Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 379. Forming a tribe through witnessing and through the Blessing
13 Your family will live for the sake of the nation only if you keep Heaven in your heart and live for the sake of Heavens family. You can acquire the nation only when you follow that family alone. Since Heaven's family stands in the central position and lives for the sake of the world, the way for you to reach the world is through this family. Thus you need to follow and attend this family as the center of the world. This is the path of the Principle. If you wish to follow the Principle and represent me, you first need to have three spiritual children, then twelve apostle-like sons and daughters, seventy disciples, and 120 people you bring to the Blessing. Only then will you be able to pass freely, night and day, through the twelve pearly gates of heaven. The guards at the gates will not ask, "Who are you?" but will say, "Welcome!" and guide you in. If you have only three spiritual children, you will be able to enter and exit only through one gate. You will not be able to go through the other gates.( 058-074,19720606)
14 The most pressing matter is for you to accomplish your tribal messiah mission. In order to do this, you need to return to your extended family, find twelve disciples and bring them to the Blessing. Then you need to find seventy followers and then increase that to 120 followers. This means you need to assemble 120 people as soon as possible. I have paid all the indemnity for the central families, the 36 couples and 72 couples. I also paid all at once the indemnity for 120 couples. The totality of what you need to do is to bring 120 people together. If you do this, you will be able to fulfill the vertical and horizontal indemnity conditions. Therefore every Unification Church family is responsible to gather 120 people from among their family and relatives.( 084-158,19760222)
15 You need to form a new Israel through your spiritual children. I found and blessed twelve couples and on that foundation blessed the 36 couples, the 72 couples and the 120 couples. I ask you to follow my example. I began this work for a reason. Jesus walked the tragic path of death to resolve this issue, and God suffered through six thousand providential years to resolve it. The path I am walking differs from yours only in scale and scope. My path is at the national and world levels, but in essence it is the same as yours. There is no difference in terms of what you and I should do in our lives. Because Christianity persecuted me, I could not follow the tribal messiah course as you can. Still I had to recover that foundation. To do so I loved all of you—people whom I met like passers-by on the street—more than I loved my parents, my wife and my own children. In order to raise spiritual children who are willing to sacrifice their lives for you, you must invest yourselves, as I did, three times more than it takes to raise your own children.( 046-132,19710813)
16 You need to bring 120 people to the Principle. You have to bring them to the Principle and even see to their marriage. I mean that you should give them the Blessing. If you fulfill this you will become the representative of the world, the representative of the nation and the representative of the family on earth and in heaven, and your clan in Heaven's realm naturally will exist wherever you go. Can you lift up your head when you have not brought even three people to the Principle? If you are in such a position, you are as good as dead, because it is as if, for you, heaven and earth are separated. Without these three people, you have not established a four-position foundation and cannot build on that standard. Hence you need to witness. No one can do it for you; you need to do it. It is not for the sake of the Unification Church or me that you witness. You witness for your own sake.( 066-142,19730422)
17 Gods work has been the work of re-creation. In your daily life, you need to stand in the position that represents Gods work of re-creation. So how shall we restore 120 families? This is an important issue. These will include twelve disciples, seventy apostles, and more. Following Jesus' resurrection, the Holy Spirit descended upon 120 disciples. They received the Gospel and conveyed it throughout the world. Likewise you need to bring down this spirit on the family level, restore the family and bind its members together as one. This is how you can accomplish your mission as a tribal messiah. Once you accomplish this, you need to bless them. You need to preside over the wedding ceremony on my behalf. Why is that? It is because you will become your family's ancestor. Henceforth there is nothing else you need to do. The nation is already united with me and the entire world is following me. When each of you completes your tribal messiah mission, the formation of the nation and the world will follow in short order.( 210-172,19901219) |