건병증 치료 참 어렵다.
특히 최적의 움직임 회복을 위한 performance training까지 가려면 정말 어렵고 힘든 과정이다.
아킬레스 건, 슬개건,극상근 건의 pathology와 원심성 트레이닝에 관한 논문이다.
참 재미있고, 꼭 필요한데.. 언제나 읽어볼까나!
After 12 weeks, 89% of the patients with pain from the mid-portion were satisfied and back in previous activities. In the group with insertional Achilles tendinopathy the results were poor.
- 12주 트레이닝 후 89%의 아킬레스 중간부위 통증 환자에서 안전한 결과를 얻음.
- 그런데 아킬레스 부착부 건병증에서는 좋지 않은 결과를 얻음.
A new model for eccentric training was designed for patients with insertional Achilles tendinopathy. The eccentric calf muscle training was done from tip-toe to floor level (study II). With this new regimen 67% of the patients were satisfied and back in previous activities.
- 아킬레스 건부착부 건병증환자에게 새로운 원심성 트레이닝 모델을 디자인함.
- 원심성 종아리근육 트레이닝을 tip-toe to floor level로 시행함.
- 이 새로운 방법으로 67%환자가 만족한 결과를 얻음.
panic bird...
Eccentric training in the treatment of tendinopathy.pdf
Chronic painful tendinopathies are common, not only in sports and recreationally active people, but also among people with a sedentary lifestyle. Both the lower and upper limbs are affected. There is lack of knowledge about the etiology and pathogenesis to tendinopathy, and many different treatments options have been presented. Unfortunately, most treatments have not been tested in scientific studies.
- 만성적인 통증성 건병증은 스포츠와 레저활동뿐 아니라 좌식생활을 하는 일반사람들에게서도 흔함.
- 상지, 하지 모두 흔히 존재함.
- 건병증의 원인과 병리에 대한 지식이 부족한 것이 현실이고, 많은 치료적 선택이 제기되고 있음. 불행하게도 대부분의 치료법은 과학적으로 검증되지 못한 것임.
Conservative (non-surgical) treatment has since long shown unsatisfactory results and surgical treatment is known to give unpredictable results.
- 보존치료는 만족스럽지 못하고, 수술적 치료는 예측할수 없은 결과를 낳는 것으로 알려지고 있음.
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate new models of painful eccentric training for the conservative treatment of different chronic tendinopathies. After promising results in a pilot study, using painful eccentric calf muscle training in patients with chronic mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy, we investigated if these results could be reproduced in a larger group of patients with both mid-portion and insertional Achilles tendinopathy (study I).
- 이 논문의 목적은 많은 건병증의 보존치료를 위해 통증성 원심성 트레이닝의 새로운 모델을 평가하기 위한 것임.
- 만성 중간부위 아킬레스 건병증 환자에서 통증성 원심성 종아리근육 트레이닝을 이용하여 통증이 재발되는지 알아봄.
After 12 weeks, 89% of the patients with pain from the mid-portion were satisfied and back in previous activities. In the group with insertional Achilles tendinopathy the results were poor.
- 12주 트레이닝 후 89%의 아킬레스 중간부위 통증 환자에서 안전한 결과를 얻음.
- 그런데 아킬레스 부착부 건병증에서는 좋지 않은 결과를 얻음.
A new model for eccentric training was designed for patients with insertional Achilles tendinopathy. The eccentric calf muscle training was done from tip-toe to floor level (study II). With this new regimen 67% of the patients were satisfied and back in previous activities.
- 아킬레스 건부착부 건병증환자에게 새로운 원심성 트레이닝 모델을 디자인함.
- 원심성 종아리근육 트레이닝을 tip-toe to floor level로 시행함.
- 이 새로운 방법으로 67%환자가 만족한 결과를 얻음.
The next step was to investigate the effects of painful eccentric quadriceps training on patients with jumper´s knee/patellar tendinopathy (study III).
- 다음 스텝은 슬개건 병증환자에게 통증성 원심성 대퇴사두근 트레이닝을 시행함.
Two different training protocols were used. Eccentric training performed on a 250 decline board showed promising results with reduced pain and a return to previous activities, while eccentric training without the decline board had poor results. In a following prospective study, patients with jumper´s knee/patellar tendinopathy were randomised to either concentric or eccentric painful quadriceps training on a 250 decline board (study IV). After 12 weeks of training, there were significantly better results in the group that did eccentric training.
In a pilot study (study V), we investigated painful eccentric deltoideus and supraspinatus muscle training on a small group of patients on the waiting list for surgical treatment of subacromial impingement syndrome. After 12 weeks of training, 5 out of 9 patients were satisfied with the results of treatment and withdrew from the waiting list for surgery.
