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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 12. 11. 월 insurgent 폭도 반정부자 mob run amok 폭도 날뛰다
상당구 추천 0 조회 26 09.08.10 11:05 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special

12. 11. 월 insurgent 폭도 반정부자 mob run amok 폭도 날뛰다

12. 11. 월 insurgent 폭도 반정부자 mob run amok 폭도 날뛰다

12. 11. 월 insurgent 폭도 반정부자 mob run amok 폭도 날뛰다

1 Six party talks over North Korea's nuclear program likely to reconvene next week.

북 핵 관련 6자 회담이 다음 주 중 재개 될 것으로 보입니다.

convene 하면, 함께 오다..다시 소집하다.. 재개하다.. = resume

2 Korea's hopes to win the marathon for the fifth consecutive time dashed.

우리나라 남자마라톤이 아시안게임 5회 연속 우승에 실패했습니다.

dash 내던지다 부수다 / 급히 떠나다 / 낙담시키다 매수하다 / 돌진하다 충돌하다

=If you dash something against a wall or other surface,

* you throw or push it violently, often so hard that it breaks.

* Or if you say that you have to dash, you mean that you are in a hurry and have to leave immediately. = rush

* But, if an event or person dashes someone's hopes or expectations, it destroys them by making it impossible that the thing that is hoped for or expected will ever happen.

3 Government official says two North Korean soldiers rescued by South Korean navy while drifting.

정부는 우리나라 해군이 북한군인 2명을 구조했다고 밝혔습니다.

drift 떠내려가는; (눈 등이)바람에 쌓인...

4 New DNA evidence proves the driver of Princess Diana's car was drunk on the night of her fatal crash.

DNA조사 결과 다이애나 전 영국 왕세자비를 죽음으로 몰아넣었던 치명적 교통사고는 운전기사의 음주운전 때문인 것으로 판명됐습니다.

= fatal 은 「죽음의 원인이 되는」의 뜻으로서, 아주 치명적인, 운명을 결정짓는...

* It's like disastrous, devastating.

* a fatal disease 불치 병, 죽을 병

* The fatal hour was near 운명의 시간이 가까워졌다.

* the fatal day 운명의 날

* a fatal series of event 피할 수 없는 일련의 사건

5 A nephew of Saddam Hussein serving a life sentence for financing insurgents and possessing bombs escapes from prison.

수니파 저항세력에 자금과 무기, 폭발물 등을 지원한 혐의로 종신형을 선고 받고 복역 중이던 사담 후세인 전 이라크 대통령의 조카가 탈옥한 것으로 알려졌습니다.

in-surgent 반란을일으킨, 폭도, 반정부자

US-India nuke deal gets nod

It is now in black and white. Both the House of Representatives and Senate of the United States Congress have approved the enabling legislation, which will allow nuclear commerce with India, a non-NPT signatory country, waiving certain provisions of American law.

US President George W Bush will turn this into law when he signs on the dotted line at a ceremony in the White House next week.

The approval by both chambers marked the end of the nine-month long legislative process in the US Congress, when Representative Henry Hyde and Senator Richard Lugar introduced the administration’s draft legislation on March 15.

get the nod 승낙(승인) 동의 찬성을 얻다

in black and white 명문화하다, 명백히하다

= no gray areas, 문서로 분명히 해두는 것,

= put that down in black and white, put that in writing

= 여기서는 “틀림없다” “확실히” 정도로 해석.

commerce 상업,통상,교역

signatory 서명자,조인자,가맹국

provision 조항, 공급, 준비, 식량

draft 초안

Australian beach quiet on anniversary of race riot

The Sydney beachside suburb that became the scene of modern Australia's worst race riot was quiet today, the first anniversary of the disturbance that rocked the country's tolerant reputation.

Police stepped up patrols at Cronulla, in Sydney's south, but reported no repeat of the scenes last year, when white mobs attacked Lebanese-Australians in order to "reclaim the beach".

"The deputy commissioner said the only people running amok at Cronulla were the little nippers running into the water, and that's exactly as it should be," New South Wales Police Minister John Watkins told reporters.

tolerant 관대한, 내성이 있는

mob 폭도 군중 마피아(the mob)

reclaim 반환을 요구하다, 회수하다, 되찾다 / 교정,개선,간척하다...

run amok 미친 듯 날뛰다

nipper 부랑아 소매치기 꼬맹이
