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London Symphony Orchestra -
Christmas Classics (Full Album)
[런던 심포니 오케스트라
- 크리스마스 클래식 (전체 앨범)]
[00:00] Jingle Bells (One Horse Open Sleigh)
[01:01] We Wish You a Merry Christmas
[02:12] Deck The Halls (Welsh Melody)
[03:41] Adeste Fideles (O come, All Ye Faithful)
[05:59] Silent Night
[08:42] Joy to the World
[10:15] It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
[11:45] Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem
[13:33] The First Noel
[15:16] O Christmas Tree (O Tannenbaum)
[16:43] Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
[19:20] Away in a Manger
[20:46] What Child Is This
[22:38] God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen
[24:33] Angels, We Have Heard On High
[27:00] Every Year Again (Alle Jahre Wieder)
[30:15] Good King Wenceslas
[31:06] We Three Kings
[32:15] Up on the House Top
[33:28] Oh Come Little Children
(Ihr Kinderlein, Kommet)
[35:50] Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
[36:31] Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
(Es ist ein Ros entsprungen)
[40:36] While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night
[42:23] From Heaven Above to Earth I Come
(Vom Himmel Hoch)
[45:17] Maria Walks Amid the Thorns
(Maria Durch Ein' Dornwald Geht)
[47:59] Ich Steh an Deiner Krippen Hier
***************Jingle Bells
(징글벨:딸랑거리는 방울 소리들) 영어(英語) 가사 해석
루돌프 사슴코
(Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer:
빨간 코의 순록 루돌프) 영어 가사 해석/
한글가사/Music Video(음악 동영상)
Joy to the world
(기쁘다 구주 오셨네←세상에 기쁨이)
=Joy to the world, the Lord has come!
세상에 기쁨이, 주님 오셨네! ...