In conclusion, the present studies showed good clinical results with low risks of side effects and low costs. Thus, we suggest that painful eccentric training should be tried in patients with Achilles and patellar tendinopathy before intratendinous injections and surgery are considered. For patients with chronic painful impingement syndrome, the results of our small pilot study are interesting, and stimulates to randomised studies on larger materials.
Treatment of patients with chronic painful tendinopathies constitutes a
clinical challenge. Tendinopathy not only affects athletes and recreationally
active people, but also people with sedentary lifestyles. Tendon disorders are
common, and both lower and upper limbs are affected. Traditionally, it has
been suggested that the condition is inflammatory. Hence, treatment with
rest and immobilisation has been recommended in conjunction with
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroid
injections (Andres, et al. 2008). However, research has shown that there is
an absence of a prostaglandin E2-mediated inflammation (PGE2) within the
tendon in chronic painful tendinopathies (Alfredson, et al. 1999;Alfredson, et
al. 2001;Alfredson, et al. 2003a). For a long time, conservative (nonsurgical)
treatment has been associated with relatively poor clinical results,
and surgical treatment has been associated with unpredictable results
(Maffulli, et al. 1999). In a long-term follow-up study, 53% of patients with
patellar tendinopathy had ended their sports career due to this painful
condition (Kettunen, et al. 2002). About 25–33% of athletes with lower
extremity tendinopathy demonstrated poor results following conservative
therapy, and required surgical treatment (Kvist 1994;Cook, et al. 1997). In
patients requiring surgery, only 46–64% recover sufficiently to return to
sports activities after a rehabilitation period of 6–12 months (Cook, et al.
1997;Coleman, et al. 2000;Chiara Vulpiani, et al. 2003). Many different
treatment options have been presented. Unfortunately, the majority of these
treatment modalities are not scientifically based, but instead empirically.
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate new models of painful eccentric
training for the conservative treatment of different chronic tendinopathies.
The normal tendon Anatomy
Tendons are interposed between muscles and bones, and transmit the force
created in the muscle to the bone which, in turn, enables joint movement.
Basically, each muscle contains two tendons, one proximal and one distal.
The point where the tendon connects to a muscle is referred to as the
myotendinous junction (MTJ), and the point where it connects to bone is
referred to as the osteotendinous junction (OTJ) (Ippolito, et al.
1986;Kannus 2000). The place where a muscle’s proximal tendon attaches to
bone is referred to as the muscle origin, and the distal tendon attachment is
referred to as an insertion. Healthy tendons are brilliant white in colour and
fibroelastic in texture, and show great resistance to mechanical loads
(Kannus 2000).
The tendon is covered by the epitenon, a fine, loose connective tissue sheath
containing blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves. The epitenon extends
deeper into the tendon between the tertiary bundles and the endotenon.
More superficially, the epitenon is surrounded by the paratenon, a loose
areolar connective tissue consisting essentially of type I and type lll collagen
fibrils (Kvist, et al. 1985).
Collagen fibre orientation
It is well documented that the collagen fibrils are oriented not only longitudinally, but also transversely and horisontally; the longitudinal fibrils also cross each other, thus forming spirals and plaits (Chansky, et al. 1991;Jozsa, et al. 1991) (Fig. 1).
This complex ultra-structure of the tendons provides good buffer capacity
against longitudinal, transversal, horisontal, as well as rotational forces
during movement and activity. There is great tendon-to-tendon variation,
and within a tendon site-to-site variation, as regards collagen content and
type distribution (Fan, et al. 1997).
Internal architecture
The basic elements of a tendon are collagen bundles, cells, and ground
substance (a viscous substance rich in proteoglycans and
glycosaminoglycans-GAGs). Collagen provides the tendon with tensile
strength, whereas ground substance provides structural support for the
collagen fibres and regulates the extracellular assembly of procollagen into
mature collagen (Astrom 1997). These elements are produced by tenoblasts
and tenocytes, which are the elongated fibroblasts and fibrocytes that lie
between the collagen fibres (Hess, et al. 1989).
Collagen is hierarchically arranged in levels of increasing complexity,
beginning with tropocollagen (a triple-helix, polypeptide chain). Soluble
tropocollagen molecules form cross-links to create insoluble collagen
molecules, which then aggregate progressively into microfibrils and then into
electron microscopically clearly visible units, i.e. the collagen fibrils (Kannus
2000). A bunch of collagen fibrils forms a collagen fibre, which is the basic unit of a tendon. Then fibres (primary bundles), fascicles (secondary
bundles), and tertiary bundles finally form the tendon itself (Jozsa, et al.
1997;Astrom 1997) (Fig. 2).
