Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 360. Ending the long struggle between Cain and Abel
8 God wanted to use Cain and Abel to clean up the mess created by the Fall of Adam and Eve. Instead God had to bear witness to yet another failure. He had to suffer the horrible event of Cain killing Abel. Although blood was not shed during the Fall, it led to blood being spilled subsequently in human history. Human beings should have learned from this history of bloodshed and reconciled with each other. However, they were unable to do so. Moreover, they did not unite with Heaven. Therefore, for example, God was forced to strike humanity and wash everything clean with the Flood during Noah’s time. (64-210, 1972.11.12) 9 Cain and Abel clashed in Adam’s family. Due to their division, ages of conflict ensued. Cain and Abel’s enmity exacerbated the conflict between mind and body, between spouses, between father and son, between mother and daughter and between siblings. These conflicts are all connected and have expanded to tribes, peoples and nations. They in turn have caused countless divisions and a history of war. (512-258, 2005.12.26) 10 Although Cain had the right of the firstborn son, God put his younger brother Abel in that position. Since then, the tragedy of Abel’s spilled blood has expanded to the entire history of humanity, which has been a history of war. People in the position of the elder brother, people of influence, have been blocking people in the position of the younger brother who sought to follow their parents’ way and become true people. This historical Cain and Abel relationship and the problem of their lineage still need to be resolved. The mother and the sons and daughters also lost their right of ownership, as well as their hometown and their nation. These must be regained as well, and because these incidents occurred first in the family, they must be rectified first in the family. (514-203, 2006.01.10) 11 A fight among siblings cannot be settled amicably without the parents' involvement. Parents must stand up to this task. Heavenly fortune cannot manifest until the first son is liberated and the two sons are reconciled. Likewise, your mind and body must become one in order for you to be blessed. This is the Cain and Abel principle. In the relationship between men and women, the husband is plus and the wife is minus. These two represent Cain and Abel; they need to become one and should not fight. Originally the principle was that they become one. However, since they became separated they must unite again. (194-331, 1989.10.30) 12 In the same way that Cain and Abel became kingdom in Adam’s family, Catholics and Protestants have become kingdom on a global scale. To unite completely, they need to enter the realm of unfallen Adam. Jesus lost his body; therefore, he was able to become only the spiritual parent, not the substantial parent. Therefore we need the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. The new Lord must come, perfect the realm of True Parents, and then conduct the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. (303-259, 1999.09.09) 13 You know the story of Cain and Abel in Adam’s family. If Cain had fulfilled his providential role, Abel could have started on his path. Knowing this, if you look at Jesus’ life in the context of history, the age before Jesus belongs to Cain’s world, and the age after him belongs to Abel’s world. Jesus, God’s second son, became the owner of Abel’s worldwide realm. He was, in fact, the first leader to begin to construct Abel’s world. Before him, Cain’s world had prevailed. It was a world centered on the self. That world must be cleaned up and brought to surrender, and then for the first time the two brothers should be able to stand as children united to welcome the True Parents. (15-115, 1965.10.03) 14 The True Parents need to come to this world and resolve Cain and Abel’s resentment, caused by Adam and Eve. In this process the brothers need to embrace one another, be there for each other and open their hearts to the point where they would lay down their lives for one another. Then True Parents, with the heart to save all people, can bind all humanity together. That way a new foundation for a heavenly life on earth can be built. (16-189, 1966.03.22) 15 Through the Fall of Adam and Eve, humanity lost True Parents and God. Also, because Cain killed Abel, the love between brothers was lost. Therefore Men humanity was not able to face God and now needs to find God, the parents and Abel. People need to find the type of Abel whom Cain would not beat to death, the type of Abel who would win his fight with Satan. If you find such an Abel, you can become sons and daughters with the authority to judge between good and evil on God’s behalf. (16-198, 1966.03.22) 16 When God created human beings, He created Adam first. Therefore when God raises up the True Parents, He raises up Adam first. God has worked throughout history to find one Adam as a seed. He has been raising this seed to reach perfection. God has carried out His providence throughout history, through Cain and Abel in Adam’s family, through Noah’s sons, through Abraham and through Jacob and Esau. God’s providence has developed from the individual level to the family, tribe and national level, and finally culminates at the time of the Second Advent. (52-124, 1971.12.26) 17 True Parents can be raised up only on the foundation of Cain and Abel’s unity. When this principle is successfully applied on the individual level, Cain submits to Abel. Hence Abel becomes positioned as the elder brother and Cain, standing in the position of the younger brother, attends and obeys Abel even more than Abel would have attended and obeyed the original, unfallen elder brother Cain. Only then is redemption possible. (131-182, 1984.05.01) |