(호주판 '양들의 침묵') 정동희를 살리면 대륙이다. 그렇지 않으면 '고립된 섬'이다. 침묵이 습관으로 일상화되어 유체일탈된 비양심이 만들어낸 '강요된 침묵과 습관'
공포 범죄 영화인 '양들의 침묵'을 나는 영화관에서 보았다.
나는 무려 30여년 전에 영화가 실제로 호주에서 나타날 지는 꿈에도 생각하지 못했다.
3가지 측면에서 (호주판 '양들의 침묵')에서 발견되는 2025년 Real Auz 공통점은 다음과 같다.
(1991년 개봉된 '양들의 침묵') : 조디 포스터만 생각하고 그 영화를 봤는데, 식인을 즐기는 살인마로 유명한 한니발 렉터 박사가 나와 영화 보는 내내 찝찝했다.
(2025년 호주판 '양들의 침묵') : 시드니 오페라하우스만 생각하고 호주를 봤는데, 호주고위공무원의 뇌물부패 범죄자에게 시달리고 이어 호주 고위공무원의 공권력 만행도 살인 수준으로 다가온다.
(1991년 개봉된 '양들의 침묵') : 연쇄 살인사건이 발생한다
(2025년 호주판 '양들의 침묵') : 연쇄적인 악몽의 연속이 호주에서 실제 현실로 나타나며 만나게 된다. ① 호주정부 출자은행장의 지독한 괴롭힘과 뇌물부패 ② 서호주 법무장관의 이중처벌 강행 ③ 이에 항의하자 서호주 법무장관이 25년1월6일자로 'This is absolutely final fees' 문서로 약속해놓고 약속 안지킴 ④ The banking supervision bureau가 24년11월에 물었을 때 답해서 송금비 냈는데 25년1월23일 무려 20여만불 이상 부풀려 다시 이중청구하고 이 돈 못내면 나의 모든 권리 박탈을 다시 협박
(1991년 개봉된 '양들의 침묵') 제목에 '양들의 침묵'이 나온다. 양들은 살인사건의 피해자들, 나아가 선량한 대중을 의미한다. 그리고 양들은 현대인이 겪고 있는 트라우마의 상징이다.
(2025년 호주판 '양들의 침묵') 호주에는 2023년 11월 기준으로, 호주 양의 수는 2007년 이후 최대 규모인 7,875만 마리. 양은 발이 묶여 도축을 당할 때도 몸부림 한 번 치지 않고 목 놓아 울지도 않는다고 한다.
왜 제목을 '양들의 침묵'으로 잡은 것일까?
30여년 전에 이 영화를 볼 때는 '아마도 살인현장을 침묵으로 목격하는 목격자'를 비유했을 거라고 생각했다.
30여년 후에 (호주판 '양들의 침묵') 악몽이 연쇄적으로 나를 습격하며, 다른 이유를 알게 되었다.
호주정부의 많은 사람들은, 한발 더 나아가 더욱이 강요된 침묵이 습관으로 일상화되었다는 점이다.
호주 인구가 2666만명 (2023년 기준)인 점을 감안하면, 3배 더 많은 수의 양들이 호주에 있다.
그런데 강요된 침묵이 습관으로 일상화되어 유체일탈된 비양심이 만들어낸 '강요된 침묵과 습관'까지 고려하면, 거의 양들 수에 근접할 지 모른다.
2025년 (호주판 '양들의 침묵') 결론이다.
Zheng을 살리면 대륙이다. Zheng을 죽일 경우 여기는 인간존엄성 측면에서 '고립된 섬'이다. 기일은 2025년3월13일이다.
(Australian version of 'Silence of the Lambs') If Zheng is saved, it is a continent. If not, it's an 'isolated island'
However, if we take into account the ‘forced silence and habits’ created by unscrupulous people who have become accustomed to forced silence as a habit, it may be close to the number of sheep.
I saw the horror crime movie ‘Silence of the Lambs’ at the cinema.
I never dreamed that the movie would actually appear in Australia over 30 years ago.
In three aspects, the 2025 Real Auz in common found in (Australia's version of 'Silence of the Lambs') is as follows.
