이것만 보아서는 혼을 내주실 정도는 아닌 것 같아요..
대화의 맥락이 무엇인지는 모르지만...(어쩌면 개고기논쟁?)
논쟁 자체에 대한 언급은 없고 논쟁하는 attitude에 대한 공격인데..
arrogant하긴 하지만 뾰족히 혼내줄 건더기는...뵈지 않는구만요..
지 눈에는요......^^
--------------------- [원본 메세지] ---------------------
Finding you guys in this site came to me as happiness, simultaneously, sadness.
You guys are wonderful people who strive to become a creative individuals in everyday of your life.
However, the writings of yours illuminate themselves with a hostility; opposition of an idea instead of conforming to the universal law of human nature.
The civilization that you have "achieved" are not actually a civilization at all in a strict definition.
It is needless to explain any of this any more since you guys do not possess a level of understanding(not intellectually, but philosophically)-just like not being able to see a sphere in two-dementional world.