going to give you the money you're asking for, but since at least three Australian governments' repeated atrocities against public power are lacking, and the cause of this is not me, but the Australian government's 'drunk driving-style violence against public power,' it's only common sense that I shouldn't become a beggar.
'The astronomical level of bribery and corruption by Australian public officials, which only some of Australia's highest-ranking public officials have known about,' is killing me, and it is only a matter of time before it becomes known to the Australian people, who were unaware of it until now due to non-disclosure, and to Asia, including New Zealand and Korea.
You have been having a hard time receiving my emails every day, but now I would like to make a final and earnest appeal to the respected Governor-General, Prime Minister, and members of the Federal Senate and House of Representatives of Australia, and the Governor-General, Prime Minister, and members of the Western Australian State Council, so that I can live without relying on the brutality of public power to rob the surviving assets of Jeong Dong-hee, a Korean who did something worse than 100 Australians.
The scale of bribery and corruption among high-ranking public officials in Australia is surprisingly large. The Australian government, which conceals this fact, is tyrannizing public power beyond imagination even today, and this is only the starting point of a new food chain of corruption. Australian high-ranking officials deceiving the public
My suffering began when there was a demand for a bribe from the head of a bank invested by the Australian government, and as I had no money at the time, I reported this to the Australian financial authorities.
The scale of corruption that was revealed later was so shockingly large. However, the Australian government has kept this shameful reality secret, so the general Australian public does not know about it.
However, as a plaintiff in a civil suit related to this, I am being subjected to a tyranny of public power that goes beyond the very basic common sense, such as ⓐ forcing double jeopardy by the Australian government in the process of closing the trial after winning the trial ⓐ breaking the promise of 'This is absolutely final fees' promised in a document by Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley ⓓ recharging a large amount of fees paid after being asked by The Banking Supervision Bureau in November of last year.
This is just the starting point of a new corruption food chain. As the plaintiff in a civil suit in a related case, I accurately describe the reality of high-ranking Australian public officials who thoroughly deceive the public.
As soon as I asked for help from a former co-worker of mine who is the president of an asset management company in Korea and brought up the topic of Australia, he said the following to me. '(Besides you) why are there so many disputes related to Australia?'
And the appointment originally scheduled to meet was canceled the next day.
This is just another example of the widespread brutality of public power that goes beyond international common sense by the banking supervision bureau, which controls the very line of money coming and going in Australia.
When a member of the public first calls and inquires with Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, who is overseeing the trial of the 'demanding bribe from a bank manager invested by the Australian government' case, which was revealed by the Australian government on a huge scale, they shamelessly lie and say, 'There is no such fact.'
I can understand this kind of lying about an undisclosed case if it is to protect national interests, but the problem is that the food chain of corruption that creates the enormous scale of 'demanding bribes from bank presidents invested by the Australian government' is still ongoing today, at least to me, by these people and The Banking Supervision Bureau.
If I, the person involved in the incident, tell them (as in the text of the attached document), they will acknowledge this fact and talk about it, but it is a structure of high-ranking Australian government officials deceiving Australia and the international community by hiding the enormous scale of bribery and corruption of high-ranking Australian government officials from the general public on the grounds of non-disclosure.
In particular, the most important thing of all is the flow of money, and the atrocities committed against me by the banking supervision bureau, the highest-level organization that controls the flow of money in Australia, are beyond your imagination. The story begins.
Why has corruption among high-ranking Australian officials recently increased rapidly in the financial sector? The reason is (unknown to the Australian public) public atrocities such as drunk driving by the banking supervision bureau and high-ranking government officials (like the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley) who help them.
As I will discuss immediately below, my story begins in February 2024 with a request for a bribe from the head of a bank funded by the Australian government.
After my report, the scale of corruption by the head of a bank invested by the Australian government has become significant. However, the Australian government did not disclose this incident, which exposes the Australian government's shame, so the Australian public does not know about it.
Why was the president of a bank invested by the Australian government able to pocket so much kickback?
It has not been long since the Banking Supervision Bureau implemented a rule requiring a deposit of 1/10th of the funds when money exceeding $1 million is taken out of Australia, and of course, people who do not know this fact find out about it too late at the time of withdrawal and prepare the money in a hurry. In particular, by creating a late fee if payment is not made on time, there is a lot of room to extort money from innocent victims.