('Silence of the Lambs' released in 1991): I watched the movie with only Jodie Foster in mind, but the appearance of Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a famous cannibalistic killer, made me feel uneasy throughout the movie.
(2025 Australian version of ‘The Silence of the Lambs’): I looked at Australia with only the Sydney Opera House in mind, and the high-ranking Australian public officials are being plagued by bribery and corruption criminals, and the brutality of high-ranking Australian public officials in public power approaches the level of murder.
('Silence of the Lambs' released in 1991): A serial murder case occurs.
(2025 Australian version of ‘The Silence of the Lambs’): A series of nightmares come to life in Australia. ① Extreme harassment and bribery corruption by the head of an Australian government-funded bank ② The Western Australia Attorney General's enforcement of double punishment ③ When protesting against this, the Western Australian Attorney General promised in a document dated January 6, 2025, 'This is absolutely final fees', but did not keep the promise. ④ When the banking supervision bureau asked in November 24, I answered and paid the remittance fee, but on January 23, 25, they inflated the amount by over 200,000 dollars and double-billed me again and threatened to deprive me of all my rights if I did not pay this amount.
('Silence of the Lambs' released in 1991): The title says ‘Silence of the Lambs’. The sheep represent the victims of murder cases and, by extension, the good public. And sheep are a symbol of the trauma that modern people are experiencing.
(2025 Australian version of ‘The Silence of the Lambs’): As of November 2023, the number of sheep in Australia is 78.75 million, the largest number since 2007. It is said that even when sheep are tied up and slaughtered, they do not struggle even once and do not cry.
Why was the title chosen ‘Silence of the Lambs’?
When I watched this movie 30 years ago, I thought it was a metaphor for 'a witness who silently witnesses a murder scene.'
About 30 years later (Australian version of 'Silence of the Lambs'), nightmares attacked me in succession, and I learned another reason.
Many in the Australian government go further and say that enforced silence has become a habit.
Considering that Australia's population is 26.66 million (as of 2023), there are three times more sheep in Australia.
However, if we take into account the ‘forced silence and habits’ created by unscrupulous people who have become accustomed to forced silence as a habit, it may be close to the number of sheep.
I saw the horror crime film ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ at the cinema about 30 years ago.
I watched the movie with only Jodie Foster in mind, but the appearance of Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a famous cannibalistic killer, made me feel uneasy throughout the movie.
Why was the title chosen ‘Silence of the Lambs’?
As of November 2023, the number of sheep in Australia is said to be 78.75 million, the largest since 2007.
Considering that Australia's population is 26.66 million (as of 2023), there are three times more sheep in Australia.
This is the conclusion of 2025 (Australian version of ‘The Silence of the Lambs’).
If Zheng is saved, it is a continent. If Zheng is killed, this is an 'isolated island' in terms of human dignity. The date of death is March 13, 2025.
stop the ‘murder against public interest informant’ for which the Auz government must take responsibility in the future at the level of war crimes. (dynamite explosion)
(dynamite explosion) Immediately stop the ‘murder against public interest informant’ for which the Australian government must take responsibility in the future at the level of war crimes.
Exports of mineral fuels (coal, oil) and minerals, Australia's largest export items in 2023, accounted for more than 60% of total exports.
Looking at the share of Australia's mineral exports by type, they are: ① iron ore and metal scrap (29% of total exports), ② coal, coke and briquette (15% of total exports), and ③ gas (7% of total exports).
The Roy Hill iron ore mine is Australia's largest single mine, with iron ore reserves of 2.3 billion tonnes, and is located in the Pilbara region, 1,100 km from Perth, Western Australia.
Therefore, Perth is a place that geographically knows better than anyone else about the use of dynamite, which is essential for mine development.
Now the Attorney General, who oversees Western Australia, including Perth, is lighting a wick of dynamite in 'the wrong place that could endanger many things and possibly cause the mountain itself to collapse'.
Dynamite should be lit only when it has been confirmed that the entire mine shaft has been installed without collapsing.
But now the situation is as follows.
