- 서양톱풀, Milfoil
. 학명; Achillea millefolium
. 개요; 전세계에서 자생하는 다년생 식물
. 효능; 진경제, 수렴제, 구충제, 담즙촉진제, 발한제, 지혈제, 강장제
. 사용법; 우리거나 다려서, 주스로
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Achillea millefolium
- 약용부위
. The herb.
. 허브
2 통명
- 영어; Noble yarrow, nosebleed, sanguinary, soldier's woundwort, thousandleaf, yarrow.
- 한글; 서양톱풀, 얘로
3 개요
- 전세계에서 자생하는 다년생 식물
. 황무지, 들판, 초원, 철도제방, 길가에서 발견
- 줄기; 둥글고 매끄럽고 움푹 들어가게 성장
. 잎; 어긋나며 선형 혹은 피침형
- 꽃; 백색광선이 있고 황색은 갈색원반으로 변천
. 6월부터 11월까지 개화
Milfoil is a perennial plant found all over the world in waste places, fields, pastures, meadows, and along railroad embankments and roadsides. The light brown, creeping rootstock produces a round, smooth, pithy stem that branches near the top and may be glabrous or hairy. The alternate leaves are linear lanceolate in outline and are pinnately divided into many small segments, the leaflets themselves sharply cleft. The flower heads have white rays and yellow turning to brown disks and are arranged in convex or flat compound corymbs. Flowering time is from June to November.
4 효능
- 진경제, 수렴제, 구충제, 담즙촉진제, 발한제, 지혈제, 강장제
. 차; 식욕부진, 위경련, 고창, 위염, 장염, 담낭 및 간문제 개선
. 담즙흐름 자극, 폐내출혈 지혈
- 주스; 혈액축적으로 강장 및 예방제 효과
. 코피, 각혈, 치질, 혈뇨, 월경과다 치유
. 내복이나 백혈구에 대한 세척으로 사용
- 다림; 상처, 종기, 유두세척
- 주의; 과도한 사용은 빛 민광성 초래가능
Antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic, hemostatic, tonic. Milfoil tea has a long history of use for lack of appetite, stomach cramps, flatulence, gastritis, enteritis, gallbladder and liver problems, and internal hemorrhage, particularly in the lungs. It appears to be especially effective in stimulating the flow of bile. Fresh milfoil juice acts as a general tonic and prophylactic by building up the blood. At the same time, it is good for various forms of internal bleeding, as evidenced by nosebleed, coughing or spitting blood, rectal or hemorrhoidal bleeding, bloody urine, and excessive menstrual flow. It can also be taken internally or used as a douche for leucorrhea. The decoction makes a good wash for all kinds of wounds and sores, for chapped hands, and as may be needed for sore nipples. CAUTION; Externeded use of milfoil may make the skin sensitive to light.
5 사용법
- 우리기; 1컵의 물에 1스푼
. 5분후 하루 1컵 음용
- 다리기; 1컵의 물에 2스푼 외용
- 주스; 1티스푼을 2티스푼의 물에
. 하루 4회 음용
Infusion; Use 1 tbsp. dried herb with 1 cup water. Parboil and steep for 5 minutes. Take 1 cup a day.
Decoction; For external use, boil 2 tbsp. dried herb in 1 cup water.
Juice; Take 1 tsp. juice in 2 tsp. cold water, one to four times a day.