(정동희 17) 호주 고위공무원의 대규모 뇌물부패를 낳고 심지어 보호도 하려는 '호주 정부의 국가범죄 심리학'
같은 영연방이었던 캐나다, 또는 미국에서는 찾기힘든데 호주에는 엄연히 있는 3가지를 꼽는다면?
첫째는 아시아 여성들을 상대로 밤에 같은 방에서 생활한다는 조건으로 무료로 자기 집에서 살게 해주겠다는 호주 남자들의 광고가 버젓이 지역신문 등에 발견된다는 점이다.
이 정도는 아니더라도, 바다 해수욕장이 많은 호주에는 누드 해변도 제법 있고 위와 똑같은 심리를 가진 호주 백인 남성들이 해변에 누워있다.
호주처럼 아시아와 근접해있지 않고 태평양을 가운데 두고 있는 캐나다와 미국에도 아시아인 비중이 제법 있는데, 이런 노골적인 동거인을 찾는 지역신문광고는 사실상 없다. 유학 아시아 여성의 약한 위치를 공략하여 성도 전속계약으로 자기집에서 갈취하듯이, 아시아의 돈도 갈취할 수 있다고 그들은 생각하고 있는 것이다.
둘째는 호주정치 최상부 고위공무원들에게도 존재하는 'WHITE AUSTRALIA'구조이다.
'호주정부 공권력의 만행에 연속적으로 3번 밟히고 있는 나'는 지난 한달간 연방 호주정부 총독/총리/장관/상원의원/하원의원/대법원/주요 차관과 총리실 등에 메일로 하소연하고 있다.
그런데 한 달이 지나고 나서 깨달은 점은 내가 수집한 250여명의 연방 주요 공무원에는 백인들만 있고 아시아인과 흑인은 한 명도 없었다는 점이었다.
분명히 시드니 등 동쪽의 호주 대도시에 가면 China town도 크게 있고 길거리에 아시아인들 적지 않은데, 정작 호주 권력층 최상단에는 아시아인은 전혀 없고 호주 백인이 100% 권력과 공권력을 행사하고 있다는 사실을 뒤늦게 깨달았다.
호주 고위공무원의 대규모 뇌물사건이 발생하고 지난 1년간 나의 민사재판과 종결이 아직 전혀 안되고 괴롭힘을 당하고 있는 서호주는 어떨까?
서호주정부 총독/총리/장관/의원의원/고등법원/주요 차관과 총리실 관련 내구 수집한 200여명의 서호주 고위 공무원에는 아시아인 1명이 있고 흑인이 1명 있고 나머지는 호주 백인이었다.
아시아와 멀리 떨어진 캐나다와 미국에서는 호주처럼 이 처럼 극단적으로 백인 고위공무원들로 권력이 배분되지 않았는데, 상대적으로 아시아와 가까운 호주 공권력의 근본적인 샘물을 좌우하는 구조는 이와 판이하게 다르게 배타적인 것이다. (영국도 직전 총리는 이러지 않았다.)
이러한 구조이니, 겉으로는 '호주 국가인권위원회'라고 무언가 인권을 보호하는 듯하게 홈페이지 구성되어 있고 실제 홈페이지 사진에 절반 이상이 아시아인 등으로 포장되어 있으나, 1월23일부터 내가 접수한 수십통의 complaint은 (실제는 1주일안에 답이 온다고 적혀있으나 한달이 지나도) 전혀 무반응이었다.
서호주 법무장관과 The banking supervision bureau는 이보다 더 심하다.
전혀 별 건의 나의 2023년10월 벌금 건을 이 재판종결 절차에서 갑자기 거론하며 거금의 이중벌금을 내게 하는 게 서호주 법무장관과 The banking supervision bureau인데, 내가 명확한 증거를 갖고 있는 주장에 대해서는 절대로 자신의 실수를 인정않는 깡패보다 못한 짓을 호주 정부가 하고 있다.
