위 사이트에 열거된 피해야할 성분 목록입니다.
ACETATE(아세테이트): Retinol. Vitamin A. Palmitate (see Palmitic Acid). An aliphatic alcohol. Can come from fish liver oil (ie. shark liver oil), egg yolks, butter, lemongrass, wheat germ oil, carotene in carrots, etc., synthetics. In cosmetics, creams, perfumes, hair dyes, vitamins, supplements. 생선의 간 오일(상어 간), 계란 노른자, 버터, 레몬그라스, 맥아, 당근의 캐로틴에서 온 것일 수 있다. 화장품, 크림, 향수, 헤어 염색약, 비타민, 보충제 등에 사용.
Acetylated Hydrogenated Lard Glyceride
Acetylated Lanolin
Acetylated Lanolin Alcohol
Acetylated Lanolin Ricinoleate
Acetylated Tallow
ADRENALINE(아드레날린): From the adrenals of hogs, cattle and sheep. In medicines. Alternatives: synthetics
돼지, 소, 양의 콩팥에서 얻음. 의약품에 사용.
AFTERBIRTH: Placenta. Placenta Polypeptides Protein. Contains waste matter eliminated by the fetus. Derived from the uterus of slaughtered animals. Animal placenta is widely used in skin creams, shampoos, masks, etc. Doesn't remove wrinkles. Alternatives: kelp, vegetable oils. 도살된 동물의 자궁에서 얻은 태반은 크림, 샴푸 등에 널리 사용됨.
ALBUMEN(알부민): Egg Albumen. Albumin. In eggs, milk, muscles, blood and in many vegetable tissues and fluids. In cosmetics, albumen is usually derived from egg whites. May cause allergic reactions. In cakes, cookies, candies, other foods. Egg whites sometimes used in "clearing" wines. 계란, 우유, 근육, 피, 식물 조직 및 유체에 들어있다. 화장품에 들어있는 알부민은 주로 달걀 흰자에서 추출한 것이고 알러지를 일으킬 수 있다. 케이크, 쿠키, 캔디 등의 음식에 들어있을 수 있다.
ALBUMIN: See Albumen.
ALLANTOIN(알란토인): A uric acid from cows, most mammals. Also in many plants (especially comfrey). In cosmetics, especially creams & lotions, and used in the treatment of wounds and skin ulcers. 소와 척추동물의 소변의 산.
AMBERGRIS: From sperm whale intestines. Used as a fixative in perfumes and as a flavoring in foods and beverages. (US regulations currently prohibit the use of ingredients derived from marine mammals.) Alternatives: synthetic and vegetable fixatives.
Aminiuccinate Acid; DL and L Forms
AMINO ACIDS(아미노 애시드): Animal or plant sources. In cosmetics, vitamins, supplements, shampoos, etc.
AMINOSUCCINATE ACID: DL and L forms. Aspartic Acid. Can be animal or plant (ie. molasses) source. Is a nonessential amino acid. In creams and ointments. Sometimes synthesized for commercial purposes.
Ammonium Hydrolyzed Protein
Amniotic Fluid
AMPD Isoteric Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
AMYLASE(아밀라아제): An enzyme prepared from the pancreas of hogs. In cosmetics and medicines.돼지의 췌장 효소. 화장품, 약품에 사용됨.
ANIMAL BONES(동물의 뼈): Bone Meal. In some fertilizers, some vitamins and supplements as a source of calcium, also in toothpastes. Alternatives: plant mulch, vegetable compost, dolomite, clay, vegetarian vitamins.화학비료, 일부 비타민, 칼슘보충제, 치약 등에 사용.
Animal Collagen Amino Acids
Animal Keratin Amino Acids
ANIMAL OILS AND FATS: In foods, cosmetics, etc. Highly allergenic. Plant derivatives are superior. Alternatives: olive oil, wheat germ oil, coconut oil, almond oil, safflower oil, etc.
Animal Protein Derivative
Animal Tissue Extract - Epiderm Oil R
ARACHIDONIC ACID: A liquid unsaturated fatty acid occurring in the liver, brain, glands, and fat of animals. Generally isolated from the liver. In skin creams and lotions to soothe eczema and rashes.
ASPARTIC ACID: See Aminosuccinate Acid.
ASPIC: An industry alternative for gelatin. Is made from clarified meat, fish or vegetable stocks and gelatin.
Batyl Alcohol
Batyl Isostearate
BEE POLLEN(꽃가루): Collected from the legs of bees. Causes allergic reactions in some people. In supplements, shampoos, toothpastes, deodorants. Too concentrated for human use. 꿀벌의 다리에서 모음. 알러지를 일으킬 수 있다. 샴푸, 치약, 방취제에 사용. 사람에게 쓰기에는 농도가 너무 높다.
BEE PRODUCTS(벌꿀 제품): From bees. For bees. Bees are selectively bred. Culls are killed. A cheap sugar is substituted for their stolen honey and millions die as a result. Their legs are often torn off by pollen-collecting trap doors. 꿀벌을 선택적으로 기르기 때문에 추려진 것들은 죽임을 당한다. 싸구려 설탕으로 그들이 모은 벌꿀을 바꿔치기하고, 결과적으로 수만마리가 죽임을 당한다. 꽃가루 채집기에서 꿀벌들의 다리가 찢겨나간다.
