Angioplasty(혈관성형술); A surgical procedure in which a small catheter with a baloon tip is threaded into the coronary artery.(대개 심근경색 환자에서 시행함)
Arrhythmia(부정맥): occurs when the beat of the heart is no longer originating from the sinus node, and the rhythm is abnormal
Atropine: A drug used to speed up the heart rate
AZT: an antiviral drug prescribed for the treatment of AIDS
Bagging: a procedure in which a bag is attached outside the mouth so that breathing can be done mechanically for the patient
BP: abbreviation for blood pressure
CBC: abbreviation for Complete Blood Count
CHF(울혈성 심부전): abbreviation for Congestive Heart Failure(심장이 펌프질을 잘 못 해 심장에 피가 차는 상태)
C-section(제왕 절개술): shorthand for cesarean section, which is the surgical delivery of a baby through the abdominal wall
Code brown: term used when a patient doesn't make it to the bathroom in time
Cystic fibrosis(섬유성 낭종): a lung disease that causes the production of thick mucus in the lungs, hampering breathing
DOA: abbreviation for dead on arrival
Down: Slang expression!! for Cardiac arrest. "The patient's down!"
DNR: abbreviation for Do not resuscitate; often requested or ordered for terminally ill patients
Edema(부종): excessive accumulation of fluid
EKG (ECG): abbreviation for electrocardiogram; measures heart activity
EMT: abbreviation for Emergency Medical Technician
Endotracheal tube: an instrument inserted into the trachea through the mouth to facilitate breathing
Hemorrhage(출혈): a dramatic and sudden loss of blood
Hypertension(고혈압): High blood pressure
Hypotension(저혈압): Low blood pressure
Intubation(기도삽관): the procedure of inserting a tube into the trachea of a patient who is not breathing.
Laryngoscope(후두경): an instrument for opening the larynx
MI(심근경색): abbreviation for Myocardial infraction (heart attack)
MVA: abbreviation for Motor Vehicle Accident
Platelets(혈소판): The factors in the blood that cause clotting
Preemie: A slang expression!! for a premature infant
Pronounce: an expression!! for pronouncing a patient's death
Pulmonary edema(폐 부종): fluid in the lungs
Pulse Oximetry ("pulse ox"): a non-invasive and painless way to measure the oxygen saturation of arterial blood. Also an indicator of how well someone's breathing; healthy range is between about 96 and 100.
Rape kit: a package containing envelopes for the collection of hair, sperm, and blood samples of a rape victims, as well as the official reporting forms
Saline solution(식염수): a blood volume substitute made of salt and water, a temporary substitute for lost blood
Stat: Slang expression!! for hurry up
STD(성병): abbreviation for sexually transmitted disease
Tox Screen: Blood test to determine what drugs are in a patient's system
Triage: the system of prioritizing patients in an emergency situation in which there are a great number of injured or ill
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