① The owner of the mountain is an Australian citizen, but they kept it private without informing the Australian people, built a tunnel under the ground, and exploded it with dynamite.
(The large-scale bribery and corruption case of the head of an Australian government-owned bank that occurred in Perth, Australia in February 2024 was designated as non-disclosed)
② Zheng was the first to tell the Australian government that there was iron ore under the mountain, and the Australian government also benefited as a result.
(Zheng reported a request for a bribe from the head of an Australian government-owned bank in Perth, Australia to the Prudential Supervision Bureau on February 6, 2024.
/ In April 2024, the Australian government imposed a fine of 18m USD on the defendant, the former head of an Australian-invested bank.)
③ When Zheng, the public interest informant who very specifically informed us of the existence of iron ore under the mountain, said he was going home, he forcibly related another story that had nothing to do with this mountain and threatened to 'deprive me of all my rights' if he gave me the money.
(Zheng paid all costs in November 2024 in connection with the civil trial closure procedure, but unexpectedly, the Attorney General of Western Australia forced him to compensate for the exchange rate difference between the defendants and spent a month trying to raise the money.
Afterwards, as I was about to return home, the Attorney General of Western Australia and others forcibly implicated me in this civil trial, which had nothing to do with this trial and won the fine case in October 2023, for which I had already paid the fine, and forced me to pay a fine three times greater than the original fine, and threatened to 'deprive me of all my rights' if I received the money.)
④ Public interest informant Zheng, who was so surprised by this, complained to the Australian government, and on January 6, 2025, the Australian government issued a government document saying, 'This is the absolute last cost you will have to pay,' and also included 'Mine Tunnel Guard Room' in the list of recipients of the document.
(So surprised by this, Zheng, the plaintiff who won the civil trial, sent a representative to the Attorney General of Western Australia to complain, and the Attorney General of Western Australia issued a government document that afternoon saying 'This is absolutely fenal fees' and also specified 'The banking supervision bureau' as the recipient of the document.)
⑤ Accordingly, public interest informant Zheng, who had not yet been able to leave the tunnel, completely believed in the promise in the government document and put his life as collateral to forcibly obtain money and pay it on January 17, 2025. However, the Australian government inflated the tunnel entrance fee that he had already paid in November 24 to a large amount and forced him to pay it again, and at the same time threatened again that 'all my rights will be taken away' if the money was received.
(I am attaching a capture of the response to the inquiry about the cost of my civil trial settlement on November 8, 2024 below.
The Western Australian Attorney General and The Banking Supervision Bureau requested that the remittance fee, which was clearly written and paid, be inflated by more than $200,000 on January 23, 2025 (just a few days after January 17, 2025, when it was said to be the last time and the money was paid on January 17, 2025). At the same time, he threatened again that if he received the money, he would 'take away all my rights'.
It is significant that the Attorney General of Western Australia responded to my question on 6 January 24 by saying 'this is absolutely the final cost' and that the document was also legally distributed to the banking supervision bureau. At that time, the banking supervision bureau has an obligation to tell me if I still have underpaid expenses, but not doing so is a problem for anyone to see.
Last Friday, I said the following about 'double billing' to an official indirectly representing the Attorney General of Western Australia's position. "Don't you know how meticulous the 'M executive' who relayed the inquiries and answers between me and The Banking Supervision Bureau at the time was? In the process, I have evidence of the phrase 'remittance fee' from November 24, and this is clearly double billing." So, the other executive gave a different answer than when I usually say this, saying, 'Even if the remittance fee was charged at that time, half of the fee requested by The Banking Supervision Bureau this time is a remittance fee and the other half is an 'account opening fee,' but they have never charged you an account opening fee, have they?' The reason he gave me such an answer as he was immediately aware of the attention of the Attorney General of Western Australia was, 'The Attorney General of Western Australia knows that I am strongly objecting to the double billing of remittance fees, and he is using his power to push that this is not the case, but he cannot do so in front of me.