BEESWAX(밀납): Obtained from the honeycomb of bees. Very cheap and traditional, but harmful to the skin. Some companies won't use beeswax as it doesn't permit the skin to breathe. In lipsticks and many other cosmetics, especially face creams, lotions, mascaras, eye creams and shadows, makeup bases, nail whiteners, etc. Used in making candles, crayons and polishes. Alternatives: Paraffin; vegetable oils and fats; ceresin, made from the mineral ozokerite (replaces beeswax in candle making); carnauba wax from the Brazilian palm tree (used in many cosmetic and in the manufacture of rubber, phonograph records, in waterproofing and writing inks); synthetic beeswax. 벌집에서 얻는다. 매우 저렴하고 전통적으로 사용되는 것이지만 피부에 해롭다. 피부의 호흡을 막기 때문에 일부 화장품회사에서는 사용하지 않는다. 립스틱 및 얼굴용 크림, 로션, 마스카라, 아이크림, 아이새도, 메이크업베이스, 네일 화이트너 등의 화장품에 쓰인다. 양초, 크레용, 광택제를 만드는 데 쓰인다.
BENZOIC ACID(안식향산): In almost all vertebrates and in berries. In mouthwashes, deodorants, creams, aftershave lotions, perfumes, foods, beverages. Alternatives: gum benzoin (tincture) from the aromatic balsamic resin from trees grown in China, Sumatra, Thailand and Cambodia. 거의 모든 척추 동물과 알(물고기,새우의 알)에 들어 있는 것으로 구강청결제, 탈취제(데오도란트), 크림, 에프터쉐이브 로션, 향수, 음식, 음료수에 들어있다.
Benzyltrimonium Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
BETA CAROTENE(베타 카로틴): Provitamin A. Carotene. Found in many animal tissues and in all plants. Used as a coloring in cosmetics and in the manufacture of Vitamin A. 동물의 조직 및 모든 식물에서 발견되는 것으로 화장품의 색을 낼 때, 비타민 A를 제조할 때 사용.
BIOTIN(비오틴): Vitamin H. Vitamin B Factor. In every living cell and in larger amounts in milk and yeast. Used in cosmetics, shampoos, creams. Alternatives: plant sources.
BLOOD(피): This should be obvious but if it isn't... From any slaughtered animal. Used in cheese making, foam rubber, intravenous feedings, medicines and as adhesive in plywood. Possibly in foods as lecithin (see choline bitarate). Alternatives: synthetics, plant sources.
도살된 동물의 피는 치즈를 만들 때, 거품고무(?), 정맥 급식, 의약품, 합판 접착제에 사용될 수 있다.
BOAR BRISTLES(멧돼지털): Hair from wild or captive hogs. In "natural" toothbrushes, hairbrushes, bath brushes, cosmetic brushes and shaving brushes. Alternatives: vegetable fibers, nylon. 야생 및 사로잡힌 돼지의 털. '천연' 칫솔, 헤어브러쉬, 목욕용 브러쉬, 화장솔, 면도용 브러쉬에 사용.
BONE ASH(골회): Bone Earth. The ash of burned bones, used as a fertilizer, in making ceramics and in cleaning and polishing compounds.
BONEBLACK(골탄): Bone Charcoal. A black pigment containing about 10% charcoal made by roasting bones in an airtight container. Used in aquarium filters and in refining cane sugar. In eye shadows, polishes. 수족관의 필터나 사탕수수의 당을 정제하는 데 쓰인다. 아이섀도우, 광택제에도 쓰인다.
BONE CHARCOAL: See Boneblack
BONE EARTH: See Bone Ash
BONE MEAL: See Animal Bones
Brain Extract
Buttermilk 버터밀크
C30-46 Piscine Oil
CALCIFEROOL: Vitamin D. Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2, Ergosterol, provitarnin D2, Calciferool). Vitamin D3. Vitamin D can come from fish-liver oil, eggs, milk, butter. Vitamin D2 is made by irradiating ergosterol, a provitamin from plants or yeast. Vitamin D3 is from fish-liver oil. In creams, lotions, other cosmetics, vitamins. Alternatives: sunshine, plant sources, synthetics.
CALCIUM CARBONATE(탄산칼슘): Calcite. Aragonite. A white or colorless powder, crystalline compund, found mainly in limestone, marble and chalk, bones, teeth, shells and plant ash. 흰색 혹은 무색의 분말로 결정이 있으며 석회석, 대리석, 초크, 뼈, 이빨, 조개껍질, 식물의 재 등이 있다.
CALCIUM HYDROXIDE: Slaked lime, a white crystalline compound prepared by the action of water on Calcium Oxide, used in making alkalies, bleaching powder, etc.
CALCIUM OXIDE: a white soft, caustic solid, prepared by heating Calcium Carbonate; lime: used in making mortar and plaster, and in ceramics.
CALCIUM PHOSPHATE: Any number of phosphates of calcium found in bones, teeth, and other animal tissues and used in medicine and in the manufacture of enamels, glass, cleaning agents, etc.
Calfskin Extract
Cantharides Tincture - Spanish Fly
Carbamide - Urea, urine
Carmine - Cochineal
Carminic Acid - Natural Red No. 4 (E120)
CAPRYLIC ACID: Can come from cow or goat milk. Also from palm and coconut oil, other plant oils. In perfumes, soaps.
CARBAMIDE: Urea. Imidazolidinyl Urea. Uric Acid. Found in urine and other body fluids. Also produced synthetically In deodorants, ammoniated dentifrices, mouthwashes, hair colorings, hand creams, lotions, shampoos, etc. Used to "brown" baked goods such as pretzels.
CARMINE(카마인, 카민): Cochineal(코치닐:연지벌레). Carminic Acid. E120. Red pigment from the crushed female cochineal insect. Reportedly 70,000 beetles may be killed to produce one pound of this red dye. Used in cosmetics, shampoos, red apple sauce and other foods. May cause allergic reactions. Alternatives: beet juice, no known toxicity (used in powders, rouges, shampoos); alkanet root, from the root of an herblike tree, no known toxicity (used as a red dye for inks, wines, lip balms, etc. and can be combined to make a copper or blue coloring).
