Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 429. A world of peace is one global family
7 The kingdom of heaven is a world where all are united as one in harmony in the love of God, the subject partner, and all are happy with one another. It is where the family serves as the model and expands to the world level. This is the ideal that God has envisioned for the kingdom of heaven. To realize the kingdom of heaven, God’s vision of one large harmonious family centered on His love must be achieved worldwide. Only then can the world that God has envisioned come to pass. Yet people in today’s world do not even dream of it. They do not know of this world. God has been striving to bring this world into reality, but Satan, the servant who violated Heaven’s law, has prevented this. Therefore, God cannot intervene unless a man emerges who is superior to this servant, a true man who shows complete loyalty to God in a position higher than Satan’s. This is where God stands in relation to today’s fallen, evil world. (065-034, 1972.11.13)
8 God is the Parent, and human beings, His children, have the status of citizens of His nation. This applies to individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world. When we look at people in this way, each individual is under God’s sovereignty and each is a member of the family of His direct sons and daughters. Hence, God’s sovereignty in His nation is connected with His sovereignty in the family. Therefore, although there are numerous individuals, tribes and peoples, God’s sovereignty over each of them absolutely stands on the relationship of subject and object partners. The ideal world of creation is a world where this subject-object partner relationship can be formed anywhere. God's sovereignty pervades that world, which is on the horizontal plane and is called the heavenly nation. This is God’s ideal of creation. However, the Fall of the first ancestors caused it to fundamentally break down. (77-210, 1975.04.12)
9 What is the system of the ideal world? It is an extension of the family system. If you have perfected your heart in accord with the principles of the family textbook, wherever you go you will treat the people of any family as your brothers and sisters or your sons and daughters. However, this does not mean you can treat them like your spouse. When you meet someone as old as your grandparents, you will treat that person as your own grandparent. When you meet people the same age as your sons and daughters, you will treat them as your children. When you encounter children the same age as your own children, you will naturally share your food with them. We must create such a world. Unless we live for the sake of others we cannot bring about a world of peace. If we do not develop the philosophy of living for the sake of others from a concept into a living reality, this world cannot become a world of peace. (225-226, 1992.01.20)
10 What purpose do all people share? What is the common gate that all people ultimately must pass through? It is neither the nation nor the world; it is neither the communist world nor the democratic world. Before there can be a true communist world, there must be an original family. Before there can be a true democratic world, there must be an original family that can build the true democratic world. Yet, where are the order, the education and the standard of purpose for this? They have not yet appeared on the earth. Therefore there cannot be a kingdom of peace, an ideal nation of peace, or a country of peace. The day must come when such an ideal family, an original family, appears on the earth. It absolutely must appear in history and share the destiny of all humankind. We need to seek that family, find that family, meet that family and live for that family. Only then will God’s providence for the earth be fulfilled, and the earth will become the promised land and the haven of rest. (23-032, 1969.05.11) |