Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 414. Interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values
6 When men and women open the door to a new world, feeling heavenly emotions and venturing forth, it will be the time for the beginning of the kingdom of heaven that we have lonInterdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values ged for. It is only then that the Last Days of heaven and earth will come, and that humanity’s purpose, desire and hope will take root. In that day, the era of people making self-centered, arrogant claims will pass away. It will be a time when no one will say, “I am the best.” From that time on, we will live in a world of cooperation; that is, a world of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. Therefore, the Unification Church advocates interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. We cannot realize such a world on our own. (24-299, 1969.08.31)
7 In an ideal society or nation, everyone will transcend nationality and skin color to engage in mutual cooperation, create harmony, and live in happiness. The community will be like an extended family. People will be conscious of being the sons and daughters of one God, a single brotherhood and sisterhood under the True Parents. That will be the place where blessed families, who have restored their lineage, right of ownership and realm of heart, will realize a world of freedom, peace and unity. It will be a world of True Parents’ language and culture. People will be interdependent and prosperous, sharing universal values and God’s culture, which is based on heart. As true owners, people will find ways to stop polluting the earth’s environment and to love and protect all things. In that world, people will generate their livelihood in joyful service and act based on a heart that lives and loves for the sake of others. All of society's members will follow this standard of living. These ideals are impossible to achieve without the implementation of True Parents’ thought, the thought that teaches that true love is living for the sake of others. (269-156, 1995.04.17)
8 Love of parents, love of husband and wife, and love of siblings have disappeared from contemporary Western philosophy. In this respect, Eastern thought is on a higher plane than western thought. Based on that thinking, which denies that the self can exist outside of a relationship with others, the Unification Church advocates interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. The concept that no one can be victorious alone is an absolute. Why do I tell you to serve the church? It is to elevate your greatness. Do you aspire to be the greatest in your family? Serving the church will make you even greater; serving the nation will make you even greater than that; serving the world will make you even greater and serving heaven and earth will make you even greater. How much greater? It is greatness beyond one’s imagination! Here, greatness does not refer to size; it refers to well-rounded nature and maturity. If you take this on, you need to be ready to live together with all people on the world stage, with the Unification Church as your center. That is the only way you can become the son or daughter of the God who created heaven and earth. (24-300, 1969.08.31) |