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[금해스님 말씀] 스크랩 미국 루이지애나주 남동부 1급 허리케인 아이작 상륙 4개 주 비상사태 선포
sanyang 추천 0 조회 98 12.08.29 22:04 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

미국 루이지애나주 남동부 1급 허리케인 아이작 상륙

2012년8월29일15시 정각현재

" 미국 남동부 4개 주 비상사태 선포"

미국 현지시각 28일(화) 저녁 7시45분경 상륙

1급 허리케인으로 격상된 '아이작'이 미국 루이지애나주 남동부에 상륙했습니다.
미국 국립 허리케인 센터는 시속 130km의 '아이작'이 현지시간으로 화요일 저녁 7시 45분쯤

  뉴 올리언즈 남동부 플라커민즈 패리시 카운티에 상륙했다고 밝혔습니다.

CNN보도에 따르면, 아이작의 북상으로 루이지애나에서만

18만 가구가 정전 피해를 입고 있다고 전했습니다.

현재 뉴올리언스의  루이암스트롱 국제공항을 오가는 모든 항공기가 결항됐고

철도와 시외버스도 운행을 중단한 상태입니다.

아이작의 이번 상륙은 지난 2005년 막대한 피해를 입힌 특급허리케인 카트리나

뉴올리언스를 덮친 지 정확하게 7년째 되는 날 이뤄졌습니다.

Hurricane Season 2012: Hurricane Isaac (Atlantic Ocean)
2012년8월29일현재 모습

중심기압 975핵토파스칼 규모의 1급 허리케인으로 발전한

"아이작"은 이히각 현재

중심기압 968 핵토파스칼 규모로 발달

북위29.1도 서경 90.0 도지점에서

미동남부지역 루이지애나 주 지역으로 상륙

내륙으로 북서진하는 모습이다.

1급 허리케인으로 발전하며 미국동남부지역에 상륙한

허리케인 아이작의 영향으로 미동남부지역 4개주에

이시각현재 비상사태가 선포된 상항이다.

8월29일17시32분 현재 미국 남동부내륙을 강타한 1급 허리케인 아이작 위성적외선 영상모습이다.

2012년8월29일08시15분경 1금허리케인으로발전하며 루이지애나주 지역으로 상륙한 허리케인 아이작 모습

-------------------------------Aug. 28, 2012 - Third Update-------------------------------------

Color-enhanced image of sea surface heights in the Gulf of Mexico, showing Hurricane Isaac’s path through the Gulf and around its warmest waters. Credit: LSU Earth Scan Laboratory/U. of Colorado CCAR/NASA-JPL/Caltech

미동부현지시각 8월28일 저녁 1급허리케인 "아이작"

루이지애나주 남동부 플라커민즈 패리시 카운티에 상륙

2012년8월28일"1급 허리케인으로 발전한 "아이작"모습

------------------------------Aug. 28, 2012 - Second Update-------------------------------------

NASA Sees Hurricane Isaac Affecting the Northern Gulf Coast

The MODIS instrument on NASA's Terra satellite captured a visible image of Hurricane Isaac as it approached Louisiana on Aug. 28 at 12:30 p.m. EDT. A large band of showers and thunderstorms stretched from the Carolinas, west over Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and into Louisiana, wrapping into Isaac's center of circulation when it was centered about 100 miles south of the mouth of the Mississippi River. Credit: NASA Goddard MODIS Rapid Response Team

Terra/MODIS 2012/08/28/2012/16:30 UTC

Hurricane Isaac (09L) approaching Louisiana

미국 동부 현지시각 오후 2012년8월28일(화) 오후12시 30분경 미국동남부

루이지애나에 해안으로 접근중인 1급 허리케인 "아이작 위성컬러영상모습이다.

Terra/MODIS 2012/08/28/2012/16:30 UTC

Hurricane Isaac (09L) approaching Louisiana

TRMM captured this image of Isaac as it was approaching the northern Gulf coast at 4:01 UTC, August 28 (12:01 EDT). TRMM shows a broad area of moderate (shown in green) to heavy rain (shown in red) wrapping around the southwestern side of the storm with only moderate to light rain (shown in blue) on the opposite side and no heavy rain near the center. The cloud shield (shown in white) is also well pronounced in the southwestern half of Isaac but inhibited along the northern edge. At the time of this image Isaac was a strong tropical storm with sustained winds of 60 knots (~70 mph). Credit: NASA/SSAI, Hal Pierce

2012년8월28일13시01분경 허리케인으로 발달 직전의 열대폭풍 아이작 모습이다.

