글 씨앗/글꽃윤소영
갈맷빛 아른아른
산마루 마실나와
물밀듯 흩어지듯
웃음꽃 핀 나그네
밝은 빛 따라
핑크빛에 움트네
햇살이 배회하듯
슬며시 내려앉고
책갈피 왁자지껄
사랑의 향기품네
스며드는 글
아름다운 별처럼
땅속을 비집고 온
초록잎 새싹들이
파르르 떨린 꽃잎
눈부셔 볼수없는
사랑에 빠져
연천하늘 뒤덮네
Written by Seed
written by / Yoon So-young
tranaslated into English by chodong
It looks like it looks brown
I'm going to go to the ridge
Scattering away like water
A traveler blooming with laughter
all over the world
follow the bright light
It's sprouting in pink
As the sunlight wanders
Slowly sinking down
Bookmarks are buzzing
It's the scent of love
It's clear
writing that seeps into
like a beautiful star
Coming through the ground
green leaf sprouts
fluttering petals
It's so dazzling I can't see it
beautiful color
in love
It reaches the sky and covers it
초동문학카페 영시방에서