암컷 연지벌레를 으깨어 얻는 빨강 색소. 빨강 염료 1파운드를 얻기 위해 7만마리의 딱정벌레가 죽임을 당한다. 화장품, 샴푸, 빨간색 애플소스, 기타 음식에 사용된다. 알러지를 일으킬 수도 있다.
CAROTENE: See Beta Carotene.
CASEIN(카제인:우유 단백질): Caseinogen. Milk protein. In "non-dairy" creamers, many cosmetics, hair preparations, beauty masks. Alternatives: soy protein, vegetable milks.
CASTOR: Castoreum. From muskrat and beaver genitals. Used in perfumes and incense. Castor oil comes from the castor bean and is used in many cosmetics. Alternatives: synthetics, plant sources. 사향뒤쥐와 비버의 생식기에서 얻는 것. 향수와 향에 사용된다.
CASTOREUM: See Castor.
CATGUT: Tough cord or thread made from the intestines of sheep, horses, etc. Used for surgical sutures and for stringing tennis rackets and musical instruments, etc. Alternatives: nylon & other man-made fibers.
Ceteth-2 - Poltethylene (2) Cetyl Ether
Ceteth-2, -4, -6, -10, -30
CETYL ALCOHOL(세틸 알콜): Cetyl Lactate. Cetyl Myristate. Cetyl Palmitate. Ceteth-1, 02, etc. Wax found in spermaceti from sperm whales or dolphin. Used in lipsticks, mascaras, nail polish removers, hand lotions, cream, rouges and many other cosmetics, shampoos, hair lacquers and other hair products, deodorants, antiperspirants (US regulations currently prohibit the use of ingredients derived from marine mammals.) Alternatives: vegetable cetyl alcohol (ie. coconut) synthetic spermaceti. 향유고래나 돌고래의 머리부분에 있는 왁스이다. 립스틱, 마스카라, 메니큐어 리무버, 핸드로션, 크림, 루즈, 샴푸, 헤어라커, 데오도란트, 소염제 등에 사용된다.
CETYL LACTATE: See Cetyl Alcohol.
CETYL MYRISTATE/ CETETH-(#): See Cetyl Alcohol.
CETYL PALMITATE: See Spermaceti and Cetyl Alcohol.
CHOLESTERIN: Cholesterol. A steroid alcohol, especially in all animal fats and oils, nerve tissue, egg yolk and blood. Can be derived from lanolin . In cosmetics, eye creams, shampoos, etc. Alternatives: plant sources, synthetics. 동물의 지방, 신경조직, 달걀노른자, 피에 들어있는 스테로이드 알콜. 라놀린에서 얻은 것일 수도 있다. 화장품, 아이크림, 샴푸 등에 사용된다.
CHOLESTEROL(콜레스테롤): See Cholesterin.
CHOLINE BITARTATE: Lecithin. In all living organisms. Frequently obtained for commercial purposes from eggs and soybeans (when stated soy lecithin). Also from nerve tissue, blood, milk, corn. Choline bitartrate, the basic constituent of lecithin, is in many animal and plant tissues or prepared synthetically. Lecithin can be in eye creams, lipsticks, liquid powders, hand creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos, other cosmetics, candies, other foods and medicines.
Chondroitin(콘드로이친): Made from animal cartilage, such as tracheas or shark cartilage.동물의 연골조직, 기관지나 상어의 연골 등에서 만들어진다.
CIVET. Obtained from the civet, a small mammal, by stimulating it, usually through torture. Civets are kept captive in cages in horrible conditions. Used in perfumes as a fixative.
COCHINEAL (E120): See Carmine.
COD LIVER OIL: Fish Liver Oil. Fish Livers. Used in Lubricating creams and lotions, vitamins and supplements. In milk fortified with Vitamin D. Alternatives: vegetable oils, yeast extract ergosterol, sunshine.
COLLAGEN(콜라겐): A fibrous protein in vertebrates. Usually derived from animal tissue. In cosmetics. Can't affect the skin's own collagen. Alternatives: soy protein, almond oil, amla oil (from Indian tree's fruit).
CORTICO STEROID: Cortisone. Hormone from cattle liver. Widely used in medicine. Alternatives: synthetics.
CORTISONE: See Cortico Steroid.
CYSTEINE(시스테인), L-Form: Cystine. Two amino acids which can come from animals.
Used in hair products and creams, in some bakery products and wound healing formulations. Alternatives: Plant sources.
CYSTINE: See Cysteine, L-Form.
Dea-Oleth-10 Phosphate
DNA/RNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Ribonucleic Acid. Polypeptides. Obtained from slaughterhouse wastes. In all living cells. Used in many protein shampoos and cosmetics. Alternatives: plant cells.
DEPANTHENOL(디판테놀): Panthenol. Vitamin B Complex Factor. Provitarnin B5. Can come from animal or plant sources or synthetics. In shampoos, foods, supplements, emollients, etc.
Desamido Animal Collagen
Dicapryloyl Cystine
Diethylene Tricaseinamide
DIGLYCERIDES: Monoglycerides. Glycerides. From animal fat. In margarines, cake mixes, confectionaries, foods, peanut butter, non-dairy coffee creamer, cosmetics, etc. Glycerin. Alternatives: vegetable monoglycerides and diglycerides, synthetics.
