Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 520. The fourth pledge of the Family Pledge
54 The fourth pledge of the Family Pledge reads, "Our family, the owner of CheonIlGuk, pledges to build the universal family encompassing heaven and earth, which is the Heavenly Parent's ideal of creation, and perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness, by centering on true love." God's ideal is that the world becomes one family, one household. If people who have perfected the four great realms of heart and the three great kingships recite the Family Pledge, they will form one family, not two. The great universal family encompassing heaven and earth is one family under God. (565-309, 20070613)
55 God's ideal of creation is the perfection of the four-position foundation centered on Adam and Eve. From the perspective of God's purpose of creation, this would have been the fulfillment of the Will. The completion of the four-position foundation would have required the perfection of Adam and Eve. Had they then married and had children who also reached perfection, their family would have achieved the family level four-position foundation centered on God and become the perfect embodiment of the ideal of creation, realizing the realm of perfection. This would have fulfilled God's ideal of creation. (164-009, 19870503)
56 Had Adam and Eve become the True Parents, their descendants would have formed one great family within the Adamic cultural sphere. It would have been a world of peace. Accordingly, the history of restoration is the path to recover that family, the true family centered on True Parents and true love. Everything God intended unfolds from there. The true family is the center; it is the hope of humanity and the hope of God. The true family will serve as the source of true love and true life, and be the starting point of humanity’s peace and happiness. (294-067, 19980611)
57 All the people of the world are brothers and sisters. We are of one lineage. We have to protect our lineage as God would protect it. Hence, even when we are sitting in God's royal palace, we have to be thinking of our mission to build one great family encompassing heaven and earth. We need to build that universal family and perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness. I am an advocate of the universal family. I am here to plant freedom, peace, unity and happiness. Those ideals are the core of my lifelong work. (280-037, 19961013)
58 We seek to establish the family that meets the standard of heaven and earth, the family that God is striving for. Therefore we need models for the grandfather and grandmother, the father and mother, the couple and the children. Traditionally, Korea followed the extended family system. In that historical tradition, seven families would live in the same house. We should establish a family system that builds on that. It is amazing how well it fits with the goal of tribal messiahship in the Unification Church. (276-180, 19960219)
59 The people of the fallen world are in the position of the younger brother, and you are in the position of their older brother. You need to educate them properly in the heavenly tradition. This is the only way to restore people on Satan's side to the realm of God's royal family. In order to save them, we must restore the right of the first son that was lost. When we establish them as second-born princes, we can enter the heavenly kingdom with the right of the crown prince. They enter the kingdom with us, and thus the realm of the royal family is restored. Otherwise neither the right of the first son nor God's royal family is restored. (264-201, 19941009)
60 When we pledge "to build the universal family encompassing heaven and earth, which is the Heavenly Parent's ideal of creation," we are pledging to create one great family conforming to God's Will. How can you proclaim your own kingship as long as the kingship of Adams family is not yet secured? We must secure that kingship, untainted by the Fall. We must bring everyone back from Satan's world as an extended family that dwells in the place of freedom, peace, unity and happiness. Our ideal is peace and unity. (267-152, 19950104)
61 There can be no peace without unity. Without this oneness, ideals such as peace, happiness and even freedom are just empty words. Can there be peace when husband and wife are fighting? Peace comes where there is oneness. The same is true of freedom. Where a man and a woman clash, do they have freedom? Where there is conflict, we experience neither peace nor freedom. Without the foundation of unity, we cannot find freedom. (229-229, 19920412)
62 Where there is oneness, there is freedom. Even your eyes feel good when they are focused on one point. You feel uncomfortable when your nose is congested, but when the congestion clears, you feel free. The same applies to the freedom of your ears, your hands and other parts of your body. So without oneness, there is no freedom, there is no peace and there is no happiness. The perfection of all creation lies in balance, on a level plane. Perfection does not reside on a sharp point. (267-312, 19950205) |