The General Electric Company, or GE, is an American multinational
conglomerate. It is usually listed in the top three largest
companies in the world. The company was started by the inventor Thomas Edison in
1890. He originally called it Edison General Electric. A series of successful
made the company
into an industry giant. It
is involved
in aviation, electronics,
finance, healthcare, entertainment and more. It employs over 300,000 people and
has yearly revenues in excess
of $150 billion. Its current slogan is ‘Imagination at
Work’. Its website says: “We consider our culture to be among our innovations.
Over decades our leaders have built GE’s culture — a place for creating and
bringing big ideas to
life. Today, that culture is the unifying force for our
many business units around the world.”
multinational = 다국적의/ conglomerate = 복합 기업, 대기업/ a series of ~ = 일련의 ~/ merger
= 합병/ make A into B = A를 B로 만들다[개조하다]/ industry giant = 대기업/ be involved in ~ =
~에 몰두하다; ~에 휘말리다; ~에 개입되다/ aviation = 항공(술)/ in excess of ~ = ~을 초과하여, ~이상의/
bring ~ to life = ~에 활기(생기)를 불어넣다/ unifying force =
-> Its website says: “We consider our culture to be among our innovations. Over
decades our leaders have built GE’s culture — a place for creating and
bringing big ideas to
life. Today, that culture is the unifying force for our
many business units around the world.”
* bring ~
to life = ~에 활기(생기)를 불어넣다/ unifying force =
a) He said, "I will wait for you."
b) He said
that he would wait for me.
위의 두 문장은 표현법은 다르지만 같은 내용을 전하고 있다.
a)는 다른
사람의 말을 인용부호를 이용해 직접 그대로 전달한 방법이고,
b)는 다른 사람의 말을 인용부호를 쓰지 않고 접속사를 이용해 간접으로
전달한 방법이다.
첫번째 문장은 직접화법의 문장이라 하고, 두번째 문장은 간접화법의 문장이라 한다.
* Examples *
1. 그는 자기 가방에 책이 한 권 있다고 말했다.
He said that he had a book in his bag.
2. 나는 그 다음 날 그를 방문하겠다고 그에게
I told him that I would call on him the next day.
3. 그는 그곳에 가는데
얼마나 걸리느냐고 내게 물었다.
He asked me how long it took to get there.
4. 그는
내게 그것을 두려워하지 말라고 했다.
He told me not to be afraid of it.
General Electric - WTS.mp3