Dihydrocholesterol Octyledecanoate
Dihydrogenated Tallow Benzylmoniumchloride
Dihydrogenated Tallow Methylamine
Dihydrogenated Tallow Phthalate
Dihydroxyethyl Tallow Amine Oxide
Dimethyl Hydrogenated Tallowamine
Dimethyl Tallowamine
Disodium Hydrogenated TallowGlutamate
Disodium Tallamido Mea-Sulfosuccinate
Disodium Tallowaminodipropionate
Ditallowdimonium Chloride
DOWN(다운): Goose or duck insulating feathers. Often from slaughtered or cruelly exploited geese. Used in pillows and as an insulator in quilts, parkas and sleeping bags. Bad in cold, wet weather as it packs down. Alternatives: many polyester and man-made substitutes, superior in many ways; Kapok (silky fibers from the seeds of some tropical trees); milkweed seed pod fibers. 거위나 오리의 단열성 깃털. 주로 거위를 도살하여 얻거나 잔혹하게 착취한 것이다. 베게나 퀼트, 파카, 슬리핑 백에 보온용으로 사용된다. 춥고 습기찬 날씨에는 압축되기 때문에 좋지 않다.
Dried Buttermilk
Dried Egg Yolk
DUODENUM SUBSTANCES: From the digestive tracts of cattle and swine. In some vitamins and medicines. Alternatives: vegetarian vitamins, synthetics.
E120: See Carmine.
Edible Bone Phosphate
Egg Oil
Egg Powder
EGG PROTEIN: In shampoos, skin preparations, etc. Alternatives: plant proteins.
Egg Yolk
Egg Yolk Extract
ELASTIN: Found in the neck ligaments and aorta of bovine. Similar to collagen. Can't affect the skin's own elasticity. Alternatives: synthetics, proteins from plant tissues.
Embryo Extract
ERGISTEROL: See Calciferool.
ERGOCALCIFEROL: See Calciferool.
ESTRADIOL: Estrone. Estrogen. From cow ovaries and pregnant mares' urine. Considered a drug. Can have harmful systemic effects if used by children. Used for reproductive problems and in birth control pills. In creams and lotions. Has no effect in the creams as a "nourishing" factor and simple vegetable source creams are considered better. Alternatives: Oral contraceptives marketed today are usually based on synthetic steroids. Phytoestrogens (from plants) are being researched currently.
Estradiol Benzoate
ESTROGEN: See Estradiol.
ESTRONE: See Estradiol.
Ethyl Arachidonate
Ethyl Ester of Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Ethyl Morrhuate - Lipineate
Ethylene Dehydrogenated Tallowamide
FATTY ACIDS(지방산): Can be one or any mixture of liquid and solid acids, caprylic, myristic, oleic, palmitic, stearic , behenic. Used in bubble baths, lipsticks, soaps, detergents, cosmetics, shampoos, foods. Alternatives: vegetable-derived acids, soy lecithin, safflower oil, bitter almond oil, sunflower oil, etc.
FEATHERS: Down. Keratin. Generally from exploited and/or slaughtered birds. Can be used as ornaments in whole or can be ground up in shampoos, etc.
Fish Glycerides
FISH LIVER(S): See Cod Liver Oil.
FISH LIVER OIL: See Cod Liver Oil.
FISH OIL: Marine Oil. From fish or marine mammals (including porpoises). Used in soap making, candles, lubricants, paints and as a shortening (especially in some margarines). US regulations currently prohibit the use of ingredients derived from marine mammals.
FISH SCALES: Used in shimmery makeups (eye, etc.). Garbage cans full of scales are sold to manufacturers. Alternatives: mica, rayon.
FLETAN OIL: Rare ingredient derived from fish liver which includes lecithin, Vitamin A and Vitamin D.
FUR: Hopefully speaks for itself.
GELATIN(젤라틴): Sometimes Gel. Protein obtained by boiling skin, tendons, ligaments or bones with water, from cattle and hogs. Used in shampoos, face masks, other cosmetics. Used as a thickener for fruit gelatins and puddings (Jello-brand desserts). In candies, marshmallows, cakes, ice cream, yogurts. On photographic film as a coating and in vitamins as capsules. Sometimes used to assist in "clearing" wines. Alternatives: algae and seaweed (carrageen/ Irish Moss, algin, agar-agar, kelp), Gelozone, used in jellies, plastics, medicines, pectin from fruit, dextrins, locust bean gum and cotton gum. Marshmallows were originally made from the root of the marshmallow plant.
GEL: See Gelatin,
Glucosamine(글루코사민): Made from the shells of crabs, lobster, and shrimp. 게, 가재, 새우의 껍질로 만든다.
Glucuronic Acid
GLUTAMIC ACID(글루타민산): An amino acid found widely in plant and animal tissue. Used as food seasoning and as an antioxidant in cosmetics. 동식물의 조직에서 널리 발견되는 단백산. 음식의 씨즈닝, 화장품의 산화방부제로 쓰임.
GLYCERIDES: See Diglycerides.
GLYCERIN(글리세린): Glycerine. Glycerol. Polyglycerol. Polytethylene Glycol (PEG). A byproduct of soap manufacture (normally used animal fat). In cosmetics, foods, mouthwashes, toothpastes, soaps, ointments, medicines, lubricants, transmission and brake fluids, plastics. Alternatives: vegetable or vegetable glycerin, a by-product of vegetable oil soap; derivatives of seaweed, petroleum. 비누 제작의 부산물.(주로 동물성 지방) 화장품, 식품, 구강청결제, 치약, 비누, 연고, 약품, 윤활제, 자동차 변속기 및 브레이크용 유체, 플라스틱 등에 사용.
GLYCERINE: See Glycerin,
GLYCEROL: See Diglycerides.
Glyceryl Lanolate
GUANINE(구아닌): Pearl Essence. Obtained from scales of fish. Constituent of ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid and is found in all animal and plant tissues. In shampoos, nail polish, other cosmetics. Alternatives: leguminous plants, synthetics.
