Cheon Seong Gyeong Ⅱ - 525. The background of the proclamation of Foundation Day
3 The number thirteen! January 13,2001 is the day that I brought liberation and complete freedom to God. In 2013, we have to offer the nation before God. Be-cause God took His position as King through the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God, God needs a nation. We must establish a people. If we want to offer God His kingdom, at least twelve years, twelve seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter must pass. We have to prepare the royal territory and then attend God as the King representing heaven and earth. (502-029, 20050725)
4 I held the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God on January 13, 2001, which marked the beginning of the third millennium. In 2013, after going over the peaks of twelve years beginning from that day, our families, people, nation and world have to bid a final farewell to the enemy land. No matter what pitiful circumstances beset us, we must not look back. We will carry aloft the torch of independence for the nation of our desire, and shake heaven and earth with a resounding shout of victory. Let us not forget: we are advancing toward the day we will plant the flag of heavens glory through the lightning of love. We have to shout of the new love that unites heaven and earth. After enduring tremendous hardships on this earth, where the history of sorrow has extended until now, True Parents achieved oneness with God and held the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God. Yet the True Parents of heaven, earth and humankind still have a responsibility remaining. Once we have gone beyond 2012 to the thirteenth day in 2013, we have to raise high a torch, a beacon of the founding of the nation and the nationwide victory, and offer everything to Heaven. (499-219, 20050703)
5 I have to bind, on the world level, everything that Jesus left for us to accomplish. By the thirteenth day of the first month in 2013, within twelve years, I will resolve everything beginning here on earth and proceeding up to heaven. Adam and Eve turned everything upside down in one generation; therefore, in one generation the returning Lord has to recover Adams lost family foundation, Jesus' lost national foundation, and the returning Lord's forty years of hardship. Then the returning Lord has to unite Gods family with Cain and Abel in Adam's family, and go beyond the ideal of the family UN to the ideal of the cosmic kingdom of heaven, the era of liberation and complete freedom. (532-072, 20060713)
6 On the thirteenth of January, 20011 offered the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God. However, this was not just about gaining royal authority. The Lord of Heaven and Earth must also be proclaimed. In 2013, because the recovery of the nation and the family will have returned everything to its original position, we will go beyond that to one united world with God at the center. There will be no boundary between heaven and earth. Previously, the individual, the family and everything were in a state of conflict. This will be the era of unity, in which all can unite into one. We must end the fight between Cain and Abel, as well as the way rulers of nations have caused people of faith to shed blood. Then the younger brother has to ascend to the position of the elder brother. We must restore the murder of the younger brother by the elder brother, as well as the sacrifices Abel religious people have endured because of Cain. By recovering everything—the eight stages of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos and God—for the first time, starting from Abel on the individual level to the entire Cain world, we will create a new heaven and earth. (506-100, 20050901)
7 Unless the religions become one, we cannot realize the world of peace. Who can do that? Only Rev. Moon. By establishing a new model family, we can form a model nation and on that basis a model world. The model world in heaven and earth will frame the ideal world. It will be a world God can lead. We connect to the lineage of the un-fallen True Parents only when a mother stands in an equal position to a true father and embraces and unites Cain and Abel, Gods children who were driven from the garden of Eden. When Cain and Abel become one centered on their mother, and the rulers and religious leaders of Israel unite, the parents will stand in the same position as the ones who were to become True Parents yet were chased from the garden of Eden. Then the parents who are the standard for blessed families at the world level will emerge, according to the laws of the Principle. Satan then will not be able to stand at the front, but will have to retreat immediately. God, who had been relegated to the back, will return to His rightful position. In the garden of Eden, once Cain and Abel unite with God-centered Adam and Eve, all will be able to enter the realm of ownership. We have to offer this to God on the thirteenth day of the first month in 2013. In one generation, True Parents have to recover everything stolen by the false parent, Satan, through the false lineage. (525-012, 20060419) |