Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 436. The UN of Religions
14 People of faith all over the world need to band together and create a global body that cannot be defeated by any people or sovereign power. This is how they can awaken the sleeping United Nations. At present, the United Nations cannot stand up to communist opposition. That is why we must quickly create a UN of Religions. After that, the mission of religious people will be to win over the left-wing and the right- wing worlds, and connect them to God. (12-221, 1963.05.15)
15 In front of God, all families are fallen. Only when they go beyond the fallen world can they emerge as ideal families of God. But even after ideal families have appeared, we need a new age and a new structure for an ideal world. The center of that world will be the ideal United Nations, based on ideal families. That can provide a model for the world. The model world begins from the family. We need to establish a UN that goes beyond the Abel position, and unites Cain and Abel as one. Then everyone will be part of the family that goes beyond the nation and the world. (513-229, 2006.01.01)
16 Suppose a United Nations for the religions of the world had been established alongside the existing global United Nations, based on the idea that both nations, which are external, and religions, which are internal, should become one. Then we would now be living in an age when no one would oppose the teachings of the Unification Church. Suppose the UN of Religions and the global United Nations had come together and asked, “How can we become sibling organizations, as filial children who truly serve the Will of God and who also love our nations?” What if they had pursued and researched this matter? Then they would not have opposed the Unification Church. Instead they would have advocated that everyone follow its teachings. (122-245, 1982.11.16)
17 The United Nations was created from a political perspective. The UN of Religions, however, has not yet been created; therefore it should be. The United Nations can become one by cooperating with the UN of Religions. Without such a religious base, the United Nations has become a hotbed of communism. Things turned out as they did because the United Nations was not able to fulfill its mission. That is why I met with Dwight Eisenhower, former president of the United States. I told him, “You need to make an organization that can subjugate the communists, who are trying to dominate the world.” I told him to be prepared to stop the communists. (131-190, 1984.05.01)
18 My plan is now to create a UN of Religions. People of faith around the world need to be part of this. We then need to encourage women to create the Women’s UN. Why is this necessary? Politics represent the body, which is Satan’s base. Satan’s mentality is such that politics is fraught with deceit. People in politics seek benefit for their own nations even at the expense of others. Only the world of the mind and the spirit can subjugate this political world of Satan. Among the people living on this earth, some are believers and others are nonbelievers. Thus we can divide people into two groups, one group that denies God and the other that affirms God. Those who deny God espouse humanism, secularism and self-centered individualism. They have nothing to do with God and everything to do with Satan. Since they have created the United Nations of the earthly world, the people who affirm God need to create a UN of the heart, of the world of religion. (251-090, 1993.10.17)
19 We are now planning to establish an Interreligious UN. Since we have a United Nations, we need to form a similar organization of religions. Our aim is to create a new culture that embraces cooperation between interreligious, international, and other non-governmental organizations. The new UN of Religions should be integrated with the United Nations, and also with organizations that connect people in the fields of politics and economics. After that it must integrate men’s and women’s groups. It should include men, women and youth. We also need an international body for education. We need all of these in order to create one nation. I also plan to set up an international defense organization something like NATO. (379-098, 2002.05.27)
20 We need to establish a world council of religions. When we bring people of faith together to form one nation, we can completely eradicate the conflicts in Satan’s world. My plan is to have this council of religions incorporated into the United Nations. These are not mere words; I am actually working on it right now. What comes after that is to create the Women’s UN. That is why I am promoting the Women’s Federation for World Peace. I intend to make a UN body centered on the Women’s Federation. Women leaders and the wives of world leaders are bound to join the Women’s Federation and participate in the Women’s UN. (248-213, 1993.10.01)
21 You need to understand that religion and politics have been enemies. Their enmity has manifested even at the United Nations. The United Nations is a global entity based on a political system, representing the body. However, now people all over the world recognize that it is incomplete. Now that I have come, religion should be included at the United Nations. The United Nations needs to connect to the world of the mind, the realm of heart. The body and mind were divided, and since there is a UN of the body there should also be a UN of the mind. Next, there should be a Women’s UN. Rather than a UN dominated by men of the archangel’s lineage, there should be a UN for women. Since Eve was lost, Eve must be recovered. (280-146, 1996.11.24) |