실제 거주하는 인구의 20% 가까이가 유색인엔데, 이러한 정치 최상부 고위공무원들의 'WHITE AUSTRALIA'구조는 "제가 당하고 있는 국제법에 반하는 공권력 연속 폭력"이 왜 일어나는지에 대한 근본적인 답을 제시하는 듯 하다
세째는 호주정치 최상부 고위공무원들에게도 존재하는 '(국제법을 무시하면서 오로지 자기만 생각하는) 극도의 이기주의' 구조이다.
호주 길거리에서 간혹 보이는 '(인종차별이 배어있는) 극도의 이기주의'가 놀랍게도 호주 권력 최상층의 공권력에서도 보여준다.
나의 지인 일행은 시드니에서 길을 건너려고 기다리고 있는데, 갑자기 트럭이 일행 앞에 멈추고 창문을 내리더니 '너희 나라로 돌아가라'는 욕설을 전혀 알지 못하는 사람으로부터 들어서 황당한 적이 있었다.
그런데 나의 억울함을 호소하는 이메일에 한 연방의원이 '너희 나라에 말하라'고 황당한 답변을 내가 들었다. 나의 전재산을 호주 정부에게 뜯기고 있고 그 사실을 말했는데, 연방 의원이라는 사람이 이렇게 말한다.
이 모든게 'WHITE AUSTRALIA'라는 걸 마치 당연하다고 전제를 깔고 내밷는 '길거리 욕설' 식의 '인종차별이 배어있는 극도의 이기주의'에 입각한 공권력 집행에서 이러한 게 매우 빈번하게 다시 노출된다.
앞에서도 나의 사례를 잠깐 이야기했듯이, 내가 조금이라도 잘못한 게 있으면 심지어 몇 년 전의 전혀 다른 건을 지금 다시 거론하여 다시 3배 이상의 벌과금을 부과하고 이 돈 안 내면 다른 것도 몰수하겠다는 게 서호주 법무장관의 24년12월30일자 태도였고 실제로 그렇게 집행되었다. 반면에 25년1월6일에 서호주 법무장관이 정부문서로 약속한 걸 파기해도 '미안하다'는 말 한 마디 없고 다시 '다른 돈 안내면 다른 것도 모두 몰수하겠다'는 게 법무장관의 태도이고 이로 인해 드디어 내가 참을 한계를 넘는 호주의 조폭보다 못한 정부 공권력 만행 때문에 이렇게 여러분께 이메일로 그 진실을 알리고 있는 것이다. The banking supervision bureau는 불과 2024년부터 시행된 몇 가지 제도에 대해 언론 등을 통하여 옳게 알리지도 않을 뿐더라 그 바뀐 제도를 모를 수 밖에 없는 일반인들을 상대로 공적서비스 제공이라는 본연의 자세를 잊고 돈을 뜯어먹는 태도에 혈안이 되어 있다. 특히 나의 승소한 민사재판종결 절차 비용을 묻는 질문에 2024년 11월에 답을 하여 돈까지 받아놓고 (예상치 못한 법무장관의 피고 환율차이 보상과 이중처벌을 해결한다고 시간을 소비하고 난 뒤) 다시 이전 답변을 부정하고 거액 이중청구라는 '세계 어느 OECD국가에서도 찾아볼 수 없는' 호주 국가금융 범죄를 버젓이 저지르고 있다.
'극도의 이기주의'와 '오로지 남 탓만 하는데 집중하고 자신에 대한 성찰은 0.001%도 안하는 호주 정부의 이러한 태도'는 이제 나의 하소연을 통하여, '최소한의 인강성에 기반한 공존 공권력'으로 조금이라도 바뀌어야 되지 않겠는가?
여러분의 생각은 어떠하십니까?
나는 호주 정부에도 그동안 승소한 민사재판종결을 위해 낸 나의 돈들이 있고, 24년2월 나에게 뇌물을 여러번 요구한 호주정부가 출자한 은행에도 나의 돈이 있고 다른 금융기관에도 나의 돈이 있다.