In my case, ⓐ The largest bribery and corruption case among high-ranking public officials in Australia ⓑ Designated as a secret by the Australian government to hide it from the public ⓒ Due to me, some 18 million USD of criminal assets were returned to the Australian treasury ⓓ Nevertheless, the winner of the civil suit and the first public interest informant was forcibly connected to this completely unrelated trial to receive double punishment for a separate case ⓔ Double charging of remittance fees by the Attorney General of Western Australia and The Banking Supervision Bureau A dynamite wick with more than five potentially explosive detonators hidden in front of the back is lit.
The time when the fire on this wick leads to a chain reaction of dynamite explosions is at 6pm on March 13th, Australian time.
Time is very tight.
The respected Australian people must face the fact that the dynamite lit underground without the Australian people's knowledge is likely not to expand the mine, but to collapse the entire mountain (where people live on top of the mountain).
Mountains are the result of a long period of time created according to the natural flow of natural laws.
On the other hand, dynamite creates an artificial flow and must be used very carefully and limitedly so as not to violate international common sense and international law (without trampling on human dignity).
Moreover, the object of use of dynamite must be minerals such as iron ore, and it should not be exploded on a public interest informant who had the Australian government recover a portion of 18 million criminals from April 24.
This is truly an act of murder by the Australian government.
At the level of war crimes, the Australian government will have to take responsibility for it in the future, and is now tediously pushing ahead with things that governments of OECD countries with international common sense should not do.
(Our destination is the same: big picture) It's all up to AG and there's nothing I can do. the difference between a genius and an idiot is just a page of paper.
(Our destination is the same: big picture) Please support Western Australia's Attorney General to make "Zheng's 'Asia Star Model'" a model for coexistence.
From the Korean perspective, Australia does not have a king, but there are six governors appointed by the British king, including the federal governor and five state governors.
And there is another system in Australia that does not exist in Korea. I vaguely believe that it originated from the Australian government not wanting various matters to be made public during the White Australia policy in the past, and there is a unique 'non-disclosure system' by the government.
Since my case was a large-scale bribery and corruption case involving a government-owned bank president, it was not easy for me to explain my case, so I had a hard time raising funds.
To put it in local English, my civil trial proceedings over the past year have been classified as a highly confidential case of the government, so unlike other general civil trial closure procedures, the Attorney General of Western Australia is directly acting as the top person. I think it's likely that I'm the first Korean to do something like this in this area.
Perhaps the Attorney General of Western Australia, as the chief officer responsible for the conclusion of my successful civil trial, will ask me the following questions:
“After paying the money on January 17th, why are you still asking for permission to borrow money without giving me even one dollar?”
My answer is, as I have said in recent posts, "I believed in the promise made in writing by the Attorney General of Western Australia on January 7, 2025, saying 'This is the final cost,' and borrowed money that I could not borrow, and paid it on January 17. It is very difficult for me that things have turned out like this."
In the end, the Attorney General of Western Australia may misunderstand me as 'I have no will to solve the problem by asking to borrow money without giving even a penny for an entire month,' but I would like to tell you that my answer is 'It's all because of you.'
If you ask me how desperate I am, I will say, 'Since I can't get the money, I will receive only the amount of compensation I paid and deposit the remaining civil lawsuit winnings to the Australian state. From the Australian government's point of view, it has emphasized twice that 'if I give up, the money will go to the bank manager's criminal account, but it will help the country's income, and it is better than not being able to receive even a penny', and has even said several times that it is in fact the only solution.
However, the Attorney General of Western Australia responded, 'The Australian legal system does not allow this and it is impossible, and there are only two options: give up or pay all costs and receive full compensation.'
The amount due on Monday is $124,648. This time 'anonymous' comes to $35,200.
I've been looking everywhere since the day before yesterday, and I'm not sure, but if the following conditions are met very dramatically, up to $33,000 could be possible by Monday afternoon.
The condition is that the Australian Attorney General allows the borrowing of the insufficient $56,448 and it is clear that everything will be completed without any additional costs.
They say that if even one of these things doesn't work, 33000 can't be borrowed monday afternoon.
My parents and I have no collateral and it is an extreme situation, so there is absolutely no way to get an extension.
So don't ever extend Monday
There is a possibility that the Attorney General, who made me and my parents go to such extremes, will end the situation by allowing borrowing of about $40,000 on Monday.