General innervation
Inside a tendon, the nerves, which are relatively few in numbers, follow the vascular channels that run along the axis of the tendon, and anastomose with each other via obliquely and transversally oriented nerve endings. Most of the nerve fibres are sensory nerve endings on the surface of the tendon (Jozsa, et al. 1997).
Based on anatomical and functional differences, nerve endings in tendons, ligaments, and joint capsules can be classified into four categories: type l Ruffini corpuscles (pressure receptors that are sensitive to stretch); type ll Vater-Pacini corpuscles (activated by movement); type lll Golgi tendon organs (mechanoreceptors); and type lV receptors (free nerve endings functioning as pain receptors) (Jozsa, et al. 1993).
General biomechanical forces in tendons
Tendons have a great capacity to withstand tensile and stretching forces, but are less tolerant to shearing and compressive forces transmitted by the muscles (Hess, et al. 1989). The stress-strain curve facilitates the understanding of the behaviour of the tendon during tensile load (Fig. 3).
At rest, the tendon has a crimped or wavelike structure. When the tendon is
stretched, the tendon progresses through three regions (toe, linear and
partial failure). The first region is referred to as the toe region, and as the
tendon is progressively loaded the fibres begin to straighten until reaching a
2% strain. This is the first part of the stress-strain curve, occurring due to the
elastic properties of collagen. Beyond this point, tendons deform in a linear
fashion (linear region) as a result of intramolecular sliding of collagen triple
helices, and fibres become more parallel (O'Brien 1992). If strain does not
exceed 4%, the tendon will return to its original length when unloaded
(Loitz, et al. 1989). Microscopic failure of fibres occurs when the strain
exceeds 4–8%. However, recently, strain values of up to 6–8% was said to be
physiological (Magnusson, et al. 2003). The last region of the curve
illustrates macroscopic tensile and partial failure of collagen fibres. This
results in a complete tendon rupture when the strain has reached 8–10% of its original length (O'Brien 1992). A healthy tendon is strong, its tensile strength being related to thickness and collagen content. A tendon with an area of 1 cm2 is capable of resisting a weight of 500–1,000 kg (Jozsa, et al.1997).
It is well established that tendon cells are metabolically active, both in
energy production and in the biosynthesis of collagen and matrix
components. Energy is derived mainly from three different sources: the
Krebs cycle, the anaerobic glycolysis, and the pentose phosphate shunt. Over
a life span, the metabolic pathway changes towards anaerobic glycolysis
(Hess, et al. 1989;Kannus, et al. 1991;O'Brien 1997). Tendons have
approximately eight times lower oxygen consumption than skeletal muscle.
The low oxygen consumption makes it possible for a tendon to carry loads
and remain tensioned without risk of ischemia and injury.
One negative aspect of the low metabolic rate in tendons is the slow recovery
after activity, and healing after injury (Williams 1986).
Few studies have investigated the effects of immobilisation on collagen
synthesis rate in humans. One study showed decreased collagen synthesis in
the patellar tendon after 10–21 days of immobilisation. However, there were
no changes in the tendon cross-sectional area (CSA) (de Boer, et al. 2007). In
a study on Achilles tendons, no difference in Achilles CSA was found
following two weeks of immobilisation. The conclusion drawn was that the
Achilles tendon seems to be more resistant to short-term immobilisation
than muscle tissue (Christensen, et al. 2008). Animal studies have shown
decreased stiffness, GAGs and water content after immobilisation (Woo, et
al. 1982;Barnard, et al. 1987;Loitz, et al. 1989;Karpakka, et al. 1990).
Compared to muscle tissue, the metabolic turnover in tendon tissue is slower
due to poor circulation (Kannus, et al. 1997a). However, a study by Langberg
et al. found that exercise increased the formation of collagen type I in the
peritendinous tissue (Langberg, et al. 1999). The same research group later
demonstrated increased collagen turnover (both synthesis and degradation)
after four weeks of training (Langberg, et al. 2001), and they also presented a
study with increased collagen synthesis rate after 12 weeks of eccentric
training (Langberg, et al. 2007). Increasing age and disuse leads to a
decrease in tendon stiffness, which in turn can be mitigated by resistance exercise (Magnusson, et al. 2008). Physical activity seems to improve the
tensile mechanical properties of tendons, in contrast to disuse. Effects like
increased GAGs content, and better alignment of collagen fibres have been
shown in animal studies (Woo, et al. 1982;Kellett 1986;Barnard, et al.
1987;Loitz, et al. 1989;Karpakka, et al. 1990).