Moreover, the banking supervision bureau, which is unique in that it only deals with the government and financial institutions and does not deal with the general public, is the product of an 'error in the design of the Australian national system' in which there is virtually no control body for abuse of administrative power. (There is no homepage that can be accessed through Internet inquiry, and some federal lawmakers are even unaware of its existence if their standing committees are not in this field. What shows the extent to which they can hide and abuse their enormous power is that even Inform, the Internet equivalent of the APRA website, is unaware of its existence. According to the attached official response from the relevant minister, the minister is aware of its existence and is talking about it.)
Since the banking supervision bureau arbitrarily imposes fines on financial institutions, the reality of Australia's top-level financial administration is that financial institutions only approach the banking supervision bureau from a strictly 'B' perspective.
As a result, in November of last year, I asked the Banking Supervision Bureau through a financial institution about the various costs in my civil trial settlement process, got a clear answer, and paid it. However, the financial institution in the middle was unable to properly protest to the Banking Supervision Bureau, which later made completely different statements and double-charged a large amount of remittance fees, and I was the only one who complained, suffering enormous damage.
In particular, the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, who makes it difficult for the plaintiff, who is the winner of the civil lawsuit, to take fees from the trial conclusion process, is using his enormous power to create innocent victims like the banking supervision bureau and rob them of their assets.
In this way, the scale of corruption among high-ranking Australian government officials has recently occurred on a large scale, and (unlike Korea) Australia can avoid disclosing these secrets, so the 'abuse of public power and corruption by high-ranking Australian government officials' can last forever.
In order to achieve healthy long-term development in Australia, we must take this opportunity to stop the criminal-level brutality of the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the Banking Supervision Bureau, who are wielding public violence by double-billing and breaking written promises.
Otherwise, what crazy person would invest in Australia when atrocities by Australian public authorities worse than these scammers are taking place in broad daylight without reflection?
Yesterday, I sent an email to members of the Australian Senate and House of Representatives and Western Australian lawmakers, and received the following response from Federal Assembly member Dear Christine Tonkin.
Contact the government in your country and DO NOT contact me again
Here's my reply to an Australian politician I respect:
Contact the banking supervision bureau in your country, stop the unrepentant drunk driving violence by public authorities now.
From beginning to end, corruption among Australia's highest officials. What they have in common is the plunder of the property of the weak.
My story showing corruption and tyranny of public power at the highest levels of government in Auz; It all started with corruption at the highest level in Australia.
The end result was organizational corruption among Australia’s highest-ranking civil servants.
My story began with the bank president's request for a bribe while withdrawing my money from an Australian government-owned bank in February 2024.
As I was strapped for money at the time, I had no choice but to report the Australian government-owned bank manager's demand for a bribe from me to the Australian Prudential Supervision Bureau.
After the report, the extent of the government-funded bank's corruption was revealed by the Australian financial authorities. However, in Australia (unlike Korea), since I was the first reporter, it had to proceed to a civil trial (otherwise they said they would not withhold my withdrawal for one year), so I had no choice but to passively submit to the trial.
The team of lawyers directly closely related to the Australian Prudential Supervision Bureau encouraged me by saying that the probability and amount of winning in this trial were too certain, and I persisted, saying that I would not go to trial because I had no money. However, the Australian financial authorities said they would not return $100,000, which was part of the legal fees that my acquaintance had already paid, so I ended up having to sell my house and pay the legal fees.
The team of lawyers directly and closely related to the Australian Prudential Supervision Bureau belatedly told me that the trial fee was over $100,000 only after receiving all of the large amount of legal fees. In particular, even if I won, I belatedly learned after reading the trial decision that I would have to deposit 1/10th of the winning fee because I was a foreigner.
And in the process of concluding the trial, 'the end result was organizational corruption among Australia's highest-ranking officials.'
The analogy goes like this:
In November 24, I asked the banking supervision bureau about the cost of shipping the winning trophy, and they said the shipping fee (= remittance fee, etc.) was $6,000, so I paid the money.
However, in December 24, the banking supervision bureau suddenly made a complaint that had nothing to do with this trial (for example, because I had accrued and paid a lot of traffic fines in the past) and insisted that I had to pay to be released.
So, since it was a case involving the head of an Australian government-owned bank, I sent my representative to Western Australia's Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, who was personally handling the closure of my case, expressed regret for 'enforcing double jeopardy against international law', and formally asked, 'Is this the final cost?', since I, the weak one, had no choice but to pay the money. However, Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley added 38960usd and 12000usd in addition to $189823, and responded in a government document that 'these costs are absoulutely final fees'. To this extent, it was issued by the Minister of Justice as a government document and distributed to relevant ministries, so I actually put my life as collateral to raise a risky private loan and eventually paid the money.