HIDE GLUE: Same as gelatin but of a cruder, more impure form. Alternatives: dextrins and synthetic petrochemical-based adhesives.
HONEY(벌꿀). Food for bees, made by bees. Still a sugar, too concentrated for humans. Contains toxins harmful to humans. Can cause allergic reactions. In cosmetics, foods. Alternatives: Maple syrup, date sugar, syrups made from grains. 벌꿀은 벌을 위한 음식으로 당분이며 사람에게는 지나치게 농도가 진하다. 사람에게 해로운 독소를 포함하고 알러지를 유발할 수 있다. 화장품, 음식에 들어있다.
HORSE HAIR AND OTHER ANIMAL HAIR: In some blankets, mattresses, brushes, furniture, etc. Alternatives: vegetable and man-made fibers.
말총, 다른 동물성 털: 이불, 메트리스, 붓, 가구 등에 사용.
Human Placental Protein
Human Umbilical Extract
Hyaluronic Acid
Hydrogenated Animal Glyceride
Hydrogenated Ditallow Amine
Hydrogenated Honey
Hydrogenated Laneth-5, -20, -25
Hydrogenated Lanolin
Hydrogenated Lanolin Alcohol
Hydrogenated Lard Glyceride
Hydrogenated Shark-Liver Oil
Hydrogenated Tallow Acid
Hydrogenated Tallow Betaine
Hydrogenated Tallow Glyceride
Hydrolyzed Animal Elastin
Hydrolyzed Animal Keratin
HYDROLYZED ANIMAL PROTEIN: In cosmetics, especially shampoos and hair treatments. Alternatives: soy protein, other vegetable proteins, amla oil (from an Indian tree's fruit).
Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Hydrolyzed Casein
Hydrolyzed Elastin
Hydrlyzed Human Placental Protein
Hydrolyzed Keratin
HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN: Milk Protein. From cows' milk. In cosmetics, shampoos, moisturizers, conditioners, etc. Alteratives: soy protein, other plant proteins.
Hydrolyzed Silk
Hydroxylated Lanolin
INSULIN(인슐린): From the pancreas of hogs and oxen. Used by millions of diabetics daily. Alternatives: synthetics, human insulin grown in a lab, diet when possible. 돼지나 소의 췌장에서 얻은 것. 당뇨병 치료에 수도 없이 사용됨.
ISINGLASS(부레풀): A form of gelatin prepared from the internal membranes of fish bladders. In foods and sometimes used in "clearing" wines and beers. Alternatives: bentonite clay, "Japanese isinglass". Isinglass is also a mineral, mica, used in cosmetics.
물고기의 부레로 만듦
Isobutylated Lanolin
Isopropyl Lanolate
ISOPROPYL MYRISTATE: Myristate Acid. Myristyl. In most animal and vegetable fats. In butter acids. Used in shampoos, creams, cosmetics, food flavorings. Alternatives: nut butters, oil of lovage, coconut oil, extract from seed kernels of nutmeg, etc.
Isopropyl Tallowatelsopropyl Lanolate
Isostearic Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Isostearoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
KERATIN(케라틴): From the ground-up horns, hoofs, feathers, quills and hair of various creatures. In hair rinses, shampoos, permanent wave solutions. Alternatives: almond oil, soy protein, amla oil (from an Indian tree's fruit), rosemary, nettle. Rosemary and nettle give body and strand strength to hair.
Keratin Amino Acids
L-FORM: See Cysteine.
L-LACTIC ACID: Lactic Acid (a by-product of the slaughterhouse). Produced by the fermentation of lactose when milk sours or from sucrose and some other carbohydrates by the action of certain microorganisms. Can be found in blood and muscle tissue. In skin fresheners, adhesives, plasticizers, pharmaceuticals, sour milk, beer, sauerkraut, pickles and other food products made by bacterial fermentation. Used in foods and beverages as an acidulant, flavoring and preservative.
LACTIC ACID: See L-Lactic Acid.
Lactic Yeasts
LACTOSE(락토즈): Milk Sugar. Milk of Mammals. In eye lotions, foods, tablets, cosmetics, baked goods, medicines, shampoos. Alternatives: plant milk sugars.
Laneth-5 through -40
Laneth-9 and -10 Acetate
LANOLIN(라놀린): Lanolin Acid. Lanolin Alcohols (Sterol, Triterpene Alcohol, Aliphatic Alcohol). Wool Fat. Laneth-5, -10, etc. Lanogene. Lanosterol. Isopropyl Lanolate. A product of the oil glands of sheep, extracted from their wool. In many skin care products and cosmetics and in medicines. Some cosmetic companies won't use it because it commonly causes allergic contact skin rashes, and also they consider it to be a cheap filler. Vegetable sources are thought to be better moisturizers; lanolin is too greasy, waterproof and sealing - skin can't breathe. 양모의 지방. 양의 지방샘에서 분비되는 물질로 양모에서 추출한다. 피부관리용품, 화장품과 약품에 쓰인다. 알러지나 발진을 일으킬 수 있다.
LANOLIN ACID: See Lanolin.
Lanolin Linoleate
Lanolin Oil
Lanolin Ricinoleate
Lanolin Wax
Lanoinamide DEA
LANOSTEROL: See Lanolin.
LARD(라드): Fat from hog abdomens. In shaving creams, soaps, cosmetics, baked goods and other foods. Hard to digest. Alternatives: vegetable fats or oils. 돼지의 복부 지방. 면도크림, 비누, 화장품, 베이킹 상품, 식품 등에 사용. 소화되기 어렵다.
Lard Glyceride
Lauroyl hydrolyzed Animal Protein
LEATHER(가죽): Suede, Calfskin. Sheepskin. Alligator. Kid. Euphemism for animal skin. The use of and sale of it subsidizes the meat industry. Used to make wallets, handbags, belts, furniture and car upholstery, shoes, coats, etc. Alternatives: natural materials such as cotton and canvas. Also man-made materials such as nylon and vinyl.
