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절반의 가슴을 드러내 놓고 해괴망측한 몽상과 꿈을 팔고 있는
갈라* 의 눈물샘은 애걸해서 구한 거야
*갈라 : 초현실주의 화가 살바도르 달리의 아내이자 예술적 뮤즈
A Woman with Nothing But a Tear Gland
Kim Hyo-bia
Walking around to explore a new world of experiences that I didn't know of,
I've picked up a few tear glands that someone has shed
When a column of water rose from the middle of Lake Lehman
And the fish with its fin cut turned a somersault,
As a girl with no home or name fell down like a sick pigeon
I fed her a piece of bread, swapping it for her tear gland like a torn hymen.
Putting a cigarette in the worn-out hat of a Moroccan young man,
Who was playing the guitar between the pillars of the Alhambra Palace
I borrowed the tear gland of an illegal alien
On Montmartre Hill, when a painter with a hangover was painting my portrait using a shaking brush,
I stripped him of his tear gland like a drug stuck on his palette
I visited Salvador Dali groping my unconscious.
I begged for the tear gland of Gala, who was selling strange fancies and dreams, with half of her bosom exposed
*Gala: the wife and artistic muse of surrealist painter Salvador Dali