However, a few days after receiving the money, the banking supervision bureau denied the answer I gave when I asked about the shipping fee in November 24, and committed the atrocity of requesting more than $200,000.
And Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, reversed his previous written promise and threatened to impose a large amount of delay money and forfeit all my civil suit victory trophies as of February 20th if I did not respond to this double claim, which is the true story of 'Australian government public power brutality'.
Not only is it a violation of international law, but in the powerful position of the Attorney General who oversees the judicial organization at the Australian state level, unbelievable things such as violation of promises in government documents and double claims for false claims are actually being committed, and the core of my story is that I have been fiercely fighting this all alone.
The Auz government = ‘the shepherd boy from Aesop’s fable’! The Korean people trust in the Australian government has fallen to the level of a fraud, and view the Western Australia Attorney General's brutality against me as a perfect fraud.
('Three consecutive incidents of violence by public power' that occurred during the process of finalizing the trial by the Attorney General of Western Australia, destroying international trust in the Australian government.)
I have contacted the Australian Attorney General and the National Human Rights Commission of Korea 20 times so far, but there has been no response, so I shouldn't get my hopes up. However, the Australian Federal Finance Minister sent an official response to my inquiry yesterday, as attached.
In particular, the Korean people view the Western Australia Attorney General's brutality against me as a complete fraud, and their trust in the Australian government has fallen to the level of a fraudster (to the point where they shake their heads in excitement and refuse to listen even when they talk about the Australian government).
The Attorney General of Western Australia has committed three atrocities by public power that are against international law, and I have become a complete beggar, and Koreans who have witnessed this behavior no longer trust the Australian government.
Naturally, responsibility for the current situation lies with the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau (who lied as much as the shepherd boy did).
First, considering the actual situation of Koreans who feel that the Australian government is a fraud against me, who is bankrupt, only Abedi Platform, which acted as my agent during my Australian trial, does not view these double billed costs as such, so please allow me to borrow from them and pay them.
Second, please allow the 'two-step approach' method of using the entire deposit of $50,000 or $25,000 that I paid in connection with the withdrawal in February of last year, which is completely separate from this trial, receiving the trial winnings for it as a temporary account first, and then paying the remaining 'balance of double billed expenses' from there.
(Auz Attorney General's large-scale fraud at the case closing stage) The director is Western Australia's Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley. and the main character is the banking supervision bureau.
This true story consists of three consecutive acts of fraud by public power (against international law and common sense), turning good-intentioned trial winners into complete beggars and, as a result, helping criminals.
(At the end of the trial, the plaintiff who won the good faith trial (not the two parties, but the Australian Attorney General himself) used three violence in succession in the following order)
The Australian Attorney General must stop the 'barbaric tyranny of public power' that violates international law by forcing Double Jeopardy, ⓑ breaking promises in government documents he issued, and ⓒ forcing 'hige' double payment of costs and ⓓ destroying the property of those who win the trial.
ⓐ They violate international law by forcing Double Jeopardy (At 30th Dec 2024)
ⓑ breaking promises 'this is absolutely final fees' in government document he issued (at 6th Jan 2025)
ⓒ forcing 'hige' double payment of costs (at 23th Jan 2025)
ⓓ destroying the property of those who win the trial. (From Nov 2024 to Now)
I was so outraged by the tyranny of public power by Western Australia's Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau, that I sent an email to the attorneys general of other Commonwealth countries and law professors in Australia, the UK, Canada and the US last night.
I also contacted some professors.
Their common view is that ''violates international law by forcing Double Jeopardy, ⓑ breaking promises in government documents he issued, and ⓒ forcing double payment of costs and destroying the property of those who win the trial.''
‘Western Australia’ tarnishes national trust in Australia at the level of international common sense.
'The Australian government's violation of its promises in government documents and double billing' financially ruined the successful trial winner and his parents and virtually killed his father physically.
(the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau must show 'minimum morality' so that Zheng Dong-hee, who is weak in breach of promise and double billing, can respond in two stages)
Australia must coexist with Asia! (I hope the Australian government shows that it is not a robber Ⅱ)
Western Australia must not ignore East Asia!
Western Australia the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau must show 'minimum morality' so that Zheng Dong-hee, who is weak in breach of promise and double billing, can respond in two stages!
I am attaching the 'official confirmation email from the Attorney General of South Australia (located between Western Australia and New South Wales), right next to Western Australia' that I received yesterday.
