Today's story's title is "Surprise Ruby."
It was Ruby's birthday. Ruby was dressedup ,wear dressed up, wore a bracelet, and put on her tiara on hers head put her tiara on her head.
Then, Ruby inform to told Max, "If you're very lucky, the other bunnies will surprise the birthday bunny."
But Max stole her tiara and run ran away for from Ruby.
Then Ruby was in playground, Max surprised to Ruby At the playground, Max surprised Ruby.
Then, again to he ran away again with her tiara, and Ruby follow followed Max.
When they arrived home, Ruby's friends surprised to surprised Ruby!
Score: B+
문법과 표현:
- "storys" → "story's" (소유격 수정).
- "dressedup ,wear" → "dressed up, wore" (띄어쓰기 및 동사 수정).
- "inform to" → "told" (더 자연스러운 표현).
- "run" → "ran" (과거형).
- "surprised to Ruby" → "surprised Ruby" (불필요한 전치사 제거).
내용 추가하기:
- Ruby가 친구들에게 깜짝 파티를 받았을 때의 반응을 추가하면 이야기가 더 생동감 있게 느껴질 수 있습니다.
문장 연결:
- 문장을 더 부드럽게 이어주기 위해 "After that," "Finally," 같은 연결어를 사용해 보세요.