■ 맡겨놓고 가는 사람은 늘 건강하다.
맡겨 놓고 가는 사람은
겉보기엔 어리석은 듯하지만,
더 많은 것을 보고 가기에,
생각의 기운이 샘물처럼 솟아난다.
매일 바쁜 일상이지만,
스스로를 구속하지 않으니
"올바른 삶"을
자연스럽게 살아가게 된다.
물 흐르듯 주변과 조화를 이루니
정체된 곳이 사라지고,
때로는 불편하거나
어려운 순간이 찾아와도,
항상 "여유롭고 건강한 삶"을 유지한다.
고른 호흡과 평상심으로
몸기계의 기능을 가꾸고,
알아차림과 마음챙김을 도구 삼아
돌다리도 두드려 가듯 신중히 나아가니
생각이 짧지 않게 된다.
"그럴 수도 있다"는 이해의 폭이 넓어지며
스스로 폭넓은 사고방식을 키워간다.
이해한다는 것은
곧 믿는다는 것이고,
믿는다는 것은
곧 사랑한다는 것이 된다.
결국 그것은
"깨달아가는 삶을 산다"는 말.
이러한 삶의 원리를 깨달아가는 사람은,
모든 일이 술술 풀리는 이치를 몸으로 터득한다.
삶의 원리란
말과 생각, 행동으로 나타나는
"실천적 삶" 속에 존재한다.
자기 주관과 고집으로 살아가는 사람은
겉보기에 반듯한 길을 가는 듯해도,
고착된 주관과 상식이
현실과 타협하기엔 거리가 멀다.
늘 부딪치며 살아가니
마음이 편치 못하고,
주변을 바라보는 시선이
늘 곱지 못해
몸도 마음도 자꾸 아프고 힘들어진다.
"맡겨 놓고 가는 사람"이란,
사는 동안
늘 자유롭고,
늘 여유롭고,
늘 풍요로운 삶을 살아간다.
삶의 현장에서
온전히 서게 된다.
인간 삶 속의 온전한 모습이란
완벽은 없다.
거기에 다가서기 위해
늘 최선을 다할 뿐이다.
2024. 11. 18
At the airport of Heathrow in London, UK 🇬🇧
Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu
Haedong Kumdo
Kim Jeong Seong
In English 영문번역
○ Explanation;
The concept that "a person who lets go always lives a healthy life" underscores the critical role of emotional resilience and the power of releasing negativity for overall well-being. Letting go is an essential practice that can manifest in the following ways:
1. Releasing Stress
Holding onto grudges, anger, or unresolved trauma creates emotional and physical tension. Letting go allows the mind and body to find relaxation and balance.
2. Embracing Forgiveness
Choosing to forgive oneself and others diminishes bitterness, paving the way for emotional peace and clarity.
3. Avoiding Overthinking
Letting go of obsessive thoughts liberates the mind, reducing anxiety and fostering a calm, focused mental state.
4. Living in the Present
Shifting attention to the present moment instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future enhances mindfulness and joy.
5. Boosting Physical Health
Chronic stress and unresolved emotions weaken the immune system. Releasing these burdens supports the body's natural ability to heal and maintain strength.
Practical methods such as mindfulness meditation, journaling, or engaging in meaningful conversations with trusted individuals can aid in mastering the art of letting go, ultimately leading to a healthier and more fulfilling life.
This idea aligns with the foundational principles of Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu Haedong Kumdo. Through consistent Kimu practice, practitioners develop mental strength and clarity, integrating the philosophy of letting go into both their martial arts training and daily life.
■ A Person Who Lets Go Always Lives a Healthy Life
A person who lets go and moves on
may seem foolish at first glance,
but they always begin to see more,
and their thoughts always flow like a spring.
Although life is busy every day,
they are not bound by their own constraints,
and thus,
they naturally and always lead a "righteous life."
Like flowing water, they harmonize with their surroundings,
removing stagnation along the way.
Even when faced with discomfort or hardships,
they always enjoy a "life of ease and health."
they nurture the functions of their body machine
through balanced breathing and equanimity.
using awareness and mindfulness as tools,
they tread carefully,
always keeping their thoughts deep and profound.
By embracing the idea that "it could be possible,"
they always broaden their understanding
and cultivate a flexible mindset on their own.
To understand
is to trust.
To trust
is to love.
this means "always living a life of enlightenment."
In such a life,
things naturally fall into place with ease.
The principle of life
manifests itself through
words, thoughts, and actions—
in other words, "a life of practice."
On the other hand,
a person who clings to their own opinions and stubbornness
may seem to walk a straight path,
but their rigid views and fixed beliefs
always make it hard to compromise with reality.
They often collide with life,
leaving their hearts uneasy.
Their perspective on the surrounding world
always turns increasingly negative,
making them more vulnerable to pain and hardship.
A person who lets go and moves forward
always leads a life that is:
Always free,
Always relaxed,
Always abundant.
Moment by moment,
time after time,
immediately and without delay,
they stand fully present in life itself.
In human life,
there is no such thing as perfection.
One can only strive,
always doing their best to move closer to it.
November 18, 2024
At Heathrow Airport in London, UK 🇬🇧
Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu
Haedong Kumdo
Kim Jeong Seong