-----------------------------------------Aug. 28, 2012---------------------------------------------
NASA Watching Isaac's Approach to U.S. Gulf Coast

미국 남동부 걸프연안으로 열대폭풍 아이작이 허리케인으로 발달중인모습이다. 

saac Becomes a Hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico on Aug. 28 at 11:20 a.m.
This visible image of Hurricane Isaac taken at 12:40 p.m. EDT on Aug. 28 from NOAA's GOES-13 satellite shows the huge extent of the storm, where the eastern-most clouds lie over the Carolinas and the western-most clouds are brushing east Texas. Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane on Aug. 28 at 11:20 a.m. EDT with maximum sustained winds near 75 mph (120 kmh). It was located about 75 miles (115 km) south-southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River, near28.1 North and 88.6 West. Isaac was moving to the northwest near 10 mph (17 kmh). Outer bands of thunderstorms have already moved over Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia. Credit: NASA GOES Project

2012년8월 28일 미동부 시각 오후 12시 40분에서 포착한 허리케인 아이작 위성영상모습다.

아이작은 최대풍속 75mph (120kmh) 의 강한 바람과 함께 미동부 시각 8월 28일오전 11시 20분

열대폭풍에서 1 허리케인으로 발전한 모습이다.

The MODIS instrument on NASA's Aqua satellite captured this visible image of Tropical Storm Isaac on Aug. 27 at 3:00 p.m. EDT is it was moving northwest through the Gulf of Mexico. Isaac's large reach is seen by its eastern cloud cover over the entire state of Florida. Credit: NASA Goddard MODIS Rapid Response Team

미동부 시각 2012년 8월 27일 오후 3시 열대 폭풍 아이작 위성영상모습이다.

멕시코 만 북서쪽으로 이동해가면서 세력을 키워가는 모습이다.

폭풍 아이작의 동쪽기단이 플로리다 전체를 휘감은 규모의 세력이다.

This visible image of Tropical Storm Isaac taken from NOAA's GOES-13 satellite shows the huge extent of the storm, where the eastern-most clouds lie over the Carolinas and the western-most clouds are brushing east Texas. The image was captured on Aug. 28 at 8:40 a.m. EDT. Credit: NASA GOES Project

미국동부 시각 2012년 8월 28일 오전 8시 40분경 포착한 열대폭풍 아이작 위성영상모습이다. 

On Aug. 27 at 3:00 p.m. EDT the AIRS instrument on Aqua captured infrared data on Isaac's clouds. Cloud top temperatures were colder (purple) than ?63F (-52C) around the center of circulation and the western quadrant of the storm, and in a large band of thunderstorms east of the center of circulation, over Florida. That's where the strongest storms and heaviest rainfall was occurring.

Credit: NASA JPL, Ed Olsen

미국동부시각 8월 27일 오후 3시아쿠아 위성 적외선 데이터 캡처 영상모습이다.

  구름 위로 기온이 순환 중심부와 폭풍의 서쪽 구역 주변 (보라색)부분 화씨63F(-52C)분포모습이다.

플로리다에 걸친 순환의 중심에서 동쪽으로 천둥 번개를 동반 한

강한 폭풍과 무거운 강우가 발생 되고있는 모습이다.

-제공 : NASA JPL, 에드 올센-

-------------------------------------------- Aug. 27, 2012 ---------------------------------------------


NASA Infrared Time Series of Tropical Storm Isaac Shows Consolidation

NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Tropical Storm Isaac on Aug. 26 at 18:15 UTC (2:15 p.m. EDT) when it was over Florida and Cuba and the MODIS instrument captured this visible image of the storm. Credit: NASA Goddard MODIS Rapid Response Team

The AIRS instrument onboard NASA's Aqua satellite has been monitoring Tropical Storm Isaac for several days. Shown here are AIRS data from Aug. 24 and 25 (top left and right) and Aug. 26 and 27 (bottom left and right). AIRS has been providing infrared data about cloud temperatures, and sea surface temperatures around the storm. Credit: NASA JPL, Ed Olsen