The Achilles tendon
The triceps surae has two muscle bellies, the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles. These are the strongest muscles of the calf, and they merge to form the Achilles tendon (O'Brien 1984) (Fig. 4). The Achilles tendon is the thickest and strongest tendon of the human body (O'Brien 1992). According to O'Brien, the CSA of the tendon is 0.8–1.4 cm2. The gastrocnemius tendon begins as a broad aponeurosis at the distal margin of the muscle bellies, whereas the soleus tendon begins as a band proximal to the posterior surface of the soleus muscle (O'Brien 1992). The tendon becomes narrower and more rounded distally. The tendon length of the gastrocnemius tendon is 11–26 cm, and the length of the soleus tendon portion is 3–11 cm. As the tendon descends, it may spiral up to 900 laterally, so that fibres that were originally posterior become lateral, lateral fibres become anterior, anterior fibres become medial, and medial fibres become posterior at the distal end (Jozsa, et al. 1997). In this way, elongation and elastic recoil within the tendon is possible, and stored energy can be released during locomotion (Alexander 1977). Another important factor of the rotation is that a region of concentrated stress may be produced where the two tendons meet. This is most prominent at 2–5 cm proximal to the calcaneus insertion, and corresponds well with the region of the tendon that according to some authors has the poorest vascular supply (Curwin 1984;Reynolds, et al. 1991).
The myotendinous junction (MTJ)
The MTJ is a specialised anatomic region in the muscle-tendon unit. Morphological studies have shown that at the MTJ, the collagen fibrils insert into the deep recesses that are formed between the finger-like processes of the muscle cells (Kvist, et al. 1991) (Fig. 5). This structure and composition increase the contact area between muscle fibres and tendon collagen fibres 10- to 20-fold (Tidball 1991). Although the MTJ can sustain high forces, it still remains the weakest structure of the muscle-tendon unit (Garrett 1990;Jarvinen 1991).
The osteotendinous junction (OTJ)
The OTJ consists of tendon, fibrocartilage, and bone (Milz, et al. 2002). The insertion of tendons into bone involves a gradual transition from tendon to fibrocartilage, to lamellar bone. The tissue changes from soft to hard. The tendon attachment to bone consists of four zones: pure fibrous tissue, unmineralised fibrocartilage, mineralised fibrocartilage and bone (Astrom, et al. 1995).
The enthesis organ concept was presented by Benjamin and McGonagle, who
defined the enthesis organ as a collection of related tissues at and near the
enthesis, which serve a common function of stress dissipation (Benjamin, et
al. 2001). It is widely applicable at different entheses and is most clearly
recognised where the Achilles tendon attaches to the calcaneus. Immediately
above the Achilles insertion on the posterior surface of the calcaneus, in the
space between the tendon and bone, the retrocalcaneal bursa is located.
There is also a subcutaneous calcaneal bursa, between the skin and tendon.
The bursae both decrease the friction and compression on the tendon (Rufai,
et al. 1995). The concept of an enthesis organ is of particular significance for
clinicians, as it can help explain the injury pattern and why symptoms
associated with a particular enthesopathy are diffuse (Benjamin, et al. 2006).
Tendon structure
Unlike other tendons around the ankle (tendons with a synovial sheath), the
Achilles tendon is enveloped by a paratenon, which is a membrane that
consists of two layers: a deeper layer surrounding, and in direct contact with,
the epitenon, and a superficial layer, the peritenon (Kvist, et al. 1980).
There are specific variations in proteoglycan content within the Achilles
tendon. At the insertion site there is an increased amount of aggrecan, which
protects the enthesis from compressive and shearing forces. In the midportion
of the Achilles tendon there is more versican, which provides the
tendon with tensile strength (Waggett, et al. 1998).
The blood supply to the Achilles tendon comes mainly from the muscle and
is usually divided into three regions: the musculotendinous junction, the
length of the tendon, and the tendon bone junction. The blood vessels
originate in vessels in the perimysium and periosteum, and run via the
paratenon and mesotenon. The main blood supply to the middle portion of
the tendon takes place through the paratenon (O'Brien 1997).
The nerve supply to the Achilles tendon originates mainly from the sural
nerve, via nerve fascicles that occur subcutaneously. The innervation within
the Achilles tendon has been sparsely studied. However, recently, Bjur et al.
defined the innervation pattern, and showed a general (PGP9.5), a sensory
(SP/CGRP), and an autonomic nervous system in the Achilles tendon (Bjur,
et al. 2005).
It is difficult to determine the tendon tensile forces in vivo (Komi, et al.
1992;O'Brien 1992). Komi and co-workers used buckle transducers in the
tendon, and studied a wide range of activities such as walking, running,
jumping, and bicycling (Komi, et al. 1987;Komi 1990). The peak Achilles
tendon force during running at 6 m/sec was estimated to 9 kilo newton (kN),
corresponding to 12.5 times the bodyweight, (11.0 kN/cm2). Other studies
show that an athlete can generate forces in the Achilles tendon during
jumping and running activity of 6–14 times the bodyweight (Kader, et al.