이 사실을 호주 법무장관도 잘 알고 있는데, 그 돈으로 저들이 이중청구하는 거액 비용을 못내게 한다. 그리고 나의 전 재산을 강탈하는데만 여념이 없다.
이 정도이면 호주 정부와 호주 최상층 공무원들의 심리는 범죄심리학 연구 대상이다.
호주 고위공무원의 대규모 뇌물부패를 낳고 심지어 보호도 하려는 '호주 정부의 국가범죄 심리학'의 3가지 (다른 선진국가에서는 절대 찾아볼 수 없는) 이야기를 했고, 이제 나의 실제 지난 1년 이상 호주정부에 당한 악몽 사례이다.
핵심은 일반적인 정부라고 호주정부라고 내가 믿었는데, 알고보니 '모든 원칙을 국제법도 무시하고 자기에게 유리한 쪽으로 어거지 강행만 하는 조폭 정부 성격이 있었고 놀랍게도 그 주역은 The banking supervision bureau와 Attorney General'였다는 점이다.
3 real reasons why large-scale bribery and corruption among high-ranking Australian government officials occurred
‘The Auz government’s national crime psychology’, create and even protect large-scale bribery corruption among high-ranking Auz government official. What are three things only in Auz?
‘The Australian government’s national crime psychology’ seeks to create and even protect large-scale bribery and corruption among high-ranking Australian government officials.
What are three things that are hard to find in Canada or the United States, which were part of the same commonwealth, but are definitely present in Australia?
Ⅰ) The first is that advertisements by Australian men are often found in local newspapers offering Asian women to live in their homes for free on the condition that they stay in the same room at night.
Although not to this extent, Australia, which has many ocean beaches, also has quite a few nude beaches, and white Australian men with the same mentality as above lie on the beach.
Canada and the United States, which are not as close to Asia as Australia and are located on the Pacific Ocean, also have a significant proportion of Asians, but there are virtually no advertisements in local newspapers looking for such blatant housemates.
They believe that just as they prey on the weak position of Asian women studying abroad and extort them from their own homes with exclusive contracts, they can also extort money from Asia.
The second is the 'WHITE AUSTRALIA' structure that also exists among high-ranking officials at the top of Australian politics.
'I have been trampled by the atrocities of the Australian government's public power three times in a row' and have been complaining by email to the Governor-General, Prime Minister, Minister, Senator, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, major deputy ministers and the Prime Minister's Office of the Australian federal government for the past month.
But what I realized after a month was that among the 250 or so major federal officials I had collected, there were only white people and no Asians or blacks.
Obviously, if you go to major cities in eastern Australia, such as Sydney, there is a large Chinatown and there are quite a few Asians on the streets, but I realized too late that there are no Asians at the top of the Australian power class and that 100% of the power and public authority is exercised by white Australians.
What about Western Australia, where a large-scale bribery case involving a high-ranking Australian government official occurred and the civil trial has not yet been concluded for the past year and is being harassed?
Among the 200 senior Western Australian government officials collected from the Governor/Prime Minister/Minister/Member of Parliament/High Court/Major Deputy Ministers and Prime Minister's Office, there was one Asian, one black, and the rest were white Australians.
In Canada and the United States, which are far away from Asia, power is not distributed to extremely white high-ranking public officials like in Australia, but the structure that governs the fundamental source of public power in Australia, which is relatively close to Asia, is quite different and exclusive. (The previous British Prime Minister did not do this either.)
With this structure, the homepage is designed to look like it is protecting human rights with the name 'Australian National Human Rights Commission' on the outside, and more than half of the photos on the homepage are actually made up of Asians. However, the dozens of complaints I received since January 23rd were completely unanswered (actually, it was stated that a response would be received within a week, but even after a month).
The Western Australian Attorney General and the banking supervision bureau go even further.
It is the Attorney General of Western Australia and The Banking Supervision Bureau who suddenly bring up my completely unrelated case of a fine for October 2023 in the final proceedings of this trial and make me pay a huge double fine. However, the Australian government is acting worse than a gangster by never admitting its own mistakes when it comes to claims for which I have clear evidence.
