Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 490. Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Original Palace Holy Ground (July 8, 2001)
65 This place, where we are holding the groundbreaking ceremony today, is the Original Palace Holy Ground (本殿聖地). What does “Original Palace” (本殿) mean? It is the palace that God desires, the royal palace in which God can dwell, His original home. That is what is meant by “Original Palace,” which is this Holy Ground. All the obstacles have been overcome. The Chinese character for seong (聖), meaning “holy,” consists of the three Chinese characters: yi (耳) meaning “ear,” gu (口) meaning “mouth” and wang (王) meaning “king.” You have to have the mouth and ears of a king to be a saint. You have to listen well and speak well. Only God knows this. Only the Messiah, the True Parents, knows these things. (348-163, 2001.07.08) |