LECITHIN(레시틴): See Choline Bitartrate.
L-Lactic Acid
LINOLEIC ACID: An essential fatty acid. In cosmetics, vitamins.
LIPASE: Enzyme from the stomachs and tongue glands of calves, kids and lambs. Probably in some vitamins. Alternatives: vegetable enzymes.
LIPOIDS/ LIPIDS: Fat and fat-like substances which occur in animals and plants.
Liver Extract
LUNA SPONGE: Sea Sponge. A plant-like animal that lives in the sea and is becoming scarce. Alternatives: man-made sponges.
Magnesium Lanolate
Magnesium Tallowate
Mammarian Extract
MARINE OIL: See Fish Oil.
MEA-Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Menhaden Oil - Pogy Oil; Mossbunker Oil
METHIONINE: An essential amino acid found in various proteins. Used as a texturizer in creams.
MILK OF MAMMALS: If this isn't already obvious, see Lactose.
MILK PROTEIN(유단백): Hydrolyzed Milk Protein. From cows' milk. In cosmetics, shampoos, moisturizers, conditioners, etc. Alteratives: soy protein, other plant proteins.
MILK SUGAR(유당): See Lactose.
MINK OIL(밍크 오일): From minks. In cosmetics, creams, etc. Alternatives: vegetable oils and emollients (ie. avocado, almond oil, jojoba). 밍크로부터 얻은 것.
Minkamidopropyl Diethylamine
MONOGLYCERIDES: See Diglycerides.
Muscle Extract
MUSK(머스크): Obtained from the genitals of the Northern Asian small hornless deer. In perfumes and food flavorings. Can cause allergic reactions. Alternatives: labdanum (oil which comes from various rockrose shrubs) - no known toxicity. Other plants have a musky scent also. 북아시아의 작은 뿔이 없는 사슴의 생식기에서 얻은 것. 향수나 음식의 조미료로 사용.
Musk Ambrette
MYRISTATE ACID: See Isopropyl Myristate.
MYRISTYL: See Isopropyl Myristate.
Myristoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
NATURAL FLAVOR: Natural Flavoring. Natural Source. Can mean animal, vegetable or mineral source. Most often in the health food industry, it means an animal source, especially in cosmetics (ie. animal elastin, animal glands, fat, protein, oil). Be wary of this term. Find out exact source. 천연향신료 역시 동물성일 수도 있다.
NATURAL SOURCE: See Natural Flavor.
NUCLEIC ACID: In the nucleus of all living cells. Used in cosmetics, shampoos, conditioners, vitamins, supplements, etc. Alternatives: plant sources.
OCTYL DODECANOL: Mixture of solid waxy alcohols. Primarily from stearyl alcohol.
OLEAN??: Olestra??. A man-made fat substitude that contains fatty acids. Originally planned to be marketed as a drug. Depletes body of, and prevents absorbtion of vitamins. In some potato chips and other fried foods. Alternatives: plant sources.
Oleamidopropyl Dimethylamine Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
OLEIC ACID(올레산): Oleth-2, -3, -20, etc. Oleyl Alcohol. Oleamine. Oleyl Betaine. Obtained from various animal and vegetable fats and oils, Is usually obtained commercially from inedible tallow, sometimes synthesized from petroleum. In foods, soft soaps, bar soaps, permanent wave solutions, shampoos, creams, nail polish, lipsticks, liquid makeups, many other skin preparations. Alternatives: coconut oil; see alternatives for animal oils and Fats.
소기름이나 석유에서 얻는다. 식품. 소프트 솝, 비누, 퍼머용액, 샴푸, 크림, 메니큐어, 립스틱, 액체 화장품, 피부용품 등에 사용.
Oleoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
OLESTRA??: See Olean??.
Oleyl Betatine
Oleyl Arachidate
Oleyl Imidazoline
Oleyl Lanolate
Ovarian Extract
OX BILE: Oxgall. From castrated bovines. In creams.
OXGALL: See Ox Bile.
PALMITATE: Palmitic Acid. Fatty Acids. From fats, oils, mixed with stearic acid. Occurs in many animal fats and plant oils. In shampoos, shaving soaps, creams. Alternatives: palm oil and other vegetable source.
PALMITIC ACID: See Palmitate.
Palmitoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Palmitoyl Hydrolyzed Milk Protein
PANTHENOL: See Depanthenol.
PEG-28 Glyceryl Tallowate
PEG-8 Hydrogenated Fish Glycerides
PEG-5 through -70 Hydrogenated Lanolin
PEG-13 Hydrogenated Tallow Amide
PEG-5 to -20 Lanolate
PEG-5 through -100 Lanolin
PEG-75 Lanolin Oil and Wax
PEG-2 Milk Solids
PEG-6, -8, -20 Sorbitan Beeswax
PEG-40, -75, or -80 Sorbitan Lanolate
PEG-3, -10, or -15 Tallow Aminopropylamine
PEG-15 Tallow Polyamine
PEG-20 Tallowate
PEPSIN: Obtained from the stomachs of hogs. A clotting agent. In some cheeses and vitamins. Same uses and alternatives as rennet.
Pigskin Extract
PLACENTA: See Afterbirth.
Placental Enzymes, Lipids and Proteins
Placental Extract
Placental Protein
Polyglyceryl-2 Lanolin Alcohol Ether
POLYSORBATES: Derivatives of fatty acids. In cosmetics, foods.