In fact, nearly 20% of the population living there are people of color, and the 'WHITE AUSTRALIA' structure of high-ranking political officials seems to provide a fundamental answer as to why the "continuous violence by public authorities against international law that I am experiencing" occurs.
Thirdly, there is a structure of ‘extreme egoism (thinking only of oneself while ignoring international law)’ that exists even among high-ranking officials at the top of Australian politics.
Surprisingly, the 'extreme egoism (infused with racism)' that is sometimes seen on the streets of Australia is also seen in the highest echelons of Australian power.
A group of friends of mine were waiting to cross the road in Sydney when a truck suddenly stopped in front of them, rolled down the window, and told us to 'go back to your f*cking country'. They were shocked to hear an insult from someone we didn't know at all.
However, in response to an e-mail complaining about my injustice, I received an absurd response from a federal member: 'Tell your country.' When I told the Australian government that all my assets were being stolen, a federal member of the National Assembly said this.
This is exposed again and again in the execution of public power based on 'extreme egoism steeped in racism', such as 'street swearing', which assumes that all of this is 'WHITE AUSTRALIA' as if it were natural.
As I briefly mentioned my case earlier, the Western Australian Attorney General's attitude as of December 30, 2024 was that if I had done anything wrong, they would bring up a completely different case from several years ago and impose fines three times more and confiscate other things if I did not pay this money, and it was actually carried out that way.
On the other hand, even when the Attorney General of Western Australia broke his promise in a government document on January 6, 2025, he did not say a single word of 'sorry' and again, 'if you receive other money, I will confiscate everything else'. This is the attitude of the Attorney General. As a result, I am informing you of the truth through e-mail because of the brutality of the government's public power that is worse than that of Australian gangsters, which has finally exceeded the limit of what I can tolerate.
The banking supervision bureau not only does not properly inform the media about several systems that have been implemented since 2024, but is also obsessed with stealing money, forgetting its original position of providing public services to the general public, who are bound to be unaware of the changed system.
In particular, in response to a question asking about the cost of the civil trial settlement procedure in which I won, I answered in November 2024 and received the money (after spending time on unexpected compensation for the defendant's exchange rate difference and resolving double punishment by the Attorney General), then again denying the previous answer and brazenly committing an Australian national financial crime 'that cannot be found in any OECD country in the world' called double billing of a large amount of money.
Shouldn't the 'extreme egoism' and 'this attitude of the Australian government, which only focuses on blaming others and not reflecting on itself by even 0.001%', be changed to 'coexistence public power based on minimum human strength' through my complaint?
What do you think?
I have a lot of my money paid to the Australian government to settle the civil trial in which I won, I have money in a bank invested by the Australian government, which demanded bribes from me several times in February 2024, and I have money in other financial institutions as well.
The Australian Attorney General is well aware of this fact, and he uses that money to prevent them from paying the huge double billing costs. And they are busy robbing me of all my property.
To this extent, the psychology of the Australian government and its top civil servants is the subject of criminal psychology research.
I talked about three things (that can never be found in other developed countries) of the ‘state criminal psychology of the Australian government’ that is causing and even protecting large-scale bribery corruption among high-ranking Australian government officials, and now here is my actual nightmare case from the Australian government over the past year or more.
I believed that the key was the Australian government, which was a general government, but it turned out that it had the character of a gangster government that ignored all principles and international law and only enforced the law to its own advantage, and surprisingly, the main players were the banking supervision bureau and the Attorney General.
A year in the nightmare caused by bribery and corruption among high-ranking public officials in Australia: Will a miracle based on a minimum of conscience appear?
The fundamental structure of the maze of bribery and corruption among high-ranking public officials in Australia is · ·
I thought the fact that Australia's first history was as a place of exile for British convicts was an old record found only in history books.
The year is now 2025, past 2024, and Australia's per capita GDP is $68,000, ranking 11th in the world. Excluding small countries such as Luxembourg, Australia is actually the second most prosperous country among large countries after the United States.
