Suggested Approach to this Case Study
This case study presents an opportunity for you and your group members to develop your case analysis skills in preparation for your individual case assignments. For this case study, you must apply the concepts/tools of Units 1 through 3 in a clear and concise manner. I want to see how your group applies the techniques introduced in these sections. This is going to be the greatest challenge of the case study. Going beyond simply understanding concepts to apply them in a real-world setting is an important skill at this level and indicates true mastery of the material. The quality of your analysis and your ability to convey that analysis through effective writing are key to effective case analysis, not the quantity of your writing. Please reference the grading rubric, which provides guidance on the structure of your analysis.
In addition, resources can be found at The University of Auckland under the heading of Analyzing and Writing Case Studies that will assist in understanding how best to approach the analysis of a case study.
Assignment Due Date
File submission Format
MS Word
Rubric / Marking Criteria
The rubric which outlines the marking criteria can be found in Assessments -> Rubrics-> Case Studies -> Case Study 1 Rubric.
Specifications of the Case Study
The full content length of the case study Action Plan should not exceed ten pages in double-spaced, 12 pt font. The ten pages do not include title pages, table of contents, graphs, and appendices. Remember, it is the quality of your analysis, NOT quantity.
All formatting and referencing should follow the APA standard. You can visit the Memorial Univesity Library APA Style Page for more information on APA.
You must follow standard referencing protocols and proper grammar, spelling, and clarity for your case study submission. Resources are available to assist in ensuring that your case is well written. For more information on these resources, visit the Writing Centre
You are responsible for ensuring that you know the Marine Institute and University's academic standards related to academic offences and penalties associated with breaches of professional and academic standards. Dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated and will be addressed appropriately should it occur. When in doubt, ASK for guidance.
Review the Avoiding Plagiarism page before completing any assignment.