Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 511. The role and responsibility of the Abel UN
14 Working with the world and the United States, we have to reform the UN. This newly reformed UN will be a combined UN. We are not trying to close the Cain UN, but rather to assist and guide it as if it were our younger sibling UN and transform it to be a good younger brother UN. Then and only then will it be embraced in Gods bosom with the same value as the Abel UN, just as Cain and Abel would have had the same value had there been no Fall. When the elder brother can love the younger brother, God cannot help but love the younger brother whom the older brother loves. Therefore, the history of bitter sorrow will be overturned naturally and the world of peace will come. (506-120, 20050901)
15 The political system of the democratic world is a framework to process conflict, but when we reach the position of parents we can bring an end to conflicts. When parents are at the center, the siblings will become one. We can intervene in conflicts only as parents. No one will be against us if we are in the parents' position, whether we intervene or not. This is the only conceivable way out of the present impasse. Therefore we must first find the True Parents. Only from that point can we recover everything for peace, including true children and the true nation. There is no alternative; we have to assimilate all situations through Heavenly Parentism. Only through Heavenly Parentism is it possible. (506-130, 20050901)
16 I have been working with the Abel UN to bring unity to the religious realm and then to create unity between it and the Cain UN. Cain striking Abel typifies the present state of the Cain UN and Abel UN. I have charged the Universal Peace Federation with solving this problem. For the True Parents to realize the unity of the religious realm—the Abel realm—together with the unity of nations—the Cain realm, the Abel UN needs to bring the Cain UN to voluntarily surrender. By doing so, the older brother will finally take the position of the younger brother, and vice versa. (508-039, 20050916)
17 Today the task of the Unification Church is to turn things around by working with the UN. To do so, we have to expand Adam's family into the UN arena. In this era of restoration, the UN has to serve as the territory where external Cain and Abel struggles, such as the struggle between the communist world and the democratic world, are resolved. We also have to resolve internal Cain and Abel struggles, such as among delegates at the UN. We need to lift delegates up to Abel's standard, so that as Abel they can reconcile with Cain and become as one family. Our task now is to set the family conditions of indemnity on the level of the UN organization. It should fulfill this condition both internally and externally. (264-243, 19941103)
18 Politics dominate today's UN. The UN mainly focuses on political issues. It does not consider the views of the religious realm, the world of women, young adults or students. The UN holds an impressive name, but without linking to these areas it has no hands or feet. It is time to establish the Abel UN. We also need a UN of religions, a women's UN, a your peoples UN and a students' UN. Let us form, in this world, the UN of Religions, which represents God, the Women's UN, which represents Eve, the Youth UN, which represents Cain, and the Students UN, which represents Abel. (289-230, 19980102)
19 Let the world of politics drift aimlessly. Our focus should be to gather religious leaders to form a UN of religions. For this, we need to build solidarity among religious people around the world. We also need to create solidarity among women throughout the world and solidarity among young people throughout the world. In fact, I have already set up the foundation for all of these. Korea should have strong bonds with these organizations: the UN of Religions, the Women's UN, the Youth UN and the Students UN. Then, after these organizations become the part of the UN, Korea will be able to take a leading role in working at the UN. By educating it from a supra-religious perspective, we should enable the UN to achieve the ideal of a peaceful global family. (289-230, 19980102)
20 We have to create a landing-site at the UN for a religious council, on the foundation of the Interreligious Federation for World Peace. For that purpose, I am encouraging exemplary religious leaders around the world to rally and take the lead. At the UN of Religions, organizations sustained by religious groups should have missions, the same as nations have at the UN. For example, the Buddhist sphere should establish a Buddhist mission and the Muslim sphere should establish a Muslim mission. In this manner, all religious spheres should set up missions to the UN of Religions, complete with ambassadors, and leave conflict behind. Currently, the UN has no owner. However, by integrating the Interreligious Federation for World Peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace, the Youth Federation for World Peace, and the Family Federation for World Peace, the UN will equip itself with the internal and external characteristics of a world-level nation. (296-139, 19981103)
21 The inheritance of Satan's lineage from the false parents on earth established false love, false life and a false lineage. Based on this, Satan imprisoned God, took over God's position, and used the people and the children who were meant for the heavenly kingdom at his will and pleasure. Now for the first time, True Parents have brought God and human beings back to their original position. This return to their original position brings us to the omega point. The Abel UN is designed for peace, while the Cain UN functions in a way that inevitably results in conflict. Currently there is friction between them, so we must unite them as the Peace UN. In fact, in some nations there have been confrontations between the Abel UN and the Cain UN. I am inaugurating the Peace UN by bringing the Abel UN and the Cain UN together. On that foundation, we should establish the peaceful kingdom of heaven, the UN peace kingdom. When that happens, all nations will disappear. Religions will fade away. When all nations and religions disappear, we will enter the era of one great family, the era of the kingdom of heaven. (420-031, 20031010)
22 Because Jesus' body was lost in Asia, after we restore it, we have to liberate Israel, Islam and all religious realms. We need to create a realm of freedom that transcends religion, and a realm of peace that no longer has conflict and war. As we do, we will establish the original ideal base of God, where True Parents can stand within the family, nation, world and cosmos. Thereby, the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven will become manifest. In order to begin this task, I completed the formation of a realm of unity between the heavenly world and the earthly world, and in the midst of it I proclaimed, "True Parents and the Completed Testament Age." (261-186, 19940609) |