In such a rich country, from the beginning of 2024, I was continuously harassed and coerced by the head of a bank invested by the Australian government during the withdrawal process. Eventually, the head of the Australian-funded bank continued to demand bribes. I was surprised and asked, 'Does the blood of prisoners still flow in the blood of Australian people?'
At that time, I changed my mind and thought, ‘How can that be? It’s such a prosperous country.’
But that wasn't it.
From November 2024, the atrocities of public power (against international law) orchestrated by the Australian Attorney General and the banking supervision bureau (which does not deal with individuals at all, but only with government agencies and financial institutions) have been inflicted not once, but three times in a row on me, the plaintiff who first reported the bribery and corruption corruption of high-ranking Australian government officials and won the related civil suit, and the nightmare-like reality has continued for more than a year.
Corruption among high-ranking public officials in Australia is still ongoing and will continue to be so in the future. This is because The Auz's fundamental maze of bribery and corruption among high-ranking public officials is 'drunken driving-like public power brutality.'
The key is not alcoholism, but the Australian government's excessive 'mongering'.
And, more fundamentally, there is only the suspicion that the psychology of high-ranking Australian government officials is that, just as their ancestors robbed the Australian natives in the past, 'Asians are viewed as objects to be robbed by wealth (rather than as partners for coexistence).'
For me, who has spent the past year living in a nightmare caused by large-scale bribery and corruption among high-ranking Australian government officials and ended up becoming a beggar, can a miracle based on a minimum of conscience appear? I just pray.
Let's now look at 'The fundamental structure of the maze of bribery and corruption among high-ranking public officials in Australia.' through my actual case.
The Auz government is committing 'a serious crime of large-scale bribery and corruption and protecting the criminal assets of high-ranking public officials.'
As a result, the Australian government is committing 'a serious crime of large-scale bribery and corruption and protecting the assets of high-ranking public officials.'
In February 2024, I was the first to report the bribery corruption case of the president of a bank invested by the Australian government and won the related civil trial in June 2024.
Since I am a foreigner, I had the Australian government deposit 1/10th of the winning amount, and when it was completed in early November 2024, I asked The Banking Supervision Bureau, etc. for the costs related to the procedure for concluding the trial in my favor. So, I received a clear answer from them and paid as follows.
① The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$23,600 for handling the case (Payable on November 22, 2024)
② The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$25,860 for closing the case (Payable on November 22, 2024)
③ US$6,000 for defreezing fees and remittance fees of the Banking Supervision Bureau (Payable on November 22, 2024)
However, as the Australian government took measures to require me, the plaintiff, to pay for the exchange rate difference between the bank president, a high-ranking government official in the country who was a suspect in a bribery and corruption case, I tried to raise the money for a month and paid it as follows.
④ The trial plaintiff paid the trial defendant the exchange rate difference of 258,633 USD. (Paid at 24th Dec 2024)
⑤ The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$12,800 for an execution fee (Payable on December 24, 2024)
However, this time, the Australian government illegally linked Double Jeopardy, which is against international law, to this completely different trial and again demanded money from me, the plaintiff in the winning trial, so I went to the Attorney General of Western Australia (through my agent) and asked if this was the final cost.
Then, Western Australia's Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, added two additional fees as a red flag and promised in a government document on January 6, 2025 that 'This is absolutely final fees'.
So, I risked my life to get money and paid it as follows. At this time, the Attorney General of Western Australia committed an 'act against humanity' by demanding one more cost in addition to these three costs, but I paid the fee as follows.
⑥ the freezing procedure fee of US$ 189,823 of the Banking Supervision Bureau (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑦ the General Administration of Finance remitted US$ 38,960 to Stamp charge (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑧ the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 12,800 US dollars for an execution fee, again (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑨ the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 5,780 US dollars for a certificate fee (paid on 17 January 2025)
However, just a few days after receiving the money, Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureaus did not keep their promise in the previous document, double billed me for the remittance fee I had already paid in November 24 by exaggerating a large amount, and suddenly threatened like a gangster that if I did not pay by the deadline, a large late fee would be incurred and all my rights would be revoked as of February 20, 2024.