At that time, I could not have imagined that the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, would break the government promise he had issued in writing a few days later. And he has not responded to my desperate appeals, which have been close to 20 times since then. So I appealed to the Attorney General in the area twice, and Hon Kyam Maher MLC, Minister for Aorney-General, sympathized with what I said and sent an official email even though it was not under his jurisdiction. Australian financial regulators are also surprised by the 'public power violence that speaks two stories with one mouth at a time' in the blind spot of 'the banking supervision bureau that only deals with government agencies and financial platforms'.
Australian federal ministers and an overwhelming majority of Australian parliamentarians are 'watching a fire across the river' in silence about my nearly 20 desperate appeals, but the number of Australian parliamentarians who respond like beans in a drought is just as many as the British House of Commons members who respond to my single email.
I have not thought of complaining to the press for two weeks since January 23, 2025, when the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, broke his document promise. They have no self-reflection at all and are so obsessed with the principle of killing me that when I consulted with journalists yesterday, the British journalist was surprised, and the Singaporean journalist was especially surprised.
[Let's show the Australian government is not a robber. (I ask for a "two-step exit plan")]My 84-year-old mother, who taught at a university for many years, describes Western Australia's Attorney-General Minister Quigley's recent breach of a promise made in a government document and the re-charging of remittance fees by the banking supervision in one word: 'It's robbery.'
The Australian government, which commits such an inhumane atrocity that ruins the winner of the trial, is barbaric and a fraud for a government agency to arbitrarily seize all the rights and property of a good-intentioned individual (without even 0.1% self-reflection).
Now, my parents and I cannot even imagine that the Australian government would not keep the minimum level of common sense and trust, so we sent all our assets to the Australian government and have become beggars, suffering miserably from debt collection by creditors in Korea.
I have been so aggrieved that I have continued to tell the Western Australian Ombudsman about the abuse of power by the Attorney General of Western Australia and the banking supervision, but the Western Australian Ombudsman only briefly replied twice, saying (without saying a word about this) 'we cannot investigate complaints about private individuals or organisations. Accordingly, your complaint is now closed and we will not respond to you any further about this matter'.
Please do not let the winner of the trial be defeated in this inhumane way, and please also (acknowledge at least a little of your own wrongdoing) so that I and my parents, who have trusted the Australian government and sent all their assets to the Australian government, will at least not be laughed at ('Look, don't trust the Australian government regarding Australia either' to Koreans and other Asians inwardly) and so that the following realistic win-win exit strategy can be dramatically concluded today.
Even if I do not receive all of the court winnings, I beg the Australian government to help me and my parents escape this long suffering by 'please do not be harassed by debtors in Korea'.
Trusting Minister Quigley's promise in a government document that "Absolutely this is final fees," and considering the extreme situation of "me and my parents, who have once again raised risky debt and sent it to the Australian government and become completely penniless," I ask for a "two-step exit plan of paying the next fee by depositing a trial victory fee equivalent to the cost within the remaining $50,000 of the deposit related to the withdrawal in February of last year (which is separate from this trial) from a temporary account to pay the next fee."
(I completely believed in the promises made in the previous the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley's document and the answer from the banking supervision bureau in November of last year, so please don’t die as a result of believing that.)
(Key Summary and My Demands: Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau, please stop killing me with a minimum of conscience and international common sense!
I was already insolvent at the end of last year while responding to the continuous request for remittance of expenses after the Australian court victory. In particular, I was shocked by the fact that the expenses on December 30th last year were an anti-international act of the Australian government that violates international law prohibiting Double Jeopardy.
With these concerns, I asked the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, 'Is this really the final fee?'. The Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley responded in writing on January 6th, 2025, by government document, 'This is absolutely final fees.'
So I borrowed a dangerous private loan that I could never borrow, using my life as collateral, and paid the money to the banking supervision bureau in Australia.
However, a few days after receiving this money, which was like my life, the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley broke his promise in writing.
And the banking supervision bureau asked for my expenses in November last year. The Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley is threatening that if I do not pay by this Friday, a daily late fee of USD 9,870 will be charged and that on February 20th, I will be considered as giving up and lose all my assets in an instant. I earnestly request that the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau resolve this by using the USD 50,000 paid in relation to the withdrawal in February last year, which is completely separate from this trial, to pay part of the costs that the banking supervision bureau is now charging me in double, and receiving the corresponding litigation money into a temporary account managed by the Australian government to pay the remaining costs. This claim is because the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley broke his document promise of 'This is absolutely final fees' by government document dated 6 January 25 and the banking supervision bureau did not answer correctly when they asked about my costs in November last year, which is not entirely my fault.)