Potassium Caseinate
Potassium Tallowate
Potassium Undecylenoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
PPG-12-PEG-50 Lanolin
PPG-2, -5, -10. -20, -30 Lanolin Alcohol Ethers
PPG-30 Lanolin Ether
Pregnenolone Acetate
PRISTANE: Obtained from the liver oil of sharks and from whale ambergris. See Squalene. Used as a lubricant and anticorrosive agent. In cosmetics. (US regulations currently prohibit the use of ingredients derived from marine mammals.) Alternatives: plant oils, synthetics.
PROGESTERONE(프로게스테론): A steroid hormone used in face creams. Can have adverse systemic effects. Alternatives: synthetics. 얼굴용 크림에 사용되는 스테로이드계 호르몬.
PROPOLIS(프로폴리스): A resinous substance collected from various plants by bees and used in the construction of their hives. In toothpastes, shampoos, deodorants, supplements, etc. 꿀벌이 여러 식물에서 수집한 수지질의 물질로 벌집을 짓는 데 쓰인다. 치약, 샴푸, 탈취제, 보충제 등에 사용.
PROVITAMIN A(프로비타민 A): See Beta Carotene.
PROVITAMIN B5: See Depanthenol.
Purcelline Oil Syn
QUATERNIUM 27: Tallow. Stearamide. Stearate. Stearic Acid. Stearin. Fat from cows, sheep, etc. (could be dogs and cats from shelters). Most often refers to a fatty substance taken from the stomachs of pigs. Can be harsh, irritating. Used in cosmetics, soaps, lubricants, candles, hairsprays, conditioners, deodorants, creams. Alternatives: can be found in many vegetable fats (ie. coconut).
RENNET(레닛): Rennin. From calves' stomachs. Used in cheesemaking, rennet custard (junket) and in many coagulated dairy products. Alternatives: microbial coagulating agents, bacteria culture, lemon juice. 젖을 응고시키는 효소로 소의 위에서 얻는다. 치즈등 유제품의 응고에 사용.
RENNIN: See Rennet.
RETINOL(레티놀): See Acetate.
ROYAL JELLY(로얄젤리): Secretion of the throat glands of the honeybee workers that is fed to the larvae in a colony and to all queens' larvae. No proven value in cosmetic preparations. Alternatives: aloe vera, cornfrey, other plant derivatives. 군체의 유충과 여왕벌의 유충을 먹여 살리는 일벌의 목에 있는 분비선에서 나오는 분비물.
SABLE BRUSHES(담비털 브러쉬): From the fur of sables (weasel-like mammals). Used to make cosmetic brushes. Alternatives: synthetic furs and fibers. 담비의 모피에서 얻는다. 화장솔에 쓰인다.
Saccharide Hydrolysate
Saccharide Isomerate
SEA SPONGE(해면): See Luna Sponge.
SEA TURTLE OIL: Turtle Oil. From the muscles and genitals of giant sea turtles. In soaps, skin creams, nail creams, other cosmetics. Alternatives: Vegetable emollients. (See alternatives for animal oils and fats.)
Serum Albumin
Serum Proteins
Shark-Liver Oil
SHEEPSKIN: See Leather.
SHELLAC(셀락): Obtained from the bodies of the female scale insect Tachardia lacca. Shellac is used as varnish, as a coating on wood and plaster, in electrical insulation, and in sealing wax.
껍질이 있는 암컷 곤충의 몸에서 얻음. 바니쉬, 목재나 회벽의 코팅제, 전기 절연제, 씰링 왁스에 사용.
Shellac Wax
SILK(실크): Shiny fiber made by silkworms to form their cocoons. Boiled or roasted in their cocoons to get the silk. Used in cloth and silk screening. Alternatives: milkweed seed pod fibers, nylon, silk-cotton tree and ceiba tree filaments (kapok), rayon, man-made silks. Other fine cloth can be and is used for silk screening. Taffeta can be made from silk or nylon.
누에고치로 만드는 것. 실크를 얻기 위해 누에가 고치 안에 있는 상태로 끓이거나 가열한다. 옷과 실크스크린(판화기법)에 쓰인다.
대체물: 밀크위드(milkweed:유액이 나오는 식물) 씨 꼬투리 섬유, 나일론, 판야나무나 케이폭 나무의 단섬유, 레이온, 인조실크.
Silk Amino Acids
SILK POWDER: Obtained from the secretion of the silkworm. Used as a coloring agent in face powders, soaps, etc. Causes severe allergic reactions; systemic reactions if inhaled or ingested.
SNAILS: Crushed. In some cosmetics.
Sodium Caseinate
Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate
Sodium Coco-Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Sodium Hydrogenated Tallow Glutamate
Sodiurn Laneth Sulfate
Sodium Methyl Oleoyl Taurate
Sodium n-Mythyl-n-Oleyl Taurtate
Sodium Soya Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Sodium Tallow Sulfate
Sodium Tallowate
Sodium / TEA-Lauroyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Sodium / TEA-Undecylenoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Sodium Undecylenate
Soluble (Animal) Collagen
Soya Hydroxyethyl Imidazoline
SPERMACETI: Cetyl Palmitate. Sperm Oil. Waxy oil derived from the sperm whale's head or from dolphins. In skin creams, ointments, shampoos, candles, many margarines. Used in the leather industry. May become rancid and cause irritations. (US regulations currently prohibit the use of ingredients derived from marine mammals.) Alternatives: Synthetic spermaceti, jojobas oil and other vegetable emollients.
SPERM OIL: See Spermaceti.
Spleen Extract
SQUALANE(스쿠알란): Squalene. Obtained from shark liver oil. Lubricant and perfume fixative. Alternatives: synthetics.
상어 간의 오일에서 얻음. 윤활제 및 향수 고착제에 사용.