Even though the trial plaintiff was the winner, he was the weak one in front of the power brutality of the Australian Ministry of Justice, so he had no choice but to pay the money as follows on February 20, 2024.
⑩ pay the late payment fee of 108,570 dollars ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
⑪ pay an extension fee of 53,800 US dollars ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
⑫ US$ 62,630 has been included in the reduction of handling fee ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
The problem is that, as a beggar with no money at all, I begged the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley yesterday that I would only receive compensation equivalent to the 62,630 USD remittance fee I paid last week and give up the rest, but he only repeated that he would deprive me of all my rights (without even 0.1% of reflection on the brutality and mistakes of his public power).
If that happens, the result will be a double crime in which the Australian government protects the astronomical criminal assets of the bank president's bribery corruption case funded by the Australian government in February 2024.
Moreover, I am a contributor to the transfer of 18m USD, a portion of these criminal funds, to the Australian treasury. The Australian government makes that money, eats up all the huge fees I have paid, and furthermore, becomes a state criminal like the following.
As a result, the Australian government is committing 'a serious crime of large-scale bribery and corruption and protecting the assets of high-ranking public officials.'
Last Wednesday, my local agent visited and consulted with the General Administration of Financial Anti-Corruption Bureau before making the bet. After receiving the reply that compensation could be forced if I did not pay it, I reported the details again last Thursday.
Yesterday afternoon, a summons was issued by the General Administration of Financial Anti-Corruption Bureau to the charges of the Attorney General and the Banking Supervision Bureau in this regard. The Anti-Corruption Bureau told me that the charges of the Ministry of Justice and the Banking Supervision Bureau were implemented in accordance with the Financial Management Regulations Law, and there was no additional charge. At the same time, it also told that if all the fees were paid and no compensation was received within the prescribed time, the Anti-Corruption Bureau would take financial anti-corruption measures.
However, the problem is that I, a good-intentioned trial winner and trial plaintiff, was trampled by the boots of Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, and The Banking Supervision Bureau in succession, and went bankrupt.
It talks about the atrocities of the Australian government, which is a national criminal.
The Goliath Australian government will lose a lot due to the 'victory of bribery and corruption among its own high-ranking officials'
The Goliath Auz government has a lot to lose from the victory of corruption and bribery. Justice to David Zheng! (David and Goliath 2025 Real Story)
The Australian government was unfairly subjected to public violence three times in a row, and the 'true story of trial plaintiff Zheng, who was the first to report large-scale corruption among high-ranking Australian government officials, contributing 18 million USD to the Australian government's treasury and winning a civil trial in June 2024, became a beggar' is no longer a story that is only talked about quietly in some parts of Western Australia.
As time passes, it will become known throughout Australia and Asia, and will inevitably become known in the United States and Europe as well. 'The story of corruption and bribery in the Australian government is not simple, and the problem is that the structure is still ongoing and consequently protected by the Australian government,' so it seems likely that it will develop into a fairly large issue.
The Goliath Australian government will lose a lot as a result of 'corruption and bribery committed by its own high-ranking public officials turning the first reporter in good faith into a beggar and protecting the criminal assets of bribed public officials.'
This shameful mistreatment of the Australian government can be prevented very easily at this point.
'The problem is that last November, when I asked the banking supervision bureau about the costs associated with concluding my trial, it clearly be stated US$6,000 for defreezing fees and remittance fees of the Banking Supervision Bureau. There is evidence of this conversation. (Posted on November 22, 2024)'
I Ask the Australian authorities to investigate this with the same intensity they are investigating now.
The problem is that the Goliath Australian government neither acknowledges nor investigates its own mistakes and wrongdoings, and through the hypocrisy and coercion of its large physique, it insists on unreasonable logic in order to rob the weaponless trial plaintiff of his winning survival assets and clings only to the execution of internationally shameful atrocities by public power, such as double punishment and double billing.