2002;Paavola, et al. 2002).
Achilles tendinopathy
The terminology relating to the chronic painful conditions in the Achilles
tendon is somewhat confusing. Different terms have been used in the past to
describe the conditions. Terms such as Achilles tendinitis and
tendonitis have been widely used, assuming that there is an inflammation
within the tendon. However, histopathological, biochemical, and molecular
studies have shown an absence of a true prostaglandin-mediated
inflammatory process inside the chronic painful tendon (Kannus, et al.
1991;Astrom, et al. 1995;Alfredson, et al. 1999;Alfredson, et al. 2003a).
Puddu et al. proposed the term tendinosis as a histological description of
degenerative pathology with an absence of inflammatory changes (Puddu, et
al. 1976). The term achillodynia has been used by Astrom, as a
symptomatic diagnosis (Astrom 1997). The authors recommend that the
terms tendinosis (tendon degeneration) and peritendinitis are reserved
for conditions where the pathology has been verified by surgical exploration,
imaging, histological analysis of biopsies, or a combination (Astrom 1997).
Maffulli et al. suggest that the combination of tendon pain, swelling, and
impaired performance should be clinically labelled as tendinopathy
(Maffulli, et al. 1998). This has been widely supported in the last decade
(Khan, et al. 2002). The terms insertional and non insertional Achilles
tendinopathy were proposed by Clain et al. (Clain, et al. 1992). Today,
tendinopathy is used to describe a condition with tendon pain, swelling,
and impaired function, and tendinosis is used when the pathology is
objectively verified by ultrasound (US), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
or examination of biopsies.
Achilles tendon injuries can be acute or chronic. The term chronic is widely
used when symptoms persist for longer than three months.
Tendinopathy is often seen in individuals in the age group of 30–60 years
(Kvist 1991a). They may participate in middle- or long-distance running,
badminton, or track and field activities (Kvist 1991b;Fahlstrom, et al. 2002).
However, inactive individuals can also suffer from mid-portion Achilles
tendinopathy (Kvist 1991a, 1994). In elite runners, the incidence of
tendinopathy has been reported to be 7–9% (Lysholm, et al. 1987). Kvist
showed that 66% of 698 competitive and recreationally active patients
suffered from Achilles tendinopathy (Kvist 1991b). In badminton players,
Achilles tendinopathy accounts for 10.5% of all overuse injuries (Jorgensen,
et al. 1990).
The incidence of insertional Achilles tendinopathy has not been well
established. In a surgical and histopathological survey of 163 patients with
chronic Achilles tendinopathy, the prevalence of insertional tendinopathy
was 20% (Astrom, et al. 1995). Insertional tendinopathy is often diagnosed
in older, non-active, and overweight individuals (Meyerson 1999).
The aetiology to Achilles tendinopathy is still unclear. Many different
theories have been presented (Kvist 1991b;Astrom 1997). The aetiology is
believed to be multifactorial, involving intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors. In
acute tendon injuries, extrinsic risk factors are predominating, and in
chronic Achilles tendinopathy a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic
factors is often seen (Kannus, et al. 1997b;Khan, et al. 1998). It should be
stressed that scientific evidence of the role of intrinsic and extrinsic factors is
still lacking.
Intrinsic risk factors
Age is related to the development of tendinopathy in the Achilles tendon,
and an old tendon is more vulnerable than a young one (Kannus, et al.
1991;Kvist 1991a).
Anatomical factors like leg-length discrepancy and malalignment (genu
valgum, forefoot varus), have by some authors been suggested as causative in
the development of Achilles tendinopathy (Kvist 1991b, 1994). However, this
is controversial and has been questioned by other authors (Kannus, et al.
Decreased joint flexibility of the ankle will increase ground reaction
force during landing. This finding has been linked to Achilles tendinopathy
(Kaufman, et al. 1999).
Muscle weakness/imbalance of the gastrocnemius muscles could
disturb and change the coordinated movements of the kinetic chain through
the hip, knee, and ankle. This is a common finding in tendinopathy.
However, it is unclear whether this is the cause to, or a result of,
tendinopathy (Kountouris, et al. 2007).
High bodyweight and adipose tissue levels seem to be associated with
tendinopathies in the lower limb (Gaida, et al. 2008).
Gender. Some studies on women indicate that oestrogen protects from
tendinopathy (Cook, et al. 2007).
Genetics. There are reports shoving a correlation between the incidence of
Achilles tendinopathy and blood group 0 (Jozsa, et al. 1989). Furthermore,
an association between the alpha 1 type V collagen (COL5A1) and Achilles
tendinopathy has been found (Collins 2003).