SQUALENE(스쿠알렌): Obtained from shark liver oil or vegetable oil. An emollient from a "natural source". A precursor of cholesterol in biosynthesis. In cosmetics, moisturizers, hair dyes. Alternatives: vegetable emollients (olive oil, wheat germ oil, rice bran oil, etc.).상어 간 오일이나 식물성 오일에서 얻음.
STEARIC ACID: See Quaterniun 27.
STEARYL ALCOHOL: Stenol. A mixture of solid alcohols; can be prepared from sperm whale oil. In medicines, creams, rinses, shampoos, etc. (US regulations currently prohibit the use of ingredients derived from marine mammals.) Alternatives: plant tissues, synthetics.
STENOL: See Stearyl Alcohol.
STEROID(스테로이드): Sterol. From various animal glands or from plant tissues. Steroids include sterols. Sterols are alcohols from animals or plants (ie. cholesterol). Used in hormone preparations. In creams, lotions, hair conditioners, fragrances, etc. Alternatives: plant tissues, synthetics. 동물의 땀샘이나 식물의 조직에서 얻음.
STEROL: See Steroid.
SUEDE(스웨드.:세무): See Leather.
TALLOW(쇠기름): Tallowate. Tallow Fatty Alcohol. Stearic Acid. Rendered beef or sheep fat. May cause eczema and blackheads. In wax paper, crayons, margarines, paints, rubber, lubricants, candles, soaps, shampoos, lipsticks, shaving creams, other cosmetics. Alternatives: vegetable tallow (animal tallow usually used commercially), Japan tallow, paraffin, ceresin.(See alternatives for Beeswax.) 소와 양의 지방에서 얻음. 기름종이, 크레용, 마가린, 페인트, 고무, 윤활제, 양초, 비누, 샴푸, 립스틱, 면도크림, 기타 화장품에 사용.
Tallow Acid
Tallow Amide
Tallow Amidopropylamine Oxide
Tallow Amine
Tallow Amine Oxide
Tallow Fatty Alcohol
Tallow Glycerides
Tallow Hydroxyethal Imidazoline
Tallow Imidazoline
TALLOWATE: See Tallow.
Tallowmide DEA and MEA
Tallowmidopropyl Hydroxysultaine
Tallow Trimonium Chloride - Tallow
Taurine - is found in the bile of mammals. It can be synthesized
in a lab, but in doing so is encredibly harsh on the environment.
Tea-Abietoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Tea-Coco Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Tea-Lauroyl Animal Collagen Amino Acids
Tea-Lauroyl Animal Keratin Amino Acids
Tea-Myristol Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Tea-Undecylenoyl Hydrolyzed Animal Protein
Testicular Extract
Threonine: natural amino acids, Found in eggs, milk, gelatin...
Triethonium Hydrolyzed Animal Protein Ethosulfate
Trilaneth-4 Phosphate
TURTLE OIL: See Sea Turtle Oil.
UREA(우레아): Urine. The waste product of protein metabolism, made by the liver and removed from the body via the kidneys.
오줌. 단백질 대사에서 나오는 폐기물질. 간에서 생성되어 신장을 통해 배출된다.
URIC ACID: Carbamide. The end product of urine breakdown
VITAMIN A: Retinol. Acetate and Palmitate. (See Palmitic Acid.)
VITAMIN B COMPLEX FACTOR: Provitamin B5. Depanthenol. Panthenol.
VITAMIN B12: Usually from an animal source. Some vegetarian B12 fortified yeasts and analogs available. Some vegetarian B12 vitamins are in a stomach base. Plant algae discovered containing B12, now in supplement form (spirulina). Also, B12 is produced in a healthy body.
VITAMIN D: See Calciferool.
VITAMIN H: See Biotin.
OTHER VITAMINS: (Choline, Biotin, Inositol, Riboflavin, etc.). Many other vitamins can come from animal sources. Alternatives: vegetarian vitamins, plant and mineral sources.
WHEY(유장): From milk. Usually in cakes, cookies, candies, cheese. Alternatives: soybean whey.
WOOL(울, 양모): From sheep (in the US, mostly from slaughtered ones). Used in clothing, including blends. Ram lambs and old "wool" sheep are slaughtered for their meat and last shearing. Sheep are transported without food or water in extreme heat and cold. Legs are broken, eyes injured, etc. Sheep are bred to be unnaturally woolly. Inferior sheep are killed. Shearing DOES hurt the sheep. They are pinned down violently, sheared roughly. Their skin is cut up. "Natural" wool raising uses enormous amounts of resources and energy (to breed, raise, feed, shear, transport and slaughter the sheep). Many people are allergic to wool. Alternatives: cotton, cotton flannel, linen, man made fibers.
양으로 부터 얻은 것. 미국산은 도살된 양으로부터 얻은 것이다. 옷을 만드는 재료로 쓰이고 혼합되기도 한다. 램스 양과 울제품을 위한 양들은 고기와 양털을 위해 도살된다. 양들은 음식과 물을 공급받지 못한 채 극도로 덥거나 추운 조건에서 이송되며, 그 과정에서 다리가 부러지고 눈에 상처를 입기도 한다. 하급(생산성이 없는) 양들은 죽임을 당하고 양털깎는 과정 역시 양에 상처를 입힌다. 양들은 폭력적으로 다루어지며 양털을 깎는 작업은 거칠다. 피부는 잘려나간다. '천연' 양모를 얻기위한 과정에 엄청난 에너지와 자원이 소모된다.(양을 돌보고, 먹이고, 기르고, 털을 깎고, 운반, 도살) 많은 사람들이 양모에 알러지가 있다.
WOOL FAT: See Lanol.
Wool Wax Alcohols
Yogurt 요거트
Zinc Hydrolyzed Animal Protein