A couple of days ago, I was at 경복궁 with three diplomats from Italy. They were on business trip around three countries: China, Japan, and Korea. Korea was the last leg of their East Asian travels.
They made brief comments on Chinese Forbidden City and noisy Chinese tourists. So, right before proceeding to the 근정전 compound, I`d like to make sure Korean palace buildings are not like Chinese ones.
"You know, the ruling philosophy of Joseon dynasty was Confucianism. Confucianism said that you should devote yourself to your parents as a good child, and to your King as his faithful people. Also, it advised you to lead modest and frugal lives, warning away luxury and extravagance as evil. So, please do not expect anything luxurious, extravagant, or imposing. You will meet the model palace of modesty and frugality of the East Asia."
Then, one of the group interrupted my explanation.
'Well, well, well. I heard that Koreans are crazy about so many luxury brands. Why do lots of Koreans indulge in luxury in spite of your philosophy, which is condemning being over the top?"
I responded to the question with another angle of Confucianism.
"Things have changed a lot. Koreans, who back in Joseon dynasty favored calm and frugal life style, have now got busy and competitive. I`d say that`s because Confucianism focused its attention on the present and it didn`t elaborate on the after-life. We weren`t sure what would happen when people were deceased. So, we have become too occupied with comforts of this life, not of the after-life. That might be one of the reasons so many Koreans are crazy about luxury brands such as Italian Guzzi or Almani."
My answer might not be to the point. But they ended up nodding their heads and we could proceed to the 근정전 compound.
Anyway, it was so much fun talking to those gentlemen coming from the other side of the world. I was so happy then.
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