Dear Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and The Banking Supervision Bureau.
I earnestly ask for your help to stop the 'tyranny of public power by Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley & The Banking Supervision Bureau' that is driving me and my parents to death.
'Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley & The Banking Supervision Bureau's complete duplicity against me (double billing and arbitrary claims)
'Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley & The Banking Supervision Bureau's tyranny of public power at a murderous level against me' I, a thoroughly weak person, am sending an email asking for help. Very occasionally, when someone takes the time to inquire about my work with Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley & The Banking Supervision Bureau, they say, ‘Minister Quigley’s staff have confirmed they also received your letter and are best’ as attached.
He answered half-heartedly, ‘placed to address your concerns.’
So, if I check before the end of work that day to see if the attitude has changed, I will find out, 'If you do not pay the double bill within a few days, the Australian government will not give you the amount of money you have paid so far and considers it as a waiver. 'Justice and the Bureau of Banking Supervision have made it absolutely clear' only reaffirms the duality that is reaffirmed.
I earnestly ask for your help to stop the 'tyranny of public power by Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley & The Banking Supervision Bureau' that is driving me and my parents to death.
I am brutally trampled by Australian public power violence (wielded by Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley & The Banking Supervision Bureau). Hereby, a letter from my 84 year old mother to Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley.
"I earnestly appeal to the Attorney General, Hon John Quigley of Western Australia again. The payment of compensation is not my responsibility as the plaintiff, but the government’s decision, and because the case can only be concluded if I pay a huge amount of legal fees, I have sold all my assets, including my mansion in Seoul and my large farm, and have become a bankrupt debtor with over 6 billion won in debt and a bad credit person. I would be grateful if you could immediately return all of the legal fees I sent and my tied up deposits. However, you are adding the remittance fee I already paid in November of last year, and are squeezing me into an impossible situation, and if I do not pay within the deadline, the large amount of money I sent will be invalidated. If Australia does such an inhumane act, it is an inhumane and ultimately malicious act that goes against God’s justice. The basis of the law and regulations is human rights, and since Australia is a developed country, it is a cruel act that cannot be done even in an underdeveloped country, so I beg you to save me and my parents who are going bankrupt together. I will believe and implore that God’s justice takes precedence over the execution of all laws and does not create unjust victims."
[suddenly talking nonsense : Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley & The Banking Supervision Bureau]: 'Forcing only the principles that are beneficial to oneself at an illegal level (completely ignoring the principle of the good victim).
Logically, either ① when I asked The Banking Supervision Bureau about my expenses in November 24, The Banking Supervision Bureau gave the wrong answer, took the money and stayed silent for a while, or ② received the money at that time and double-billed me again,where it can be made bigger. There are only two cases.
Also, the shamelessness of Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, standing still and suddenly talking nonsense after a government document titled 'the absolutely final fees' was legally distributed to the banking supervision bureau on January 6, 2025, is unimaginable as an Australian government agency. Something impossible happened. Like an elephant stepping on an ant
Something very shocking is happening in Australia : The Australian Attorney General promised in a government document that 'these are absolutely the last expenses', so I pledged my life as collateral to raise money through private loans. However, a few days later, Australia's banking supervision bureau double charges you to pay a large amount again for the 'expenses already paid'. What's more surprising is that all of this is the responsibility of the Australian government, but after 15 days, the late fee will increase by 9870usd every day, and from February 20th, 2025, they will consider it as a waiver and make me a complete beggar. Who threatens to break his promise within a few days? The Australian Attorney General! wow
{"Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley's breach of government document promise of 'absolutely final fees'" and "The Banking supervision bureau's mistakes ① Enforcing Double Jopardy ② Huge Double billing" is killing my entire family!}
I am the plaintiff in the trial held in Perth, Western Australia in June 2024. The undisclosed trial result is a win. And now in the case closure process, Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and The Banking supervision bureau have accused me of ‘breaking the documented government promise issued by me’ and ‘double billing of a large amount of money’. ' These are Zheng and Donghee who suffer from "abuse of Australian public power". (I had no intention of going to trial in the first place, but because I reported it, they said that under Australian law, the civil trial must be concluded before I could withdraw the money I originally wanted to withdraw from the bank, so I had no choice but to go to trial.)