Systemic diseases like Marfan’s and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and
rheumatoid arthritis are well known to be associated with defects of the
collagen metabolism, causing weakness of the tendons (Jozsa, et al. 1997).
Extrinsic risk factors
Training errors have been reported to be common among runners that
have Achilles tendinopathy (Kvist 1994). Training errors were identified as
primary aetiological factors in over 75% of the cases (Clement, et al. 1984).
Poor technique, improper footwear, and running on hard,
slippery or uneven surfaces could be predisposing risk factors for
Achilles tendinopathy (James, et al. 1978).
Overuse is believed to be the major cause to tendinopathy (Jozsa, et al.
1997). “Too much too soon” was stated by Brody (Brody 1987). However, it is
not clear if overuse is solely responsible. In a study of 58 patients with
Achilles tendinopathy, 31% were not active in sports or vigorous physical
activity (Rolf, et al. 1997). Around 50% of patients presenting with midportion
Achilles tendinosis at the Sports Medicine Unit in Umea, Sweden are
not active in any sports or recreational activity (Alfredson, personal
communication 2009).
Underuse. As with tendinopathy in general, overuse and poor training
habits are suggested to be the main aetiological causes of insertional Achilles
tendinopathy (Benjamin, et al. 2000). However, a new idea concerning the
aetiology of insertional Achilles tendinopathy has been presented
(Almekinders, et al. 2003;Maganaris, et al. 2004). When there is a lack of
tensile load on the ventral side of the Achilles tendon, there is a tendency to
develop cartilage-like or atrophic changes on the stress-shielded side of the
enthesis (Benjamin, et al. 1986;Rufai, et al. 1995). This may lead to disturbed
remodelling and primary degenerative lesions in that area. Since
tendinopathy is not always related to high loading activity, but is also agerelated,
the suggestion is that insertional tendinopathy results from
underuse and stress-shielding, rather than overuse.
The pathogenesis in the chronic painful Achilles tendon is unknown,
although several theories have been presented. Three theories dominate the
discussion. The primary inflammatory theory, where inflammation leads to a
degeneration, with at least six different states of collagen degeneration
(hypoxic, mucoid, hyaline, fibrocartilaginous metaplasia, tendon
calcification, and lipoid). Collagen degeneration is suggested to be
irreversible, and is seen as an end-stage of the pathology (Jozsa, et al. 1997).
The mechanical theory claiming that repeated load-bearing within the
normal physiological stress range of a tendon causes fatigue, and eventually
leads to tendon failure. Repeated and/or prolonged stress at higher levels of
strain could also lead to microscopic degeneration within the tendon. Later
the mechanical properties of the tendon can be altered and lead to a
symptomatic tendon due to micro trauma. Some authors have suggested that
the pathology is a state of failed healing, where the injured tendon is in a
healing phase, including active cells, increased protein production,
disorganisation of matrix, and neovascularisation (Clancy 1989;Khan, et al.
2002). The vascular theory, suggesting that as tendons are more
metabolically active than previously believed and require a vascular supply,
the compromise of such a vascular supply may cause degeneration. Some
tendons like the Achilles tendon and the supraspinatus tendon are at higher
risk than others. It has been suggested that there is a hypovascular region in
the mid-portion of the Achilles tendon 2–6 cm proximal to the calcaneal
insertion (Carr, et al. 1989), which makes this part of the tendon more prone
to injuries. This theory has been questioned by Astrom and Westlin, who
showed a uniform blood flow in the Achilles tendon, except at the insertion
where the flow was lower (Astrom, et al. 1994). A recently published study
supports the theory of a hypovascular weak area in the mid-portion (Chen, et
al. 2009)
Histological evaluation of the pathological Achilles tendon has demonstrated
that there is no evidence of an ongoing PGE2 mediated inflammatory
process inside the tendon. However, there could be a neurogenic
inflammation (Hart, et al. 1998;Alfredson, et al. 1999;Alfredson, et al.
2003a). The histological findings in tendinopathy show four distinct
structural changes within the tendon: increased cellularity, increased
production of ground substance, (especially GAGs), separation of collagen
bundles, and neovascularisation (Jozsa, et al. 1990). There are certain
differences in the morphology of mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy and
insertional Achilles tendinopathy. In the Achilles insertion there are several
structures, e.g. the superficial and retrocalcaneal bursa, Kager’s fat pad, and
sometimes a prominent upper calcaneus Haglund’s deformity, that all alone
or in combination could give rise to symptoms in this area. The
retrocalcaneal bursa and Kager´s fatpad has an important function to
promote free movement between tendon and bone. It is not uncommon with
an inflammation in the retrocalcaneal bursa due to increased compression
between tendon and bone (Canoso, et al. 1988;Theobald, et al. 2006).
