Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 483. The Day of the Founding of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
12 Reflecting our historical relationship with Christianity, the official name of the Unification Church includes the word “Christianity” God does not wish to remain a God who exists only for the Unification Church or only for Christianity. The Unification Church did not emerge for its own sake; nor does Christianity exist for its own sake. The two should create a bond and build a relationship centering on their common purpose, and go forth centering on that greater global vision. (49-184, 1971.10.10)
13 The name “Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity” signifies the purpose of unifying the world through the Holy Spirit, but based on the parent-child relationship. It is the Holy Spirit that creates harmony between the spirit world and the earthly world centering on love. To the Holy Spirit, opening the eyes of a blind person or the ears of a deaf person is not a primary concern. That is not what God needs. The Bible states that we should worship in spirit and in truth. To what truth does this refer? It is the truth of love. What is the highest expression of this truth? It is the love between the Father and His children. God does not need money, power or knowledge. He needs there to be love. (113-103, 1981.05.01)
14 Unification (tong-il) means two become one. The Chinese character tong (統) means to command. It means the character of the subject partner. It is not about confederation; it is about unification, because the concept of unification includes the position of the subject partner. The Unification Church is not an alliance of churches. It is the Unification Church. It takes the role of the subject partner. Where can we find the origin of that subject character? That origin begins in heart, the heart of the absolute God that will remain for eternity. (82-285, 1976.02.01)
15 I did not want to establish a denomination. Our name is the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, but I did not intend to create an organization. I wanted to lead a supra-denominational movement, one that transcends all denominations, but it did not work out. That is why I had to create the Unification Church despite my original intention. (163-161, 1987.05.01)
16 The fact that trials and tribulations accompanied the establishment of the Unification Church is sad to a certain extent, when viewed from the perspective of the Will of Heaven. However, when we look back at the church’s history and tradition, the fact that it was established under such difficult circumstances does make it more impressive. The Unification Church was not established in a position where all would welcome it; it was in a rather lonely position on the day of its inauguration. Only a few people gathered, and they proclaimed it in tears. Such was the sorrowful circumstance of its founding, but now that circumstance has become the center of our church’s historical memory. People usually wish for good things, but what seems good is not always truly good. Good things can pass like a mundane daily routine. But when we are overcoming difficulties to find what is good, that history is the source of an enduring power. That power urges us on to promising new days, days resplendent with greetings of good things. (43-239, 1971.05.01)
17 What kind of religious organization is the Unification Church? The Unification Church emerged in the form of a new, Abel-type religion that existed for the sake of Christianity, which was opposing it. When Christianity’s opposition prevented the fulfillment of God’s Will, we had to establish the Unification Church to represent Christianity. So Christianity stands in the position of Cain and the Unification Church stands in the position of Abel. If we are to become this Abel-type religious body, what has to be the first thing we restore? It is Christianity. We should restore Christianity by the same principle that applies in Abel restoring Cain. (54-196, 1972.03.24)
18 The impetus for establishing the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity began from the Divine Will, the Will of God, not any human will. Societies and histories are not formed by human will alone. They always move toward a single purpose centered on the greater purpose in the Divine Will. Thus, I understood that if the Holy Spirit Association were created solely by human will, it would not be able to contribute to the flow of history and the new world that is coming. The new religion that I founded is grounded in the Divine Will. I believe that religion is the only entity that can combine human will with the Divine Will. Therefore, I believe that this religion has to unite the entire spectrum of human affairs—those things that humankind desires—with the Divine Will, without fail. (32-193, 1970.07.15)
19 God began the Unification Church; therefore it must not deviate from God’s path. It had a single beginning; thus its path must take a single direction, and it must arrive at a single destination. Since it began from God, it cannot take a path of its own volition. Since God set the purpose for this organization, and we are gathered according to His purpose, we are moving in a direction united with that purpose. That direction is not something we can control on our own. (67-269, 1973.07.22)
20 We can consider the Unification Church to have the longest history of any religion. The reason I say this is because it has unearthed the history of God’s love, which no one has known. The world of love transcends time and space. Our history began there, and the church is on the way to that destination. As it continues on this path, it delineates and manifests the place of history’s final consummation and connects the sphere of human activity to it. Hence, this church’s history is a history of the past, the present and the future. (061-031, 1972.08.20)
21 Now we are changing our name from the Unification Church to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. As the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, we will be at the center to lead the way. Previously the name Unification Church was out in front leading the way, but the time has come for the Family Federation to take the lead while the use of the name “Unification Church” gradually disappears. The phrase “Unification of World Christianity” associated with the Unification Church will disappear. Christianity was unable to fulfill its responsibility. As we enter the era for going beyond that level, the blessings reserved for Christianity will be transferred to all humankind. Our organization was named the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Yet as the standard of family messiahship takes root on earth centering on the True Parents, we will complete even the responsibility of the Holy Spirit. The successors of True Parents will live on this earth attending the substantial Holy Spirit. True Parents, who laid the foundation for the families representing spiritual and physical perfection, will be the one model. This model is what they will expand to the nation, the world and the cosmos. Then the era of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity will pass. (283-010, 1997.04.08)
22 The organizations that met today represent the nucleus that can bring solidarity centering on the one family. The Women’s Federation stands in the mother’s position. The Youth Federation stands in the position of Cain. The Student Federation stands in the position of Abel. Standing with Mother in the position of Eve, these three organizations must unite as one. From now on, whenever we carry out our group’s activities, we should not operate separately but work together as one. Our organizations worked separately until now because the age we were in focused on the vertical relationship. By working separately, Satan could not overcome us from above, as he might have otherwise. That is why I did not encourage you to form horizontal relationships among the organizations for which you were working. I created many organizations, and my purpose for doing so was for each of them to set its own vertical indemnity conditions on the world level. However, now that the time has come to bring an end to vertical indemnity, we can develop horizontally. Therefore, all organizations will be connected through the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. The family has to have a solid footing on earth; otherwise, all the restoration through indemnity will have been for naught. So I have outlined the formula. (283-233, 1997.04.13)
23 If you had inherited the lineage of true love centering on God, you would now be a true being imbued with true life, true lineage and true conscience. However, due to the Fall, you became a false self; that is why your mind and body are in conflict. Now, however, the time has come for all of you throughout the world to join the family of the original Adam. Indeed, all the people of the world must perfect themselves based on this family. What must we do to reach perfection? Fallen families have to take up the task of restoration through indemnity. Individuals and families throughout the world have to invest themselves to accomplish this, under the guidance of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Perfection has to be achieved by Adam and Eve, a man and a woman. God cannot do it for them. True Parents cannot do it for them. For this purpose, the Family Federation was created. It is a global organization; it will assist you all over the world to leap beyond fallen Adam’s lineage. When you are climbing to the top of a mountain, if on a slope you make a misstep and tumble down, you have to climb up again. It is the same when climbing up the course of restoration. Every time you make a misstep you have to climb back up again. You have to repeat it again and again until you are successful, even if it takes millions or tens of millions of years. (275-010, 1995.10.30) |