---------------------------------------Aug. 26, 2012 -------------------------------------


NASA Sees Isaac's Rainfall Affecting Florida

This visible image of Tropical Storm Isaac was captured by NOAA's GOES-13 satellite on Sunday, Aug. 26 at 9:45 a.m. EDT and shows clouds from Tropical Storm Isaac from Cuba to northern Florida. Credit: NASA GOES Project

The TRMM satellite captured rainfall data on Isaac on Sunday August 26, 2012 at12:17 a.m. EDT. Isaac's rainfall appeared disorganized from the Bahamas through the Florida Keys. A band of rain from Isaac is shown over Key West, Fla. A recent forecast of Isaac's predicted path is shown overlaid on this TRMM image in white. Credit: NASA/SSAI, Hal Pierce

---------------------------Aug. 25, 2012------------------------------


NASA Sees Tropical Storm Isaac Drenching Haiti and Dominican Republic

강한 열대폭풍으로 발달하면서 중남미 카리브연안 아이티 공화국 강타

이지역으로 많은 인명과 재산피해를 안겨주었다.

The TRMM satellite captured rainfall data on August 25, 2012 at 0512 UTC (1:12 AM EDT) when it passed over Tropical Storm Isaac, whose center was close to the southern coastline of Haiti. The TRMM data showed that Isaac was producing Light to moderate rainfall over Haiti. TRMM revealed that the heaviest rain (in red) of over 50mm/hour (~2 inches) was occurring in bands of thunderstorms moving over the Dominican Republic. Credit: SSAI/Hal Pierce

 ----------------------------Aug. 24, 2012, Second Update-------------------------------
NASA Gets 3 Satellite Views of Tropical Storm Isaac

열대저압부에서 열대성 폭풍으로 발전해가는 "아이작"모습

NASA's Terra satellite passed over Tropical Storm Isaac on Aug. 24 at 15:20 UTC (11:20 a.m. EDT) as it continued moving through the eastern Caribbean Sea. The MODIS instrument onboard Aqua captured this visible image.

Credit: NASA Goddard MODIS Rapid Response Team

NASA's TRMM satellite flew above tropical storm Isaac on Aug. 24 2:13 a.m. EDT and revealed heavy rainfall around Isaac's center. Rainfall rates were over 90mm/hr (~3.54 inches) within several strong convective storms (red). TRMM Precipitation Radar data were used to make a 3-D view of Isaac's structure that showed some storms near Isaac's center were reaching heights of about 16km (~9.94 miles). These towers contain Isaac's heaviest rains and act to energize the core of the storm. Credit: SSAI/NASA

The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) instrument onboard NASA's Aqua satellite captured an infrared image of the eastern edge of Tropical Storm Isaac on Aug. 24 at 1:52 a.m. EDT. Strong thunderstorms had cloud-top temperatures as cold as -63F (-52C) (in purple). Credit: NASA JPL, Ed Olsen

---------------------------------Aug. 24, 2012, First Update-----------------------------------
NASA Spots Heavy Rainfall in Tropical Storm Isaac

Aqua/MODIS 2012/236/08/23/2012/17:40 UTC

Tropical Storm Isaac (09L) in the Caribbean Sea

2012년8월24일02시40분경 아쿠아위성이 포착한

점차 열대폭풍으로 발달중인 "아이작"위성영상모습

On Aug. 23, 2012 as 1:40 p.m. EDT NASA's Aqua Satellite flew over Tropical Storm Isaac the MODIS instrument captured this visible image of the storm as it continues moving through the eastern Caribbean Sea. Credit: NASA Goddard MODIS Rapid Response Team

미동부시각 2012년8월23일 오후 1시 40분 NASA 아쿠아 위성 열대 폭풍으로 발달중인 "아이작" 위성영상모습이다.

 동쪽 카리브 해 (Caribbean Sea)를 통해 이동하면서 지속적으로 발달해가는 모습이다.

NASA's TRMM satellite saw Isaac just after it passed the Leeward Islands and entered the eastern Caribbean. This image was taken at 5:20 p.m. EDT on Aug. 22, 2012. Although there are areas of moderate (shown in green) to heavy rain (shown in red), these are mainly located southwest of the overall center. Credit: SSAI/NASA, Hal Pierce

 미국동부시각2012년8월22일 오후 5시 20분에서 찍포착한 열대폭풍 아이작의 위성 적외선 영상모습이다.

