A military operations area (MOA ; 군사작전지역) is an airspace established outside Class A airspace to separate or segregate certain nonhazardous military activities from IFR Traffic and to identify for VFR traffic where these activities are conducted.
Similar structures exist under international flight standards. These are designed for routine training or testing maneuvers. Areas near actual combat or other military emergencies are generally designated as restricted airspace.
See Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR; 임시비행제한)
A MOA is a type of special use airspace (SUA), other than restricted airspace or prohibited airspace(PA), where military operations are of a nature that justify limitations on aircraft not participating in those operations.
The designation of SUA's identifies for other users the areas where military activity occurs, provides for segregation of that activity from other fliers, and allows charting to keep airspace users informed. Local flight service facilities maintain current schedules and contacts for the agency controlling each MOA.