소니사의 Sound Forge v7.0b 버젼이 발표되었습니다. 업그레이드 된 내용의 대부분이 버그가 수정되었다는 내용이며, 그외에는 크게 바뀐점은 없는 듯합니다. 업그레이드 내용에 대해 좀더 관심 있으신분들은 아래의 내용을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
▣ Sound Forge v7.0b 의 주요 내용
A bug has been fixed that caused the Explorer window to lose its Favorites settings if the list was too long. Favorites are now saved in the following file: C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Sony\Sound Forge\7.0\ExplorerFavorites.txt. The file is saved whenever you close the Explorer window or exit the application. You can copy the file to different computers or user accounts to migrate Favorites settings.
A bug has been fixed that could cause excessive CPU usage when playing back or zooming files saved using the Windows Media Audio Lossless codec.
ADPCM formats for IVC, NeXT/Sun, SD1, and VOX files will now build proxy files (.sfap0) when opened. Use of a proxy file will prevent glitching when you seek through the files during playback (these formats do not support seeking natively).
The QuickTime file format plug-in now properly checks the path length when you render QuickTime files. QuickTime files are limited to a maximum of 51 characters.
A bug has been fixed that caused inaccurate Undo/Redo history information when multiple files were created from the same source file.
Timed recording settings now persist when you close and reopen the application (to record the timer events, the application must be running and recording must be armed in timer mode).
Threshold-based recording will now properly display the Time Recorded value when using a prerecord buffer.
Markers placed during recording when using a prerecord buffer will now be placed at the correct locations when you stop recording. In previous versions, your markers would be added to the prerecorded buffer.
Prerecord buffer settings now persist when you close and reopen the application.
A bug has been fixed that caused metadata - such as timecode and tape name - to be stripped when files created in Sony Video Capture were edited in Sound Forge software.
A bug has been fixed that caused sample loop markers to be off by one sample in AIFF files.
A bug that could cause AIFF files to produce noise when saved as MP3 has been fixed.
Workspace (.sfw) files created in Sound Forge v6.0 now open correctly.
Markers and regions now move more predictably when a plug-in changes the length of your audio data.
A bug that caused the Graphic Dynamics plug-in to report inaccurate Ratio and Threshold settings has been fixed.
A bug has been fixed that caused files saved as .raw audio to ignore the selected Big-endian or Little-endian setting.
A bug that could cause a crash when applying the Pitch Bend plug-in to a mono file has been fixed.
A bug has been fixed that prevented Preview on External Monitor functionality from working correctly with some PAL DV devices.
Zoom Out Full and Sync Graphs commands now work correctly in the Spectrum Analysis sonogram mode.
When you're viewing a stereo file, the windows in the sonogram mode can have different zoom levels unless Sync Graphs is selected.
Display range settings from the Spectrum Settings dialog are now applied in normal or sonogram mode.
A bug has been fixed that could cause the spectrum graphs of stereo file's channels to be displayed at different sizes.
▣ 참고링크 http://mediasoftware.sonypictures.com/products/soundforgefamily.asp |
첫댓글 간단하게 7.0b Build 301로 업그레이드하는 방법은 Sound Forge 7.을 실행하신후에 Help메뉴를 통해 Sony홈피에 가셔서 다운로드메뉴에서 Sound Forge Update 7.0b를 클릭하시면 업글 설치 파일이 바로 받아집니다 그대로 업그레이드하시면 됩니다. 좋은 정보 감사합니다.
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