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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 11. 27. 월 flurry 혼란,당황케하다 scurry 허둥지둥달리다,흩날리다,소나기
상당구 추천 0 조회 34 09.08.10 11:11 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special



11. 27. 월 flurry 돌풍,혼란,당황케하다  scurry 허둥지둥달리다,소나기

11. 27. 월 flurry 돌풍,혼란,당황케하다  scurry 허둥지둥달리다,소나기

11. 27. 월 flurry 돌풍,혼란,당황케하다  scurry 허둥지둥달리다,소나기



1 Chun Young Woo, chief nuclear negotiator plans to go to Beijing today amid a flurry of diplomacy for 6 party talks.

천영우 한반도 평화 교섭 본부장이 6자회담 준비 차원에서 오늘 중국을 방문합니다.

flurry 보통 눈보라, 돌풍, 혼란, 당황케하다, 갈팡질팡하다

2 Korea scurries to stem spread of highly virulent bird flu and begins mass slaughtering poultry in the southwestern part of the country.

정부는 전남 지방에서 조류 인플루엔자가 발생함에 따라, 바이러스의 확산을 막기 위해 이 지역과 인근 농가의 닭을 살처분 했습니다.

scurry 하면, 허둥지둥하다, 서두르다.. 또는 총총걸음으로 달리다... 할 때...

virulent 맹독의,치명적인,전염성이강한

slaughter 도살,살육,학살하다,완패시키다

3 President Roh proposes political tradeoffs with leaders of the governing and opposition parties for political negotiations.

노대통령은 원활한 국정운영을 위해 여,야 대표들이 참여하는 정치협상회의를 제안했습니다. trade-off 하면 (타협을 위한) 거래, 협정 으로 해석 될 수 있습니다.

4 Palestinian rockets strike Israel threatening fledgling cease-fire agreement that came into effect hours earlier.

팔레스타인은 이스라엘과의 휴전 발효 1시간 후 곧바로 로켓공격을 시작해 휴전체제를 위협했습니다. fledgling 깃털이 갓난, 애송이의 cease-fire 휴전

5 Chile's ex-military leader, Pinochet owns up full responsibility for the first time for the violent tactics of his dictatorship.

피노체트 전 칠레 대통령이 처음으로 자신의 재임시절 있었던 인명피해에 대한 책임을 인정했습니다. own up 모조리 자백하다, 요기서는 모든 책임을 지다...

Richards, Jackson to discuss racist rant

                                                       인종차별주의자    고함,호통,야단치다

Michael Richards appeared on the Rev. Jesse Jackson's nationally  syndicated radio program to discuss his racist rant at a Los Angeles comedy club. Richards' participation in the "Keep Hope Alive" program is a chance to reach out and apologize to the black community.

Jackson think he wants to recover from the pain he now feels and the pain he's caused others." Jackson also said his inclusion in the radio show aired on Sunday would be a chance for a broader discussion about black actors, writers and directors' "cultural isolation" in the entertainment industry. "We might turn this minus into a plus," Jackson said.

syndicate 기업활동,기업조합,연합,채권인수조합단,조폭,이사회,신문용기사배급기업, ~(기사)를 신문잡지 등에 배급하다, ~에 인수단을 조직하다, 

inclustion 포함 포섭

turn this minus into plus change a negative and bad situation into something that can be positive or fruitful

Prince William's girlfriend invited to royal Christmas

Prince William's girlfriend Kate Middleton has been given an unprecedented invite to spend Christmas Day with the British royal family. It will be a significant sign of her growing acceptance in royal circles and a very clear acknowledgement of her part in the life of William, second in line to the throne.

Last year she was only invited to spend the following day, Boxing Day, with the royals. It would be the first time that an unmarried partner had been invited to spend Christmas Day at Sandringham.

"Kate knows that, if she and William stay together, there will have to be compromises. She knows that it is a great honour to be asked and that William would never not be present at the Christmas lunch." A spokesman for Clarence House, William's official residence, said.

unprecedented 전례없는,신기한  throne 왕위,황제,

circles You can refer to a group of people as a circle when they meet each other regularly because they are friends or because they belong to the same profession or share the same interests.

compromise 타협,화해,양보 A compromise is a situation in which people accept something slightly different from what they really want, because of circumstances or because they are considering the wishes of other people.
