Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 489. The Coronation and Enthronement Ceremonies for the King of Peace (December 2003 through August 2004)
62 I conducted the Coronation Ceremony for the King of Peace, but it should be called the Coronation and Enthronement Ceremony. It was not simply a coronation ceremony but a coronation and enthronement ceremony. Earlier, I conducted the coronation but not the enthronement. In Adam's family, Cain killed Abel and God’s providence continued through Seth. From Noah it passed through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses, all the way to Jesus. In Jesus’ time, the nation should have conducted His enthronement ceremony, but it did not happen. He could receive neither a coronation nor an enthronement ceremony. I am conducting, in my time, coronation and enthronement ceremonies. We held the coronation ceremony for Jesus in Israel. At that time, Jesus did not advance to his coronation ceremony alone. I had my second son, Heung-jin, whom I had placed in the same position as the returning Lord, bless Jesus to be the one to open the gate of love. I gave the Blessing to souls who had died in sorrow, and even to enemies. Then I had Heung-jin escort Jesus to Jerusalem, for we conducted his coronation in the nation of Israel. It was not an enthronement but a coronation. I took down the cross, conducted his coronation in Israel and then conducted his enthronement ceremony in America. These events rendered the biblical dual prophecies such as “the lord of glory” and “the lord of suffering” less significant. (469-171, 2004.09.19)
63 Cain and Abel have to become one. The Lord of the Second Advent reconciled divisions between the spirit world and physical world in Jerusalem. Based on this foundation, he restored through indemnity the realm of the First Israel and brought that realm to the national and the world levels. Jesus could not achieve this when he was on earth. But finally I completed it and established Jesus’ kingship over the First Israel and his kingship over the Second Israel. Centering on Jesus, representing heaven, and Heung-jin, representing the True Parents on earth, I reconnected the spirit world with the physical world. In that place of unity between the entire spirit world and the physical world, and of unity between the entire nation and the church, and on the foundation of Jesus' sovereignty in the Second Israel, we offered the coronation ceremony in the presence of the Parents. After that I conducted the coronation ceremony with members of the United States Senate representing heaven and of the House of Representatives representing earth. This accomplished what Jesus was unable to do: proclaim his coronation at the Roman Senate and establish a unified realm encompassing heaven and earth. The spirit world and physical world proclaimed my coronation, a history-making event. In the realm of their unity, they conducted the coronation and enthronement of the Lord of the Second Advent. (469-300, 2004.09.22)
64 Jesus is the leader of Christianity; he has a throng of 1.3 billion followers. He died branded a traitor to his people in his own nation, but he embraced the people of the world and is now seated in the highest position in the political culture as well as in the religious arena. Nevertheless, Judaism still regards Jesus as inferior to Moses. In addition to this, Judaism and Christianity opposed me in a wide variety of ways. Yet they were the ones who lost the battle. With the end of that battle, I conducted the Enthronement Ceremony for the King of Peace in the precincts of the United States Congress. Jesus was supposed to go to the Roman Senate and proclaim, “I am the King. The King of kings has come.” Yet he died before he could accomplish this. However now, in broad daylight, I gathered members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives and also leaders of the three major religions. Of their own volition they attended me as the King of Peace. (451-076, 2004.05.26) |