(※ Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley(Address: 11th Floor, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, WEST PERTH WA 6005 / Telephone: 61 8 6552 6800 / Email:Minister.Quigley@dpc.wa.gov.au)
The fees I have already paid during the course of my trial closing proceedings from November 2024 to Feb 20, 2025 are as follows.
① The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$23,600 for handling the case (Paied on November 22, 2024)
② The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$25,860 for closing the case (Paied on November 22, 2024)
③ US$6,000 for defreezing fees and remittance fees of the Banking Supervision Bureau (Paied on November 22, 2024)
④ The trial plaintiff paid the trial defendant the exchange rate difference of 258,633 USD. (Paied at 24th Dec 2024)
⑤ The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$12,800 for an execution fee (Payable on December 24, 2024)
⑥ the freezing procedure fee of US$ 189,823 of the Banking Supervision Bureau (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑦ the General Administration of Finance remitted US$ 38,960 to Stamp charge (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑧ the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 12,800 US dollars for an execution fee, again (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑨ the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 5,780 US dollars for a certificate fee (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑩ pay the late payment fee of 108,570 dollars ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
⑪ pay an extension fee of 53,800 US dollars ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
⑫ US$ 62,630 has been included in the reduction of handling fee ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
(still, needs to pay US$ 174,648 before March 7)
ⓐ The Banking supervision bureau's 'The first mistake is the irresponsibility of public power'
My civil trial was decided in June 2024 and I won, but as a foreigner, I had no idea about the Value Added Deposit related to the settlement, and was able to enter the trial settlement proceedings in November 2024.
(Because I, the trial plaintiff, am a foreigner, the Banking Supervision Bureau asked for a 10% value-added business deposit.
If I had known this before the trial, the trial would never have started. I found out about this after the trial, and regretting it was of no use. Afterwards, to meet this demand from the Banking Supervision Bureau, I sold all my assets and my debt increased significantly.)
I asked about the costs related to receiving the settlement in early November 2024, and the banking supervision bureau clearly replied, '6,000 US dollars for defreezing fees and remittance fees of the Banking Supervision Bureau.'
I quote some of the conversation between me and my agent and teacher regarding this matter.
2024. 11. 8. (Fri)
The financial department has finished the verification. the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 23,600 US dollars for handling the case, 25,860 US dollars for closing the case, and 6,000 US dollars for defreezing fees and remittance fees of the Banking Supervision Bureau. There is no other fee, and the full compensation will be collected within 15 working days after handling.
Please, 23600+25860+6000, i can't
And I sent the money on November 22, 2024, and I paid my money to the Banking Supervision Bureau on November 25, 2024.
2024. 11. 22. (Fri)
17:49 Mark
I'll help you pay the fee of $6,000 at the Banking Supervision Bureau next Monday.
2024. 11. 25. (Mon)
11:55 Mark
Good morning, the financial department has paid the fee of $6,000 to the Banking Supervision Bureau.
I paid the fee in advance. And the Banking Supervision Bureau received my money on November 25, 2024 and did not raise any objection, but recently changed its mind.
The Banking supervision bureau's 'double billing of large sums' will be discussed again in ⓓ.
ⓑ The Banking supervision bureau's Second, tyranny of public power (against international law) : ② Enforcing Double Jopardy
However, due to other schedule delays, on December 27, 2024, the Banking Supervision Bureau violated the international law prohibition of double jeopardy and made a far-fetched attempt to link the trial I was in as a plaintiff to a transaction that occurred when I first used the Australian financial platform in October 2023 because I was not aware of the situation. In October 23, everything ended when I paid the $58,592 fine, but I, the weakling, had no choice but to go around borrowing money again, which was already difficult, to come up with the $189,823 that the banking bureau demanded.
ⓒ Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, Breaking the promise in the government document that this is absolutely the last time to pay
My trust in the Australian government began to waver from that time(=On December 30, in addition to the sudden double jeopardy cost claim), and I asked the Attorney-General of Western Australia, "Is this really the final cost?" out of anxiety about the double jeopardy that violates international law."
Then, that afternoon, the Attorney-General of Western Australia added two more costs to the inquiry fee and promised in writing that it was "absolutely the final cost."
The Attorney-General of Western Australia Hon John Quigley and others promised in writing that it was "absolutely final." If you look at some of the attached documents, it clearly states in the government document that 'The Ministry of Justice gave an absolute promise that ~ the fees were paid within the specified time, this was the last time' and that the document was distributed to The Banking Supervision Bureau (Perth, WA).