I even went so far as to say that I would only receive compensation within the amount of the $60,000 remittance fee paid last week and would give up the remaining compensation, so I asked the Attorney General of Western Australia to request an end to the trial. (The Attorney General of Western Australia rejected my pathetic proposal. There is evidence such as remittance fees several times in the conversation, but what the Australian government's Ministry of Justice and the banking supervision bureau have in common is that they do not admit their mistakes at all.)
I'm just sick of the lies from the disgusting Australian attorney general.
To sum up the whole situation now, ‘justice belongs to David Zheng.’
(David and Goliath) The duplicity of Auz govern resulting in large-scale bribery and corruption of high-ranking Auz government official.
(David and Goliath) The duplicity of the Auz govern, which ultimately helps high-ranking Auz govern official who is criminal in large-scale bribery cases.
The Australian government, which does not hesitate to impose double punishment on others, does not admit its own wrongdoing (for which there is clear evidence).
This duplicity of the Australian government ultimately helps high-ranking Australian government officials who are criminals in large-scale bribery cases.
The story of David and Goliath in the Bible features Goliath, who has a huge physique and is heavily armed with thick armor.
Australia, a country and a continent, is similar to Goliath in that it is huge.
And there are two more things in common.
One is that he wears thick armor in that he refuses to admit any wrongdoing (for which there is clear evidence).
In other words, Perth in Western Australia is the only large city, and as such, it is 'the only entity that persistently criticizes others' without any institutions to check abuse of public power.
Second, as soon as I received a notice asking me to pay again on January 23, 2025 (just a few days after the Attorney General of Western Australia received the money as collateral for his life on January 17, believing in the promise of 'This is absolutely final fees' in a government document dated January 6, 2025), I rely solely on email to harshly point out the unfairness of it. 'I am dealing with Goliath like David in the Bible,' he said.
In Australia, a huge country, the capital and large cities such as Sydney and Melbourne are all located towards the east.
But on the other side, in Western Australia, why were so many high-ranking Australian government officials able to commit so many bribery cases?
And even though I, the victim of the high-ranking public official in the bribery case and the first reporter, am the plaintiff in the civil trial, won the trial in June 2024, I become a beggar due to the Australian government's violation of its written promise/double punishment/double billing during the trial's conclusion. Conversely, will a high-ranking Australian government official who is a criminal in a large-scale bribery case take the money back and the Australian government ultimately helps?
The key point is that 'the Australian government, which does not hesitate to punish others without even a single speck of double punishment, does not admit its own wrongdoing (for which there is clear evidence) at all.'
To put it another way, 'the Australian government, which does not hesitate to double punishment for others, does not admit its own wrongdoing (for which there is clear evidence) and is only focused on making money (even if it means helping a high-ranking Australian government official who is a criminal in a large-scale bribery case') and is giving up even the minimum of international common sense and humanity.'
The core entity is the banking supervision bureau and its helper, the Australian Attorney General, who arbitrarily control the finances without principle.
Among the Goliath territory of the huge country of Australia, let's take a look at what kind of 'criminal violence by the Australian government, which is extremely contrary to international common sense, continues three times in a row' in Western Australia.
And let's take a look at whether 'I, the informant of the bribery case of the highest-ranking public official in Australia, which brought 18 million won in treasury income to the Australian government', has been fighting like David, relying only on email for the past month.
Now, the Attorney General of Western Australia and the Banking Supervision Bureau are requesting that the government stop assaulting public authorities by allowing high-ranking Australian public officials in large-scale bribery cases, who are ultimately criminals, to take back the money for 'Procedural reasons (self-made, ignoring international standard procedures)' and exercise 'a minimum of conscience based on international common sense' to save 'the dying David, unlike the Bible.'
The Auz government is robbing ‘public interest informant who provided 18m USD to the Auz government by reporting corruption of high-ranking Auz government officials’. (The unconscionability and duplicity of the Australian government is beyond imagination.)