Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 487. Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God
54 Christianity established a global domain surpassing that of the Roman Empire. This took place when the Allied forces defeated the Axis powers in World War II. Because Jesus lost his body, Christianity has represented the spirit world. Nonetheless, when Christianity unified the world, it ushered in the era in which the spirit and flesh could have been united. Thus, the Allied nations and Axis nations could be restored to God’s side. That foundation was laid in 1945. Centering on that, had Catholics and Protestants, representing the Christian cultural sphere, become one and welcomed the Second Advent of the Lord, the world would have been united within three-and-a-half to seven years, that is, by 1952. Then God’s Enthronement Ceremony would have been held. Christianity, however, did not accept the Unification Church. Even now, they are strongly opposing us. Judaism opposed Christianity and hence it doomed itself to decline. Christianity, by opposing the Unification Church, is following the same path. It is the same for all religions. This has created hell for families, societies, nations and the world. Hence, the ideal realm of love that God desires cannot yet be found on planet Earth. (342-267, 2001.01.13)
55 The True Parents are the only ones who can give the Blessing and change the lineage. It was the appearance of the false parents that brought on the battle between God and Satan. In order to end that conflict, True Parents stand right at the center and say, “God, is this not the purpose for which You are fighting? I am going to change everything for you!” If God gives me permission to do this, the struggle will come to an end. I am bringing reconciliation between God and Lucifer, as well as between Judaism and the religions surrounding it. When Jesus returns, once he establishes his sovereignty by bringing harmony and unity to the nations based on the family, all these struggles will come to an end. After World War II, if the United States, the Second Israel, had met and received the person who comes as the Lord of heaven and earth, the Lord could have established a foundation to unify the earth and to unify heaven. That unity, the beginning of the kingdom of God in the form of the Third Israel, would have connected the liberation of the kingdom of heaven on earth with that of the kingdom of heaven in heaven, which is the third realm of liberation. It was not realized then, and it is like a dream that, after fifty-six years have passed, we can now, on this day, hold the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God. (342-275, 2001.01.13)
56 Who will conduct the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God? Who ruined that Enthronement Ceremony in the first place? It was Satan and Adam. Adam and Eve were unable to become True Parents. Satan entered and the standard for True Parents’ lineage could not be established on earth. Due to the Fall, it was Satan’s lineage that remained. We have to negate and reverse this failure. Neither God nor Satan can do it. It would be difficult for Satan to destroy what he has established as his own nation. No one likes another party trying to change something that one has made. God, too, cannot just turn this around. If He could, He would not have lost Adam’s family in the Garden of Eden. God was surely unable to do anything about it. It requires a human being. That person is the perfected Adam. His family contains the original love. (342-276, 2001.01.13)
57 The Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God has brought change to the nation. Previously, God had been filled with bitter pain because He was unable to stand at the forefront of the Will. He was deeply sorrowful because He had not been able to act according to His desire. For that reason, I am telling you to become the supporting troops who can enable God to do as He wishes. We offered the Enthronement Ceremony to God; now we expect God to show His power. From now on, the times will change. (342-296, 2001.01.13) |