After that, abedi platform, who actually read the document in the same sense as me, responded to my inquiry as follows:
"Moreover, the Ministry of Justice also promised that this is the last time to pay the expenses and sent an announcement to other government units."
I was surprised that the 8th fee above was not even in the documents of the Attorney General of Western Australia, so I asked, "Really the last fee?" and the Abedi Platform Leader directly asked this question to the Attorney General of Western Australia. I sent it, but the Western Australian Department of Justice replied that it was the last fee, and I received the reply, "The platform leader has confirmed it for you, and it is the last fee."
Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, did not keep his 'promise in government documents' that made it an undisclosed case, sending me and my parents' entire assets to Australia, sending me to the limit with dangerous debts, and killing my entire family.
ⓓ The Banking supervision bureau suddenly raised 'Huge Double billing' again on January 23, 2025.
As detailed in ⓐ, I contacted the Banking Supervisory Authority before 8 November 2024 regarding ‘my expenses’.
When me, Mark, and Abedi asked the banking bureau about my expenses, they should have responded. At that time, The Banking supervision bureau gave a different answer and paid the fee. Last November, The Banking Supervision Bureau gave me a clear answer: “US$6,000 for defreezing fees and remittance fees of the Banking Supervision Bureau.”
And on January 6, 25, it remained silent even when "Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley's 'promise in government documents' saying 'this is absolutely last fees'" was clearly distributed to the Banking Supervision Bureau.
And after believing that promise and paying the fees with my life as collateral, the Banking Supervisory Authority suddenly and irresponsibly changed its position from last November and set a deadline for paying a large fee (if it is not done within the deadline, it will take everything away). Threatening to see it as giving up) and saying something different on 23 January 2025 and using violence against the public authorities.
Not only was the 'Banking Supervisory Authority freeze release fee and remittance fee of US$6000' double charged, but the absolute final fee commitment made in writing by the Attorney General of Western Australia on 6 January 2025 was also breached.
The Australian government promised that much, and just a few days later, on the afternoon of January 23, 2025, they broke the promise in the previous document like an old shoe.
They even demanded a double inflated remittance fee that I had already paid to the Banking Supervision Bureau (Perth, WA) in November 24, and threatened to make me a beggar if I did not pay by the deadline. This is a 'unilateral abuse of public power' that even scammers would not do to that extent, nor would they do it in Africa, and in Korea, if that happened, the government official would go to jail.
The absurdity of the Australian Banking Supervision Bureau on January 23, 2025 is a very strange, unilateral abuse of public power that cannot be found in any other OECD country in the world.
Therefore, I believe only in the written promise of the Attorney General of Western Australia, 'absolutely final', and I sent my life to Australia as a last resort to borrow money that I could not save by putting my life on the line, so please let me breathe.
'The Western Australian government, including the Attorney-General of Western Australia Hon John Quigley' commits more atrocities than fraud even though it is not fraud.
They wielded public power against me in an unreasonable and unpredictable way, and said that they would go to Perth from Korea and meet me because they were putting me in a complete bankruptcy. 'Even if you come to Perth, the government personnel of the Banking Supervision Bureau will not receive. you.' I just received an answer and I am appealing like this.
The banking supervisory authority in Australia is the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). APRA supervises the overall financial system in Australia, including banking, insurance, and superannuation.
Please forward the following message to The Banking Supervision Bureau in Perth, WA and to the Attorney General of Western Australia (Hon John Quigley) who has accepted the money by pledging my life to secure the dangerous money by sending it as a 'final payment' in a government document dated 6 January 2025.
I feel so wronged and am forcing my parents and others into bankruptcy, so I sincerely ask you to forward my following message to The Banking Supervision Bureau (Perth, WA).
<Dear The Banking Supervision Bureau (the Attorney General of Western Australia broke his promise to pay the 'absolutely final costs' in a document dated January 6, 2025, putting me in a state of complete bankruptcy.)>
At this point, when most of the trial has been completed, I would like to ask you to pay the double high bill that the WA Banking Authority is suddenly charging in violation of the government document promise of the last cost in two stages. "ⓐ Use the remaining $50,000 of the Value Added Business Deposit for the withdrawal in February 24 > ⓑ Temporary deposit of the corresponding trial victory money > ⓒ 'And pay the remaining costs'." (The second solution I propose to the Banking Supervisory Authority is as follows:
Because I am a foreigner, the Banking Supervisory Authority has demanded a 10% value added business deposit.
