2009 is here so are New Year’s resolutions |
2009년이 왔고 새해 결심들도 왔다 |
Goodbye to 2008 and hello to 2009. As we are closing yet another chapter in our lives, we cannot help but reflect on many of the reminiscences that happened during the year. We may have made mistakes, achieved specific goals, gone through wanted or unwanted incidents, or done something that will continue to affect us in the proceeding year. With mixed feelings of both regret and excitement, we determine to make a fresh new start and make the best of next year. A resolution can be anything from changing a certain aspect of your lifestyle to changing a particular habit such as biting nails
New Year’s resolutions are hard but not impossible to achieve. All you need is a disciplinary mind that goes parallel with a positive attitude. No one accomplishes a goal smoothly without obstacles. Persistency and a strong will power that suppresses failure is what one encounters on the road of success.
1. Did you contented with 2008 year? 2008년에 만족하셨나요? How was 2008 years? 2008년은 어땠습니까?
2. What did you last day (31,DEC.)of every year? 매년 마지막날(12월 31일)은 무엇을 했나요? If you have a special experience, share us. 만약 특별한 경험이 있다면 공유해 봅시다.
3. What is your New Year’s resolution? 당신의 새해 결심은 무엇 입니까? If you have it,share us . 새해결심이 있다면 공유해 봅시다.
4. What do you do for your Year’s resolution? let‘s talk a your plan. 새해결심을 위해 무엇을 할것입니까? 당신의 계획을 말해주세요
안녕하세요 ~ 쥬디입니다. 2009년 새해가 밝았습니다. 올한해 T.D가족 모두 행복한 일들만 가득있기를 ^^ 2009년 첫번째 스터디인 만큼 많은 분들이 와 주시면 좋겠어요ㅎㅎㅎ 오시는 분들 참석여부 달아주세요^^
첫댓글 참석합니다용... 토픽올리느라 수고 하셨습니다.
깜찍쥬디^-^ 수고했오^^ 토욜날봐^0^
it's my new year's resolution to join T.D. see you in saturday.
I hope you make it^^
나도 갈꺼삼~~ i'll go~ ^^
ㄲㅑㅇㅏ~ 오랜만에 언니 볼 수 있겠당ㅋㅋㅋ저도 가요.
안녕하세요^^; 만 1년만에 참석합니다!