I haven't been able to get any money at all right now, and dramatically, the $33,000 that I have the possibility of getting on Monday afternoon is, 'If it is clear that the Attorney General of Western Australia will allow borrowing for the remaining $40,000, I can lend it.'
Therefore, if you don't ask the Attorney General this on Monday, there is no other way.
There are endless excuses to think of.
The Attorney General needs to think about how I got to this point by continuously paying over $600,000 to the Attorney General From 24th Dec 2024 to 17th Jan 2025 and becoming seriously bankrupt.
Moreover, even $33,000, the success of which was uncertain as to whether the conditional loan would be successful, was found to have some potential in a very dramatic way.
Monday is the last opportunity for the Attorney General to close the case by allowing another $40,000 loan.
It's all up to AG and there's nothing I can do.
The Attorney General must now take a very big picture, rather than taking a misunderstanding and malicious approach.
In the past, all continents were combined into a supercontinent called Pangaea. About 180 million years ago, this Pangaea began to break up and become what it is today.
This is a geological model published by German meteorologist Alfred Wegener in 1912.
In the supercontinent called Pangaea, the Australian continent was attached to the South American continent, and Africa was the next closest relative (see attached picture)
On the other hand, North America was the furthest away from Australia, and it was even further away from the Euro-Asian continent.
This is a great irony considering that Australia's ancestor was Britain, which was close to the Euro-Asian continent.
According to the theory of plate tectonics, “After 250 million years, only the supercontinent (Pangaea) called ‘Pangaea Ultima’ will exist on Earth, and the Atlantic Ocean will disappear and the Indian Ocean will become the inland sea of this supercontinent.”
And in Australia, in extreme contrast to what it was 180 million years ago, in the next 250 million years, Antarctica will be the left border of the Australian continent and East Asia will be adjacent to the right border.
However, this year is 2025, and I am talking about the ‘Star of Asia’ model, which seems likely to become a reality in just 5 years.
The conclusion is that, geologically speaking, Australia will join East Asia in the future, but my argument is that the possibility of an 'Asian star' model should be kept in mind immediately in the epidemiological model five years from now, so that future generations of Australia and the future sustainability of the current Australian youth generation are guaranteed.
This is the expected flow that will appear after selecting scenario A and scenario B as shown below.
ⓐ Scenario A: If the Attorney General of Western Australia kills Dong-hee Zheng on March 10, 2025
More than half of Australia's population is white of European descent.
If these white Europeans were in Europe, they would often fight among themselves, as seen in the old Kosovo war.
However, unlike white Europeans, white Europeans living in Australia are surprisingly creating a 'WHITE AUSTRALIA' structure and robbing Asia of money, and that's with the Australian government directly taking action.
Conversely, this case shows that the group that benefited the most from the conflict in Asia was Australia.
This is because Asian countries were not fully aware that the Australian government was directly committing public atrocities that violated international law.
If I, who was the first to report the large-scale bribery corruption of high-ranking Australian government officials (even though I attributed 18M USD, part of the criminal assets, to the Australian government's treasury), is confirmed to be a beggar due to the level of public violence of the Australian government, it is only a matter of time before the hidden robbery of the Australian government spreads to other Asian countries.
I am a person with a lot of resentment and no money. If the Australian Attorney General and the banking supervision bureau collude to kill me, what do you think will happen to your country in the medium to long term?
If you think that the Australian government will just take money and get away with it, as it did with many Asians, you will realize over time that the Australian government made a big mistake in judging the situation.
If the Australian government believes in God, even if I am not the 'David who ultimately cut off Goliath's head', I am either that David's father or an important advisor to that David in the future.
If the Australian government does not believe in God (in its heart), then I am not the 'Star of Asia', but I am the father of the 'Star of Asia' or an important advisor to create the 'Star of Asia'.
So far, Asia has not had a strong basis for uniting to create an 'Asian star' in many aspects, especially in logical terms.
However, as I watched Australia's nightmare unfold in various Asian countries, I indirectly confirmed that the Australian government, which is close to Asia, has a very weak partner perspective.