I contacted the Banking Supervisory Authority on 8 November 2024 regarding the Banking Supervisory Authority fee charge of 23 January 2025 and received a response.
Not only was the 'Banking Supervisory Authority freeze release fee and remittance fee of US$6000' double charged, but the absolute final fee commitment made in writing by the Attorney General of Western Australia on 6 January 2025 was also breached. Therefore, I would like the Banking Supervisory Authority fee charge of 23 January 2025 to be resolved by deducting the value added business deposit I paid in relation to the court victory. In relation to the value added business deposit of the court victory amount, the amount paid here at this time can be deducted from the refund claim.
In response to my request, they keep repeating that 'the compensation amount and the payment amount must be the same'. However, when I opened two dedicated accounts with the Australian financial authorities to receive the money related to the conclusion of this trial, they requested that some of the money be sent first to reduce the risk of sending the money incorrectly, as follows:
'Just now, when the financial department went to the Prudential Supervision Bureau for filing, it was necessary to file two collection addresses to ensure that nothing was lost. I will send you another remittance address, and you will remit 200 dollars.'
By the same logic, the Banking Supervision Bureau (Perth, WA) continued to abuse its power, causing me to ⓐ receive money against double jeopardy, and ⓑ (the Attorney General of Western Australia, etc. were silent when the government document was distributed, saying 'absolutely final' in writing, and) belatedly, on November 24, they demanded a deadline for receiving the remittance fee that had already been received, and if I did not meet that deadline, they unilaterally turned me into a beggar. This is clearly not my fault. So, in a situation where I have already become a beggar by believing in your Australian government document promise, please help me this time so that I, the weak person, can realistically pay the money that The Banking Supervision Bureau (Perth, WA) is demanding (just like you did when you received my money)
"ⓐ Use the remaining $50,000 of the Value Added Business Deposit for the withdrawal in February 24 > ⓑ Temporary deposit of the corresponding trial victory money > ⓒ 'And pay the remaining costs'." (The second solution I propose to the Banking Supervisory Authority is as follows:
Because I am a foreigner, the Banking Supervisory Authority has demanded a 10% value added business deposit.
I contacted the Banking Supervisory Authority on 8 November 2024 regarding the Banking Supervisory Authority fee charge of 23 January 2025 and received a response.
Not only was the 'Banking Supervisory Authority freeze release fee and remittance fee of US$6000' double charged, but the absolute final fee commitment made in writing by the Attorney General of Western Australia on 6 January 2025 was also breached. Therefore, I would like the Banking Supervisory Authority fee charge of 23 January 2025 to be resolved by deducting the value added business deposit I paid in relation to the court victory. In relation to the value added business deposit of the court victory amount, the amount paid here at this time can be deducted from the refund claim.
Is this my fault?
When I asked about my expenses last November, the banking supervision bureau should have told me.
So, I would like to ask for a way to not refund that much when the court deposit is refunded later.
I trusted the previous written promise and risked my life to send money, so the problem is that I can't get any new money.
So, just as you had me send $200 and $100 to make sure it was correct when I opened my account last fall, I have no choice but to pay the fee in two steps.
First, the only way is to receive a refund of $50,000 (the remaining amount of the value added deposit I paid at the time of withdrawal in February 2024), receive temporary legal compensation equal to the cost, and then pay the remaining costs.
This time, the Attorney General's previous promise was broken, and the banking bureau insisted on a different answer than the one it gave when it asked about my expenses in November of last year, so it is by no means my fault.
So, since the Australian government is primarily at fault, I have no choice other than the second step above.
Don't the Australian Attorney General and others feel sorry for breaking their written promises?
Last November, when me, Mark, and Abedi asked the banking bureau about my expenses, they should have responded. At that time, The banking supervision bureau gave me a different answer and I paid the fee at that time.
But does it make sense for you guys to insist that there is no punishment for breaking a promise and that only I should be equal to the compensation amount?
Just think about the extreme situation of me and my parents, who went bankrupt after believing their promises.
This is the worst situation for me, who risked my life to trust the documents of the previous attorney general.
Now, it is also very much the fault of the banking supervision bureau, which failed to answer correctly when I asked about my expenses last November.
Therefore, the only way to pay this cost in installments is to pay in installments.
(You guys also did that when you received my money.)
Now that the tyranny of public power has driven me to a dangerous cliff where I have broken my promise to a level that is condemned internationally (since the Australian authorities have no right to insist on the logic that the amount of compensation and payment should be the same), I ask that the case be closed by installment payments. please
Zheng, Donghee