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대조선사 연구회
카페 게시글
대조선 탐구 영어의 tree와 한자발음 나무,수 樹의 어원과의 연관성
나비우스 추천 0 조회 223 16.11.04 19:53 댓글 5
게시글 본문내용
  • 16.11.05 06:55

    첫댓글 나무

    nam=to bend or bow, to bow to,
    subject or submit, one's self, to turn
    away, keep aside, to turn towards,
    to yield or give way, keep quiet or
    be silent, to change a dental letter
    into a cerebral, to be bent or bowed,
    yield or submit to, to cause to bow
    or sink, incline, to bend a bow, to turn
    away or ward off, to aim at, to bow
    or submit one's self to p.528

    u=and, also, further, as, to call to,
    hail, to roar, bellow p.171​

    au=an interjection, a particle of
    addressing, calling, prohibition,
    ascertainment, a sound, (aus)
    the earth p.236

  • 16.11.05 07:01

    o=an interjection, a particle of
    addressing, calling, reminiscence,
    of compassion p.235

    nam-u=조용하게 존재하는 것(to keep quiet or be silent)-같이(as)
    nam-o=nam-au=조용하게 존재한다(to keep quiet or be silent)-(!)

    su=to go, move, to urge, impel,
    incite, to press out, extract, to
    distil, prepare, to beget, bring forth,
    good, excellent, right, virtuous,
    beautiful, easy, well, rightly, much,
    greatly, very, any, easily, willingly,
    quickly p.1219

  • 16.11.05 07:00

    tree의 어원

    tu=to have authority, be strong, to go,
    to injure, to make strong or efficient,
    pray! I beg, do, now, then, and, or p.449

    ri-R=to go, move, rise, tend upwards,
    to go towards, meet with, fall upon or
    into, reach, obtain, to move, excite,
    erect , raise, to move or go towards
    with speed or zeal p.223

    i=this, that, to go, walk, to go to
    or towards, come p.163

    tu-ri-i>tri-i=강건하게(to be strong)-서있는(to erect)-이(this)

  • 16.11.05 07:21

    Webster: Origin and Etymology of tree
    Middle English, from Old English treow;
    akin to Old Norse tre tree, Greek drys,
    Sanskrit daru wood
    First Known Use: before 12th century

    trai=to protect, preserve, cherish, defend,
    rescue from p.462

    baum의 어원

    bhauma=relating or dedicated to the
    earth, produced or coming from the
    earth, earthly, terrestrial, consisting
    or made of earth, earthy, coming from
    the land, relating to the planet Mars
    or to his day , falling on Tuesday,
    dust of the earth, corn, grain, floor,
    story p.768

    독일어에서는 der Baum=tree 라는 뜻이다. 남성명사

  • 16.11.05 07:21

    kid의 어원

    ki=ci p.282

    ci=to arrange in order, heap up,
    pile up, construct, to collect,
    gather together,?accumulate,
    acquire for one's self, to search
    through (for collecting), to increase,
    thrive, to wish to accumulate or
    collect, to observe, perceive, to
    seek for, investigate, search through,
    make inquiries, to detest, hate,
    to revenge, punish, take vengeance
    on p.394

    id=even, just, only, indeed,
    assuredly p.165

    ki-id>kid=성장한다(to thrive)-정말로(indeed)

    p.는 옥스포드 범어사전 oxford sanskrit dictionary 페이지