According to Shaw et al., the bursa contains sensory nerve endings, and may
have a proprioceptive function in monitoring insertional angle changes
between bone and tendon during foot movements (Shaw, et al. 2007).
Pain mechanisms
New methods like intratendinous microdialysis and molecular biology
techniques have shown that there is no inflammation inside the chronic
painful Achilles tendon (Alfredson, et al. 2001;Alfredson, et al. 2003a).
These new techniques together with ultrasound (US) in combination with
colour Doppler (CD), and immunohistochemical analyses of tendon tissue
biopsies, have facilitated a better understanding of the pain mechanisms. By
using US with CD, Ohberg et al. showed that neovascularisation is present in
pathological and symptomatic, but not in normal pain-free Achilles tendons
(Ohberg, et al. 2004a). Neovascularisation and accompanying nerves might
be important factors related to the pain mechanisms of tendinopathies
(Alfredson, et al. 2003b). It is worth noting that not all tendons with
neovascularisation are painful (Zanetti, et al. 2003). Bjur et al. found nerves
linked to the vascular structures in tendinosis tendons (Bjur, et al. 2005).
Furthermore, the neurokinin-1-receptor, associated with the neuropeptide
substance P (SP), has been found in the vascular wall (Forsgren, et al. 2005).
Follow-up studies of patients with Achilles tendinopathy who have become
pain-free after treatment with eccentric training have shown an absence of
neovessels (Ohberg, et al. 2004b).
Clinical symptoms
Patients with chronic Achilles tendinopathy most commonly have a history
of a gradual onset of tendon pain, often related to a change in activity level.
However, as stated previously, non-active individuals may also suffer from
Achilles tendinopathy. Initially, the patients often experience stiffness, pain
or discomfort at the beginning of activity, followed by less pain during
activity, and a return of the stiffness and pain afterwards (Rogers 1996).
Later on, pain increases during activity, and patients have to stop the
activity. The patients often complain about stiffness in the morning, and
together with pain during activity, this is a characteristic of chronic Achilles
tendinopathy. It is suggested that the amount of morning pain and stiffness a
patient suffers serves as a good indicator of the tendon condition, the more
symptoms, the poorer stage of the tendon condition (Cook, et al. 2002).
Clinical examination
Examination should include the biomechanics of the lower extremity, i.e. leg,
ankle, and foot, during loading activity. Range of motion in the ankle joint
should also be noted. Inspection and palpation of the surrounding structures
must be included in a clinical examination, and tenderness and thickening of
the tendon should be noted. The examiner should be gentle during palpation
of the tendon, as there may be some pain during palpation even if there is no
injury (Cook, et al. 2001).
Differential diagnoses
It is important to exclude total or partial ruptures (Maffulli, et al. 1998). If
plantar flexion tonus is poor or nonexistent, a rupture should be suspected.
Tonus of the muscle-tendon unit should be examined with the patient under
resting conditions in prone position. Partial ruptures are difficult to diagnose
clinically, and therefore the patient’s history is important in these cases.
Tenosynovitis of the medial flexor tendons, and dislocation of the lateral
peroneal tendons, also needs to be excluded. Other possible differential
diagnoses are os trigonum syndrome, tumours of the Achilles tendon
(xanthomas), neuroma of the sural nerve, and an accessory soleus muscle
(Cook, et al. 2002;Alfredson 2005;Alfredson, et al. 2007). Muscle strains in
the MTJ are not uncommon (Kvist 1991a). Partial muscle ruptures are most
common in the medial muscle belly, commonly referred to as tennis leg
(Millar 1979). At the insertion of the Achilles tendon, an inflamed superficial
and/or retrocalcaneal bursae could be co-existing as well as a Haglund
deformity of the upper calcaneus (Vega 1984).
The purpose of the treatment of patients suffering from Achilles
tendinopathy is to decrease pain and improve physical activity, thereby
making it possible for the patient to continue to participate in physical
activities. During the last decade, several different treatment options have
been presented. Unfortunately, many of these treatments lack scientific
Rest are often recommended, however rest is detrimental to the tendon
causing weakness and impaired tendon properties (Kannus, et al. 1997a)
NSAIDs have not been shown to be efficient in the treatment of Achilles
tendinopathy (Astrom 1992). Interestingly, a study showed that NSAIDs
blocked protein synthesis in skeletal muscles after exercise (Trappe, et al.
Corticosteriod injections have shown promising short-term pain relief
results, but poor long-term results (Kleinman, et al. 1983;Jones 1985;Gill, et
al. 2004). Also, there are reports of tendon ruptures following corticosteroid
injections (Kleinman, et al. 1983;Jones 1985).
