The Cranial Cervical Flexion Test

Position the patient in supine hook-lying position with the uninflated "Stabilizer" under patient's neck.
The Stabilizer sensor is placed under the upper neck and inflated to a baseline pressure of 20 mmHg.
The test is performed gently and slowly as the patient does a head-nodding action (as if nodding "yes").
The patient attempts to raise the pressure in the sensor in 2 mmHg increments (22, 24, 26, 28, 30).
The patient is told to hold each level for 10 seconds and perform 10 repetitions.
The patient's score is computed by multiplying the mmHg increase X the number of repetitions.
Ex: Patient can perform a 4 mmHg increase (24 mmHg) for 6 reps of 10 sec. (4 X 6 = 24).
The highest possible score is 100... 10 mmHg increase (30 mmHg) for 10 repetitions of 10 seconds each.
An abnormal test is when the patient:
1. Cannot raise the pressure in the Stabilizer to 26 mmHg.
2. Cannot hold the generated pressure for at least 10 sec.
3. Uses the superficial neck muscles or sudden movements.
The Deep Neck Flexor Endurance Test

The patient is positioned in supine hook-lying position on the treatment table.
Patient is instructed to tuck their chin and lift their head 2.5 cm (1 inch) off the table.
The clinician places their hand underneath the patient's head to ensure the lift is maintained.
Clinician uses the verbal cues "Tuck your chin" and "hold your head up" if the lift is not maintained.
The test is terminated when the patient's head touches the clinician's hand for > 1 sec.
The Upper Limb Tension Test

With the patient in supine, the clinician places the median nerve in tension by introducing:
1. Scapular depression
2. Shoulder abduction
3. Shoulder External Rotation
4. Elbow Extension
5. Forearm supination
6. Wrist and finger extension
7. Contralateral cervical rotation/sidebend
A positive test occurs with:
1. The reproduction of any of the patient's upper extremity symptoms.
2. Side to side ROM differences >10 degrees in elbow ext or wrist ext.
Foraminal Compression (Spurling's) Test

Patient is seated and asked to sidebend and rotate their head to the involved side.
The clinician applies a compression force (15 lbs) downward on the top of the patient's head.
A positive test is the reproduction of any of the patient's radicular symptoms.
Distraction Test

The distraction test is indicated when foraminal stenosis is suspected in cervical radiculopathy.
With the patient in supine, the clinician applies a distraction force of up to 14 kg (31 lbs).
A positive test is when the patient's radicular symptoms are diminished or eliminated.
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