Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 488. The Era after the Coming of Heaven
58 You cannot discuss the Era before the Coming of Heaven and the Era after the Coming of Heaven, or hell and heaven, without knowing the Day of the Victory of the Number Ten Combining Two Halves (Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il). Things that were in pairs were divided. Mind and body should have been united, but they were divided. Even with your eyes there is one that you favor and another you dislike. A man loves his wife when he marries her, but if he sees another woman whom he thinks is better, the way he looks at his wife changes. Everyone has become separated. Married couples do not get along. That is why, on May 5, 2004, I proclaimed the Day of the Victory of the Number Ten Combining Two Halves when I combined five and five, as a pair oriented vertically, to make ten. This represents the coming together of the divided heaven and earth. It signifies liberation and complete freedom. (449-193, 2004.05.13)
59 The numbers did not belong to God but to Satan. All existence is based on the pair system. When couples become one, they can plant the seed of love. This is the ideal of the Principle of Creation. This is the reason I proclaimed the Day of the Victory of the Number Ten Combining Two Halves. May 5 marked the victory of ten by bringing together two fives, the top five and the bottom five. Centered on that day, I proclaimed the Era after the Coming of Heaven and the Era before the Coming of Heaven. The Era before the Coming of Heaven had passed; therefore, God could grasp the Era before the Coming of Heaven with His left hand and the Era after the Coming of Heaven with His right hand and rotate them, making a circle. Thereby, He combined the five that He held in His right hand and the five that He held in His left hand into one. This was the victory of two fives becoming ten. For the first time, God could stand in the position of the owner of the three hundred sixty days. God could for the first time govern the days and the numbers, the formulas in the universe, the order of motion, the stages that unfold. The pair system underlies the numbers by which we measure. When object and subject partners join in a relationship, they are able to take effect. God, as the seed of love, the fruit of love and the original essence of love, plants love in all places where things exist in pairs. (450-183, 2004.05.21)
60 In the end, God will create His homeland and a world of peace. The Era before the Coming of Heaven is passing, and we are ushering in the Era after the Coming of Heaven. The Day of the Victory of the Number Ten Combining Two Halves is when we proclaim the fact that the Era before the Coming of Heaven has passed and the Era after the Coming of Heaven has come. Although the Era before the Coming of Heaven has passed, it cannot be abandoned. In order to make the people of that era into royal offspring, God and True Parents grasped them with their left hand and pulled them forward, even as they grasped the newly dawning Era after the Coming of Heaven with their right hand. This 180- degree reversal was like my making the hands of a clock that had been rotating counterclockwise rotate clockwise. (457-242, 2004.07.04)
61 I have brought together all of creation. The Fall turned it all around— measurement of time, days, years, centuries and eternity. With the victory of the number ten, the victorious number that God indemnified, we can now directly connect all of these with the throne of God’s kingship. As we have left the Era before the Coming of Heaven and begun the Era after the Coming of Heaven, all things can now enter the age of liberation, the age of perfection. Everything is entering into the realm of God’s ownership. (447-314, 2004.05.05) |