--------------------------------------Aug. 23, 2012-----------------------------------------
NASA Sees Tropical Storm Isaac Bring Heavy Rains to Eastern Caribbean

This visible image of Tropical Storm Isaac was captured by NOAA's GOES-13 satellite on Aug. 23 at 7:45 a.m. EDT as it was lashing the eastern Caribbean. Credit: NASA/NOAA GOES Project

NASA's TRMM satellite captured rainfall rates in Tropical Storm Isaac on Aug. 22. The image shows a top-down view of the rain intensities. There is some evidence of weak banding (curvature) in the western half of the storm as depicted by the loose arc shape to the rain bands (blue areas, indicating light rain) there. Rain intensities in and around the center are light to moderate with no evidence of an eye. Areas of more intense rain (shown in red) are located away from the center to the southeast. Credit: SSAI/NASA, Hal Pierce

8월22일15시29분경 열대 폭풍 "아이작"이 카리브해 동부지역으로  집중 호우를?아  내리고있는 모습이다.

----------------------------------Aug. 22, 2012--------------------------------------
NASA Sees Tropical Storm Isaac and Tropical Depression 10 Racing in Atlantic

This visible image captured by NOAA's GOES-13 satellite on Aug. 22 at 1445 UTC shows Tropical Storm Isaac over the Lesser Antilles, and newborn Tropical Depression 10 trailing behind in the central Atlantic. Credit: NASA/NOAA GOES Project

대서양 적도 북반구 해역에서 열대 폭풍과 아이작과 그 동쪽해상으로 열대저압부(TD)가 발달중인 모습이다.

The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) instrument onboard NASA's Aqua satellite captured an infrared image of Tropical Storm Isaac on Aug. 22 at 2:05 a.m. EDT, as it was bringing heavy rainfall to the Lesser Antilles. Strong thunderstorms appeared in a band of thunderstorms in Isaac's western quadrant that had cloud top temperatures as cold as -63F (-52C) (in purple).

Credit: NASA JPL, Ed Olsen

------------------------------Aug. 21, 2012----------------------------------


NASA Sees an Active Tropical Atlantic Again

대서양 브라질 북동부해상으로 열대저압부가 발달하는 모습이다.

This NOAA GOES-13 satellite image taken on Aug. 21 at 7:45 a.m. EDT shows three of the four tropical systems being watched in the Atlantic Ocean basin. From left to right are: System 95L, Tropical Depression 9 and System 96L. Post-tropical Storm Gordon is just beyond the horizon. Credit: NASA/NOAA GOES Project

On Aug. 20 at 12:35 a.m. EDT before System 94L organized into Tropical Storm 9, NASA's Aqua satellite passed overhead, and the AIRS instrument captured an infrared image of the storm. It showed that the strongest convection (purple) were located south of the center of circulation. Credit: NASA JPL, Ed Olsen
미동부시각 2012년8월20일 오전 12시 35분 열대저압부 (TD)가 발생 하는 순간이다.

허리케인 아이작 상륙 현지 모습

한국시각 8월29일06시30분경 허리케인 아이작이 미국 루이애나주 남동부해안으로 바짝 접근중인모습이다.

2012년8월29일06시30분경  북미대륙지역 위성 가시구름영상모습이다.

미국 현지시각으로 28일(화) 저녁무렵 미국 남부 멕시코 서부 태평양 해상으로

열대폭풍 "일리애나"가 허리케인을 향해 발달중인모습이며,

멕시코 동부해상 카리브해 미국 동남부해상으로 1급 허리케인으로 발달중인

"아이작"이 루이지애나주 해안쪽을향해 상륙직전의 모습이다.

2012년8월29일15시정각(KST기준) 북미대륙 위성 적외선 구름영상모습이다.

멕시코를 중심으로 서쪽 동태평양해상으로 열대폭풍 일리애나 (ILEANA) 가 허리케인을 향해 발달중인모습이며

멕시코 동부해상 카리브해북부 해상으로 허리케인 아이작이 미국 남동부해안으로 상륙

허리케인 아이작의 피해에 대비해 미시시피와 앨라배마,플로리다 등

미국 남동부지역 4개 주에는 비상사태가 선포되었다....!