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT). In patients with midportion
Achilles tendinopathy, Costa et al. did not find clinical improvement
after ESWT treatment (Costa, et al. 2005). These results were supported by
Rasmussen et al., who for some reason suggested that treatment with ESWT
anyhow should be used as a supplementary treatment (Rasmussen, et al.
2008). Rompe et al. demonstrated more pain reduction with ESWT
compared to the wait-and-see approach (Rompe, et al. 2007), but no benefit
compared to eccentric exercises (traditional method used by Alfredson et al)
(Alfredson, et al. 1998). The same authors compared eccentric exercise (as
above) with ESWT in patients with insertional Achilles tendinopathy, and
eccentric exercise showed inferior results compared to the group receiving
ESWT (Rompe, et al. 2008).
Low-level laser treatment in patients with mid-portion Achilles
tendinopathy have shown better results in combination with eccentric
exercises than alone (Stergioulas, et al. 2008).
Ultrasound is used to treat Achilles tendon pain, but there is no evidence of
beneficial effects in controlled trials (Robertson, et al. 2001).
Heel pads were evaluated by Lowdon et al. who found them ineffective.
This study did not separate insertional tendinopathy from mid-portion
tendinopathy, and the heel-pads were not custom-fit (Lowdon, et al. 1984).
Topical glyceryl trinitrate patches treatment showed promising results
in a randomised double-blind study on patients with mid-portion Achilles
tendinopathy. One negative side effect was that 53% of patients reported
severe headaches during the treatment period (Paoloni, et al. 2004).
Strength training. It appears that exercise is a positive stimulus to the
collagen alignment (Kannus, et al. 1997a). Eccentric contraction seems to be
more beneficial than concentric activation (Mafi, et al. 2001). In the mid
1980s, Curwin and Stanish presented the first eccentric exercise
intervention program for tendinopathy, using a program with progressively
increased moderate eccentric load, and changes in speed, where the patient’s
symptoms controlled the progression of load (Curwin 1984). The exercises
were performed without tendon pain. More than a decade later, in a pilot
study, Alfredson et al. used painful eccentric heel drops on a step as
treatment for patients with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy (Alfredson, et
al. 1998). This study reported excellent results with a significant decrease in
pain and a return to previous activity level after 12 weeks of training. There
were some main differences between Curwin’s and Alfredson’s protocols
(Curwin 1984;Alfredson, et al. 1998). Alfredson used painful training,
heavier loads, and single leg exercises. The Alfredson protocol has been
widely used, and the good clinical results have been reproduced by other
groups (Roos, et al. 2004;de Vos, et al. 2007;Rompe, et al. 2007).
Sclerosing injections of polidocanol outside of the tendon, where the
neovessels enter the tendon, have shown promising clinical results, including
decreased pain and improved physical activity (Alfredson, et al. 2005b).
Traditional surgical treatment has consisted of a longitudinal tendon
incision and excision of abnormal tendon tissue, followed by a period of
immobilisation. A critical review by Tallon et al. on the outcome of surgery
for chronic Achilles tendinopathy, found successful results in 70% of the
cases. However, clinical results were better in studies with a poor scientific
design, and less good in studies with a good scientific design (Tallon, et al.
2001). In the past, patients suffering from pain in the insertion of the
Achilles tendon have generally been treated with surgery when conservative
(non-operative) treatment has failed. However, the clinical outcome
following surgery has shown great variations (35–59%) as regards the return
to unlimited activity (Maffulli, et al. 1999;McGarvey, et al. 2002).
첫댓글 조직의 힐링이 먼저고 이 힐링이 원래 조직으로 재생되지 못하고 여러 다른 조직들 예를 들어 건조직에 섬유화가 되거나 지방이 끼거나 반흔조직이 생기거나 하면 원래의 장력이 생성되지 못하고 지속적으로 괴롭히는 것 같습니다. 우리들은 건이 회복되는데 오래 걸리는 줄 아는데 일반인들은 몇개월이면 끝난다고 생각하기도 하고요 그러다보니 적절한 스트레스가 가해지는 것이 아니라 오버스트레스가 가해지다보니 지속적으로 손상부위가 회복이 안되는 악순환 그러다 보니 통증 그러나 보니 근약화 정말 요세는 줄기세포 치료제를 만들어서 금방 회복되면 좋겠다는 생각이 많이 듭니다.
근육은 수축성 구조이고, 건은 장력을 인지하는 구조입니다. 줄기세포치료를 해도 해결되지 않을 것입니다. 건의 장력에 문제를 일으키는 근육, 근막, abnormal movement pattern을 해결해주지 못하면 호전되지 않기 때문입니다.