The edict was issued after 10 assaults on ticket inspectors on trams between January and March this year. According to a Yarra Trams spokesman, this is "slightly higher" than the number of assaults at the same time last year, and resulted in 15 minor injuries, such as sprains and bruises.
The edict effectively ensures that those who refuse to give their name and address and instead flee cannot be detained or fined.
This comes just as Public Transport Victoria orders an increase in tram patrols by inspectors, in an attempt to cut fare evasion to 7 per cent across the public transport network.
Metro also has a "no chase" policy, according to a spokeswoman for the train operator, but only for fare evasion and other minor offences. If a fare evader assaults an inspector or another passenger, inspectors on the rail network might try to detain them.
"Officers are required to make a reasonable attempt using reasonable levels of force to stop a person from running away if they don't have a valid ticket," she said.
"However, if a person does run away, our policy is not to give chase to pursue the offender unless a more serious crime has been committed."
According to Metro, seven ticket inspectors on the rail network have been assaulted so far this year.
On the trams, there have been several aggressive confrontations between inspectors and passengers reported in recent years.
담에 인스펙터 만나면 걍 뛰면 되겠네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
첫댓글 가끔 올려주시는 이런 글들이 나름 영어 공부에 도움이 될텐데..일단 세문장 넘어가는 글을 보면 스크롤부터 주르륵 내리게 되는 이 무식한 뇨자를 어째야 할까요....ㅠ
영어권 나라에 살면서 여전히 영어 울렁증이....하하하
센스만점 봉봉님 ^^
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잔잔하던 멜번이 그립네요.
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옆집 사람이 마음에 안든다고해서 가서 죽여버릴 수 없 듯이.
세상에는 다소 불편하고 내 뜻대로 내 생각과 맞지않아도 무조건 지켜야 할 법이 있습니다.
그래야 어울려서 같이 살 수 있거든요. 그 기본에 자신을 맞추지 못하면
사람이 사는 사회에 같이 살 자격이 없습니다.
버스타면 인스펙터도 없고 대부분 버스기사들은 마이키 긁는지 마는지 상관안하는데... 다른 도시들은 저렇게 공짜승객은 거의 없다던데 왜 이 멜번은 엉망인지 모르겠군요.