Original Post → http://cafe.daum.net/L.E.D.A/TSgX/163
카페 양도 공지
Cafe Transfer Announcement
안녕하세요 스타킴엔터 담당자입니다.
Hello, this is the director of STARKIM.
공식 팬카페 운영에 있어서 아래와 같이 카페를 양도함을 알려드립니다.
About Official Fan Cafe's management, we inform you with the following note about Cafe's transfer.
양도 전, 최소 15일간 해당 공지를 통해 회원 여러분께 양도관련 내용을 안내해드린 후,
Before the transfer, after showing the content about the transfer to the membership through the announcement at least 15 days,
아래 날짜에 양도처리 될 예정입니다.
we plan to handle the transfer at the following date.
1. 양도자 : '유월' (현 오프라인 임원)
1. Assignee : '유월' (currently off-line executive)
2. 양도사유 : 회사 공식적 운영이 아닌 팬클럽 자체 운영 결정
2. Transfer Reason : Decide not to formally manage by the company, but manage by fan club themselves.
3. 양도날짜 : 2013년 3월 26일
3. Transfer Date : 2013-03-26
현재 게시지기님들은 계속해서 자리를 지켜주시겠다고 하시어 변경사항이 없으며,
As for the board moderators, they will retain their position, there will be no changes,
팬카페 양도가 되더라도 멤버들의 참여 및 모니터링은 계속됩니다.
even if the Fan Cafe is transferred, members will continue their participation and monitoring.
지금까지 함께해주심에 감사드리며 앞으로도 많은 활동 부탁드립니다.
Thank you for cooperating together until now, please keep being active in the future.
Members in Fan Cafe can express opinions by voting.
카페 양도를 찬성합니다. → I agree Cafe Transfer.
If the amount of members who vote the disagreement more than 10%,
then the Cafe Transfer will be canceled.
첫댓글 Crazy. Isnt it be like forum alrdy -,-
well, not sure if things will change if the objection is more then agreements. But at least we can express our opinions,
at least we can vote.... (sigh) *_*
"2. Transfer Reason : Decide not to formally manage by the company, but manage by fan club themselves."
It means they are lazy to carry Fan Cafe now ? '^'
What things will change if they transfer Cafe ? e.?
I see that manage by fan club themselves is a trend in the entertainment field here and that the company would like to focus on their core business. According to their announcement, there will be no change compared to the current system ; I'm not sure what's happening in future.
umm, I'm curious about what will change, too. Although they said there will be no changes...
Just noticed the mail says If the amount of members who vote the disagreement is more than 10%,
then the Cafe Transfer will be canceled. ummm...
why i can't vote for it?
maybe you've voted before?
try again, select the option and then click 투표하기~
Thanks for translating the announcement! Before that. I was like a lost lamb when I saw it =( I'm not sure how I feel about this *sits on the fence*
well, I was worried when I saw the notice. =(
I don't know why, and I don't know what will change, but I just worried. kind of weird....
Has the cafe been transferred now? =/ Seems silent now...
The cafe is transferred now... The reason why it's silent maybe because it's not Led apple's active period... =(
oic, thank you for replying ^^ Well, they're active on facebook at least =D