Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 369. The Purpose of Home Church
1 Until now each individual has sought his or her own salvation through religion. This means that the main focus of religion has been the salvation of individuals. However, we are not seeking individual salvation by itself. Each of us is striving to save our entire tribe all at once. Thanks to you, your whole tribe can receive salvation. Nothing like this has ever occurred in the history of religions or in the history of humankind. What we are beginning to do is unprecedented. The age has arrived when we and our whole tribe can thrive together and when all can receive the foundation of salvation.( 102-217,19781231)
2 After Jesus died and ascended into heaven, he gave Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven. However, I am giving you the keys to the kingdom of heaven while I am still alive. I am not giving them to you so you can be saved as an individual. I am giving them to you so you can save your entire tribe. You are to become the messiah of your Home Church. I am not speaking empty words. Whatever you sow on earth you will reap in the spirit world. Who among you will unearth the greatest number of diamonds from the diamond mine of the universe? It depends on how much effort you make. We Unification Church members are mining the diamond mine of the universe. We are doing it through Home Church.( 102-218,19781231)
The basic condition is to restore 360 families 3 If you want to receive the Blessing, you have to restore all things and then restore children. Then, in that world that you restored, you have to restore your spouse. This is because everything was lost due to the Fall. We lost siblings and parents. To recover the parents, you need to build a foundation at some point in time to stand in the position of a parent. As you recover the parents, you must also recover the angelic world and Satan's world, and you must seek out and find God. Here at your 360 homes is where all this is decided. They constitute your family-level heavenly kingdom. If every one of those 360 homes is able to attend you as a messiah, and you establish the foundation that those families attend you as true parents, and then you offer them in front of God, it signifies you will have inherited the position that is victorious over all Satan's bases and his opposition throughout the whole world.( 099-262,19780925)
4 Wherever you go in the world, you need to pursue activities in a Home Church area of 360 homes. The people there will become your own clan. If you do not liberate a clan, you will not have your own clan foundation. From now on, you can establish the domain of heavenly nations wherever you go in the world. Regardless of national boundaries, if wherever you go you just pursue Home Church activity, you will establish in that place the foundation for the kingdom of heaven on earth. Then that place will turn into a world that does not need the Second Advent. It will be transformed into a land where the Messiah isn't needed. That clan will be saved when attending you as its head and parent. The leader of that Home Church connects three generations. The first Adam in his day failed to connect the three generations of God, Adam and Adam's children. However, the age has come when you, in your generation, can connect your mother, your father and your sons and daughters to God through the tribal messiah, the substantial representative of God in the age of equalization.( 105-159,19791014)
5 The day I allotted 360 homes to each of you was a day of hope in history; it signifies the final destination of religion and the final goal of God's providence. It is the starting point for the complete destruction of the base that Satan has established in this world. If I had not been able to declare Home Church, the world would be destined to a dismal fate. Thus the fact that you can work for Home Church is a limitless blessing. In the course of history there have been numerous kings, fabulously rich people, scholars and celebrities. Yet their renown is of little significance. You must think, "Although I am lowly and unknown, what an amazing blessing I have received! This is all because True Father gave me a chance to pursue Home Church during my lifetime." Thus you ought to love your Home Church more than you love your education and your school. You ought to love it more than fame, more than the people you love, more than your own sons and daughters. This has to be an inescapable, fundamental rule if we are to erase the history of Cain’s world. If we cannot restore Cain, we cannot enter the heavenly kingdom.( 109-204,19801101)
6 You should take your 360 homes as the arena of indemnity representing the world. Why is it 360 homes? All the principled numbers are included in 360. The period of one year is included, the number twelve is included, and 120 is included three times over; they are all included in the number 360. The numbers three, four and twelve, which signify significant time periods in the course of history, are included as well. In addition, 360 degrees encompasses the three-dimensional world. Three hundred sixty is a number that combines the four seasons and the twelve months. Three hundred sixty families also represent the 120 countries of the world times three. It describes the three ages: the Old Testament Age, the New Testament Age and the Completed Testament Age. The number 360 contains all this. Therefore you need to make a life and death commitment to your 360 homes. I have worked hard throughout my life to establish a world-level foundation, but as for you, you must now unify your 360 homes.( 099-258,19780925)
7 If you fulfill your Home Church activities focusing on 360 homes, you can solve any problem. Three hundred sixty homes represent, from the perspective of nations, 120 formation-stage nations, 120 growth-stage nations and 120 completion-stage nations. Because of this, it is the number of families that can represent the entirety of Satan's world. Therefore, if you establish a foundation of 360 families who welcome you wholeheartedly, you can travel freely anywhere in the spirit world without being accused by Satan's world. You will be able to enter the kingdom of heaven in a flash, through any of its gates, north, south, east or west, and travel in an instant through the entire range of 360 degrees. When your entire tribe of 360 families centers on you as their mother and father, you will be able to bring them, either through the north gate, the south gate, the east gate or the west gate, into the kingdom in the spirit world.( 112-194,19810412)
8 The Unification Church should do Home Church activities to unify the Cain tribe. If we do not unify the Cain tribe and then establish the domain of the Abel tribe, there will be no tribal-level foundation for us to attend the Parents. There will be no tribal-level heavenly kingdom. Once we make this tribal-level foundation, we can connect it to the people-level foundation. After we establish the people-level foundation, we can move toward the national-level foundation.( 137-180,19860101) |