Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 358. A life for the salvation of humanity
19 What is religion’s final objective? Of course we know that religious believers seek personal salvation, but we go one step further and seek the salvation of the family. In order to liberate human beings living under evil sovereignty amid sin and injustice, we must first recover the family. We must find the family that, in the true sense, can represent everyone in history, in the present age and in the future. That family has to set up the standard that all families can follow. It will be the foundation upon which all humankind can rejoice together. Without this family there can be no world peace. Even families that look good on the outside can be in shambles internally. (023-011, 1969.05.11) 20 No matter how hard typhoons may blow, no matter how many mountains of trials and tribulations loom before you, if you ride on a steed of love, no one can stop you. No one will be able to block you on your path. No force can obstruct parents’ love for their children. No means or methods can stop them. Nothing can stop a wife from loving her husband or a husband from loving his wife. That is what makes love supreme. No power can stop a patriot’s march of love for his country. His love cannot be bought or sold. The path of a holy son or daughter who clears the way for the heavenly law to save humanity, out of love, cannot be blocked. (175-205, 1988.04.17) 21 God established the Unification Church in order to halt the decay of this world. Therefore the Unification Church needs to be equipped with all the necessary tools. In this secular world people are in despair, wandering about without a purpose, facing a dreadful and dismal environment. We need to confront this reality by going the opposite way from the downward path along which humankind is hurtling. Otherwise God’s entire providence of salvation may be impeded. (266-304, 1995.01.01) 22 I am working to give life to the world, to heaven and earth. While I take responsibility for heaven and earth, all of you should save your own families and clans. I urge you to save your brothers and sisters and your own mother and father. In addition, you are responsible to subjugate the archangel. Then five generations, from your grandparents to your grandchildren, must unite and follow the True Parents, taking responsibility to recover the heavenly kingdom. Together, you all are to bring the nation and everything back to God. (407-352, 2003.05.20) 23 God’s resolute work of salvation throughout history has been to build one world of heart throughout the vast universe. You need to consider to what extent you can be useful in the process and work of salvation. For the purpose of salvation, God needs to employ all creation as His material, including all humanity and even the billions of believers in the spirit world. Yet the question is you. When you act, how will the creation respond to you? How many people out of all humanity will respond to you? How many people among the billions of believers in the spirit world will respond? When you cry out here on earth, how far into the universe do the vibrations of your heart resonate? Your value will be determined by the measure of its response. Jesus’ death resounded in heaven and throughout the entire universe. That response proved that Jesus is the Savior. He is the Savior because of his heart. (9-184, 1960.05.08) 24 It should not be your focus every day to satisfy your personal desires. Rather, you need to lead a life of faith, serving others and sacrificing yourself for a higher purpose. Thereby you should come close to the standard of Jesus’ heart. He toiled so hard, concerned only for God’s Will and for humankind. From there you have to progress to become God’s true child and comfort Him, who has been working unceasingly up to the present with a broken heart. You should feel indignant when you witness unrighteousness. With the heart of God, who wants to give more and more, you need to be willing to go to the ends of the earth to pursue His kingdom, establish it and secure His righteousness. You should also be able to comfort the heart of God, who has been toiling to save humanity in the midst of such sorrow. (3-131, 1957.10.13) 25 God has been striving endlessly to save humankind through His providence. Even though we human beings are fallen, He does not abandon us. Although we fell prey to sin and evil, who is it that rescues us, lives for us and endeavors to guide us to the land of blessing? It is not our own parents, it is not our spouse or our children, even though they love us. It is not our nation, nor is it any of the saints and sages. It is none other than God. (5-214, 1959.02.01) 26 We absolutely have to recover the original garden that has nothing to do with the Fall. Because we are fallen human beings, we need to find the original state that existed before the Fall. We lost God; therefore we must find Him. We lost the original True Parents of humankind; therefore we must find the new True Parents. We must find and occupy the garden of peace where we can live as sons and daughters with God, centered on the ideal of True Parents. Since we have to accomplish these tasks, the term “providence of salvation” presents a fresh challenge to us. (3-047, 1957.09.22) 27 God is carrying out His providence to save humankind. He cannot save the world while standing back as an idle spectator, simply observing all the pain on earth. Therefore He engages the fallen world as if all the pain that humanity experiences is His own. He deals with humanity directly in the realm of their pain, taking responsibility for it. Without God’s direct involvement, humanity cannot receive salvation. Therefore He has been fighting alongside people on the path of their sad and tragic history. (14-047, 1964.05.03) 28 We lost God, our Parent. Although we were born from our natural parents, we were born unable to receive all of the Parent’s love, which is truly genuine, profound, elevated and precious. We have not been able to live with Him as our Parent. Likewise God, in the position of the Parent, lost His children. Therefore His expectations for us were never fulfilled. He has been dealing with this situation ever since, working in the background of human affairs throughout the long span of history to help us, His children, fulfill our purpose. This is God’s providence of salvation. (22-075, 1969.01.26) 29 We need to be saved. We need to heal the wounds accumulated through our historical struggles. Only then can we find everlasting life and be embraced in the bosom of God’s love. Even though our families, the society, the nation and the world are opposing us, we have to overcome and move forward as heavenly soldiers. We have to assume Jesus’ position, holding on only to God’s Will, and advance to save all people, both from the past and in the present, who dwell in the realm of death. (4-082, 1958.03.09)
30 In this world, nothing can be accomplished without unwavering determination. We go to battle to fight for righteousness. Satan’s natural disposition is to want to be exalted, but we, on the contrary, must humble ourselves in order to fight him, both with our bodies and our love. We should be focused on a single target. If we shoot out like a cannonball but our eyes, ears and hands are looking and flailing about in different directions, we are bound to miss our target. If we want to win the battle, we cannot hold back. God is prepared to make any sacrifice, under any circumstances, to save humankind. This is Heaven’s strategy. You need to vindicate God by protecting the sacrificial altars stained with the blood of your ancestors. (017-223, 1967.01.01) |