Part 5
121. Mr. Beauchamp’s record in sales is -------, but I am reluctant to make him a director because he doesn’t have any experience in international trade. (A) impresses (B) impressed (C) impressive (D) impressively
122. Perrin Pool & Patio is offering substantial ------- on all swimming pools and pool supplies as part of our end of season sale.
123. Your new SparkleTop kitchen counters should ------- be cleaned with a nonabrasive, non-caustic cleaner, which you may purchase through our web site.
124. ------- construction of the new loading docks is complete, we will be able to
125. If you purchase over 100 dollars worth of goods, our company will ship them to you at half the ------- rate.
126. We will not learn how ------- our advertising strategy is working until the
127. We are currently in negotiations with CMX Satellite Television over national
128. ------- you are planning to purchase a used car from a private owner, it is
129. Dr. Freda Polanco ------- oversees all care given to her patients, even when she herself is not performing the tasks.
130. All prospective managers at Palms Boutiques must ------- a 20-hour training course at our corporate headquarters in order to qualify for the position.
mp파일 및 해설 자료:
2009년_4월8일_모질게 토익 RC1000제 제2탄_대박.hwp
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