I have long thought that at some point there would come a point where Korea, Japan and Taiwan would begin to unite to create an 'Star of Asia' using 'semiconductors' as a medium.
However, the relationship between the invaders and the invaded during World War II is still remembered by the older generation, and such attempts have rarely been made even under the surface.
I judged that very unpredictable uncertainties await the coming years around 2030, and I discussed this in my book, 'A Great Economic Crisis Is Coming in the Next 10 Years.'
The fact that the Australian government was revealed to be extorting Asia using 'arbitrary standards', ignoring international law, just as it did to me, and that the scale of bribery and corruption among high-ranking Australian government officials was also enormous, also means that the amount of money extorted from Asia is much larger than expected.
I offer the following message of stern warning to the Australian government:
'Don't kill Dong-hee Jeong, who was the first to report large-scale bribery and corruption among high-ranking Australian government officials and transferred 18 million USD to the Australian government's treasury!'
Otherwise, the price your Australian government will have to endure around 2030 will be beyond imagination.
ⓑ Scenario B: If the Attorney General of Western Australia saves Zheng Dong-hee on March 10, 2025
My financial institution is a Brookfield affiliated company and is one of Brookfield's 26 affiliates registered with ASIC.
Headquartered in Canada, Brookfield Corporation operates as a global asset management firm specializing in renewable power, real estate, infrastructure, private equity and credit. Brookfield Asset Management, the flagship company, is positioned as a leading global alternative asset management company with assets under management exceeding US$1 trillion, and its main investment areas are real estate and renewable energy infrastructure.
Brookfield South Korea was established only in April 2019. It was established 120 years later than the Canadian headquarters of Brookfield, which was established in 1899.
Nevertheless, since then, many cases of Brookfield in Australia have been delayed compared to Korea.
In 2023, Brookfield Asset Management purchased the Cheongna Logistics Center in Incheon with a total floor area of 430,000 m2, the largest in Korea, for 659 billion won. (Coupang leases 80% of the logistics center.)
Centennial and joint-venture partner Brookfield Real Estate Secondaries have spent about $163 million of its $700 million fund to pick up two prime industrial and logistics assets in Sydney on October 23.
Another example is that in 2025 Brookfield sells Sydney Logistics Estate after it was built. The purchase period for this land is In 2023.
Sydney-based Brookfield Multiplex was founded in 1962. In January 2008, Multiplex became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Brookfield Asset Management Inc. The latter period alone is more than 11 years ahead of Brookfield South Korea's founding year.
The timing of the purchase of Brookfield real estate in Sydney is later than when Brookfield purchased this logistics center, the largest in Korea (130,000 pyeong), through a pre-purchase agreement at the end of 2022.
Although Korea is a very small country compared to Australia and shows much lower figures than Australia in terms of per capita GDP, in terms of total GDP, it has been ranked similar to Australia for several years, and Brookfield South Korea's asset management scale is a whopping $1 trillion.
Brookfield Asset Management, which also shows a high affinity with Australia, is headquartered in Toronto and has branches in New York, London, Rio de Janeiro, and Sydney. While American or European investment banks have their Asian headquarters in Singapore, Hong Kong, or Shanghai, Brookfield has its Asian headquarters in Sydney.
However, there are mixed opinions as to whether Brookfield, which has its Asian headquarters in Sydney, actually serves as an Asia desk as well as Sydney's own Brookfield building.
Why is that so?
This is because Australia has too many of its own closed rules that deviate from international standards, especially in the financial sector, compared to Singapore, Hong Kong or Shanghai, Tokyo and Seoul, which have other Asian headquarters.
In particular, the implementation of the 10% Value Added Business Deposit for Australian outflow funds exceeding $1 million, which was created under the leadership of The Banking Supervision Bureau from 2024, made very little effort to explain it to Australians and Asian citizens before implementation, and caused many sacrifices for people like me who did not know about this in the early stages of implementation.
A characteristic of Asian financial cities is that other Asian countries provide sufficient notice in advance of the implementation of the system, which usually applies to foreigners as well as local citizens, and that a few special provisions are actually applied in the early stages of implementation rather than unilaterally applying overly strict regulations.
