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영어 회화방 Hunt for killer of Kim Joung Un's half brother.
썬샤인1 추천 1 조회 104 17.02.15 23:42 댓글 11
게시글 본문내용
  • 17.02.16 00:12

    첫댓글 Maybe it's the only solution to kill him before he presses the botton of nuclear missile. He is definitely mentally handicapped.

  • 17.02.16 07:57

    Absolutely, I agree with your thinkings , with my great pleasure...
    Fortunately, Trump's goverment would have the positive intention to destroy / kill Kim , Jung Eun..
    Eventually, the elimination of him is that the Rep of Korea will be more prosperous
    and stable in economic growth than ever before ..
    and also bear in our mind that USA is only to keep our Freedom and Economic Welfare ..
    The China and Russia are Communist to destroy our Liverty / Creation / Challenge,
    especially young generation's dream ...

  • 작성자 17.02.16 03:30

    I am a hundred percent agreed with you.

  • 17.02.16 01:41

    북주민 200 만명 학살하고,300 만명 굶어죽인
    악질 김일성/ 김정일 및 그의 3대 왕조인 김정은은 빨리 제거하여야 한다.
    마구 사람을 죽이는 김정은에게 한마디 비난을 하지 않는
    종북 / 친북세력이 가장 위험하다..
    이 종북세력들은
    대한민국의 성장과 번영을 방해하고,
    대한민국에 혼란과 무질서을 조장하고,
    일자리 창출을 방해하고,
    반목과 대립으로 대한민국을 파괴하는 세력들이다.
    또 이들은 말도 안되는 이야기,
    즉 핵무기는 통일후에 저절로 대한민국이나
    북괴가 소유된다는 괴상망측한 논리을 피고 있다.
    이런 괴변들을 우리는 파괴하여야 한다.

  • 작성자 17.02.16 03:29

    한동안 메인글하고 답글이 뜸하셨는데
    어디 다녀오셨어요?
    암튼 이번 암살사건은 마치 007 첩보영화에서 본것보다 더 계획되고 잔인한것 같아서 소름이 끼쳐요.
    주변의 obstacles 을 다 get rid of 하는 abnormal 김정은....정말걱정 됩니다.
    특히 핵무기때문.....

    창조도전님 글은 그냥 들고나가서 웅변대본으로 대신해서 읽으면 1st place 할것 같아요.
    댓글 고맙습니다.

  • 17.02.16 05:35

    Even he kills all his relatives whoever he thinks in his way or he doesn't like,
    I believe we haven't seen the worst yet.
    Who knows what's in that crazy man's mind
    and I'm concerning about Korean Peninsula's future.

  • 17.02.16 08:32

    Especially, I am worrying about the "Dishonest Media" in Korea , to be performed ..
    Eventually, this kinds of "Dishonest Press" will destroy the Rep of Korea and
    the country will be totally ruined by 종북/ 친북세력들...
    They do not condemn Kim, Jung Eun, including this assassination , etc..

    Just like US president Donald Trump has again criticised the media,
    branding them ‘Very Dishonest’ and
    saying news outlets are deliberately not reporting on terrorist attacks ..

    Fortunately, US President Donald Trump vowed to deliver a strong response
    to the provocation of N. Korea missile launch..

  • 17.02.17 10:22

    It is very dificulty issue..
    We South korea treats North Korea with humanitarianism policies till unify..

  • 17.02.17 11:28

    Nobody knows what will be happened next by the crazy guy~

  • 17.02.19 08:37

    That's the reason to eliminate this crazy guy..

  • 17.02.18 11:16

    Eventhough we are in '영어 회화방', if we like to talk about the delicated political issue like this,
    I think it might be better to talk in Korean for the more detail discussion.