On the other hand, in Australia, the financial authorities for the banking supervision bureau are taking a very tight stance in this field, and it is estimated that as of 2024, Asian businesspeople who are sober are strongly preferring European and American investment banks with Asian desks in Singapore and Hong Kong rather than Brookfield, which has an Asian desk in Sydney.
In particular, in October 2024, the fine I paid while using an Australian financial institution was brought up again at the very end of the trial conclusion process after winning a civil suit in a completely different case, and the case of applying double punishment to me is a 'very internationally shameful shame' that completely denies the common sense based on very basic international law among Asian business people.
If the Attorney General of Western Australia saves Chung Dong-hee on March 10, 2025, all these mistakes or 'the Australian government's brutality of public power that goes against international standards' will give Sydney and other countries the last chance to attempt to change the trend in the future to actually serve as an Asia desk.
I hope that the Australian government should now face the fact that Brookfield South Korea's incredible asset management scale, which did not give it any role as an Asian headquarters compared to Brookfield, which has its Asian headquarters in Sydney, is possible thanks to the pro-international standard financial environment that is several times ahead of Sydney in terms of international standards, even though Korea is not an English-speaking environment.
There is a saying that the difference between a genius and an idiot is just a page of paper.
It is no longer an open secret that too many disputes arise to Korean due to investment in Australia.
Everyone tells me I'm crazy.
For the past year or so, I thought that Australia naturally had an international standard financial environment that the top OECD countries had, but (from my perspective as someone who has done a lot of trade with Indonesia and visited Surabaya, Indonesia more than five times), it is shocking to see that the international standard financial environment lags behind that of Indonesia.
At the very least, the Australian people and the Australian government chose 'ⓑ Scenario B: If the Attorney General of Western Australia saves Zheng Dong-hee on March 10, 2025', showing at least some conscience that Australia is no longer a country that turns Asians into beggars due to its own closed, unprincipled policy that runs counter to international law.
Then, it is expected that Sydney, Perth, etc. will actually make a lot of progress in the future, especially in the financial aspect.
(※ Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley(Address: 11th Floor, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, WEST PERTH WA 6005 / Telephone: 61 8 6552 6800 / Email:Minister.Quigley@dpc.wa.gov.au)
The fees I have already paid during the course of my trial closing proceedings from November 2024 to Mar 10, 2025 are as follows.
① The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$23,600 for handling the case (Paid on November 22, 2024)
② The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$25,860 for closing the case (Paid on November 22, 2024)
③ US$6,000 for defreezing fees and remittance fees of the Banking Supervision Bureau (Paid on November 22, 2024)
④ The trial plaintiff paid the trial defendant the exchange rate difference of 258,633 USD. (Paid at 24th Dec 2024)
⑤ The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$12,800 for an execution fee (Paid on December 24th, 2024)
⑥ the freezing procedure fee of US$ 189,823 of the Banking Supervision Bureau (Paid on 17th January 2025)
⑦ the General Administration of Finance remitted US$ 38,960 to Stamp charge (Paid on 17th January 2025)
⑧ the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 12,800 US dollars for an execution fee, again (Paid on 17th January 2025)
⑨ the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 5,780 US dollars for a certificate fee (Paid on 17th January 2025)
⑩ pay the late payment fee of 108,570 dollars to the banking supervision bureau (Paid on 20th Feb 2025)
⑪ pay an 15days extension fee of 53,800 US dollars (Paid on 20th Feb 2025)
⑫ US$ 62,630 has been included in the reduction of of remittance fee to the banking supervision bureau(Paid on 20th Feb 2025)
⑬ pay 50,000 US dollars of remittance fee to the banking supervision bureau(Paid on 7th Mar 2025)
⑭ pay an 3 days extension fee of 12,800 US dollars (Paid on 7th Mar 2025)
⑮ pay an 3 days extension fee of 12,800 + 3 times posponed penalty fee 5,000 US dollars (Paid on 10th Mar 2025)
(still, needs to pay US$ 124,648 remittance fee to the banking supervision bureau before March 13)
Zheng, Donghee