Peasants are reluctant warriors, but barbarian peasants are better fighters than most: hard lives produce hard men. Numbers are useful in all armies, and forcing peasants to fight is one way of getting lots of men in the field quickly and cheaply. They have little tactical sense, and even less willingness to fight - they would rather be defending their own homes than be dragged to a battle they neither care about nor understand. They are, however, experts at reading the land and hiding when there is cover.
A sling is a deceptively simple weapon: a slinger can bring down the strongest man with a single shot. These slingers can send a hail of bullets towards the enemy, and target their shots for maximum damage. After all, they will have been hunting with slings since boyhood. Slingers should not be allowed to get into melee combat, as their lack of armour and their relative lack of equipment - just a knife or short sword and a shield - will soon lead to them being cut to pieces. Used to kill enemies from a distance, they are superb missile warriors.
In battle, head hurlers throw the heads of fallen foes coated with quicklime. These missiles are both dangerous and loathsome. Head hurlers combine the practical and the macabre in equal measure - they collect the heads of fallen enemies and preserve these by dipping them in quicklime. The limed heads are used as disgusting missiles in battle, flung into enemy ranks at surprisingly long range. As missiles the heads are heavy enough to cause injuries (and have an undoubted impact on morale) but it is the lime that really does the damage, causing nasty burns. Head Hurlers also carry swords for use in close combat should this be necessary.\n\nHead hurlers, however, also show little regard for their own danger and are not above rushing into combat without orders.
Warbands are bound to the service of a strongman or petty village head. They are the basic 'unit' to be found in many barbarian armies. They fight well, as glory and loot are the road to status, but are often difficult to control. They care little for discipline and less for restraint, but they can be relied on to fight, and fight hard. In warfare it is up to each man to prove his own bravery and worth, so the savage charge into the enemy is about as sophisticated as they ever want to be! Each man carries a stabbing spear and a large shield.
Swordsmen are steadfast and aggressive warriors, the 'infantry of the line' for barbarian warlords. They are not very disciplined at times, as their sense of honour and bravery can make them eager to get into any fray, but they are uniformly superb swordsmen. They are equipped with good swords and large shields. Every warlord worth the name makes sure he has a couple of warbands of these hard men under his command.
Chosen swordsmen are the best fighting individuals in their tribe, and armed with the finest swords available. While superbly skilled and extremely tough, they are not naturally inclined to fight as a group. Personal glory and the need to be first amongst the enemy ensure that they are headstrong and ill-disciplined. They are, however, very well equipped with the finest swords that the smiths can make, along with chainmail armour and large shields. They are an intimidating sight for any enemy.
Religion and magic are powerful reasons for bravery. Woad warriors are brave fighters - and mad. They disdain armour and most clothing, preferring to paint themselves with intricate and stylised magical designs in woad (a blue dye) to deflect enemy blows and missiles. The patterns created can be elaborate and almost inhuman, and are supposed to be unnerving for enemies unused to such practices. Belief in magic also armours the woad warriors against fear, and makes them savage, dangerous and not-quite-controllable fighters. Woad warriors carry only blades and shields but it is a foolish commander indeed who underestimates their impact in battle!
Druids are spiritual leaders with practical fighting skills who instill confidence in nearby friendly warriors. They have a religious zeal that gives them great courage and their mere presence fills nearby believers with confidence. Positioned just behind the battle line druids can also form a powerful reserve, ready to join the fray at a crucial moment. Equipped with sickle-shaped swords and small shields, the mail-clad druids are excellent fighters. Their good war gear is a reflection of their status as teachers, judges, soothsayers and the focal point of religion and magic among their people. As Celtic cultures lack a written form, they are also the memory of the tribe as well, remembering all the important facts of tribal history. Historically, the Romans despised and then targeted these men because they practiced particularly savage forms of human sacrifice and because of their cultural importance. When a tribe's history was wiped out, it became a little easier to bend the people to the will of Rome .
Warhounds are bred for a savage nature and great size, but then hunting men is only a little more dangerous than hunting wild boar! The beasts are muscular and powerful. Originally bred for hunting large prey, they are now trained to hunt and attack men. Warhounds are usually unleashed on an enemy to break a line and unnerve opponents. Few men are able to stand steadily in the face of a snarling and partially-starved beast. The dogs are trained to bite and hold on, dragging down their human targets, and hamstringing horses. Their handlers are brave, foolhardy and not easily intimidated: many have fingers, hands or even chunks of limbs missing!
Light chariots are very fast, very noisy and, when used in large numbers, quite intimidating. They combine the swiftness of cavalry with the 'staying power' of infantry. The drivers concentrate on controlling the chariots, while their passengers fire arrow after arrow into the target. They can also simply charge into an enemy, perform the same scouting duties as cavalry, harass enemies with missiles and may even be worth sacrificing to break a previously unyielding enemy line. They can also be very effective in pursuing fleeing foes.
Heavy chariots are an elite in British armies ridden into battle by tribal nobles. They are shock troops, relying on speed and shock to break enemy formations. Every man carries a fine sword, and is equipped with a good mail coat and a shield, while his chariot is pulled by two horses. They perform the same function as heavy cavalry, charging home to cause casualties before wheeling away to launch a fresh attack. Any infantry foolish enough to stand in the way are ridden down, hacked to pieces by the rider! However, like many barbarians they can sometimes let greed for personal honour and glory lead them into attacking without orders.
Chariots are a pinnacle of Celtic technology and an effective machine of war. So it's no surprise to see tribal leaders driving them into battle accompanied by groups of bodyguards. It is important that a warlord has a group of hardened warriors around him to go into the thick of battle to prove that he is not only a great leader but also a great warrior. Barbarian warlords hold their positions of trust and command not just through their tactical skill but because they are personally brave and resolute. No warrior willingly follows a coward, and no coward has the right to ask his brothers-in-arms to throw their lives away.
첫댓글 저 보병들 기병돌격에는 취약할것같군..
브리튼 검병은 중세분위기가 나네요
전차가 멋지군요.
말 두마리가 끄느 전차는 말보다 기동력이 느린걸로 알고있습니다. 그래서 동양에선 전차하나를 말 4마리를 끌죠.
Head Hurlers라... 목을 던져서 적에게 공포를 준다? 옛날 오락실에 있었던 공포 게임 '수왕기'에서 첫판 보스가 그랬죠. 자기 목을 막 던지고... -_-;
쩝... 야만인인데 전차를 타네여. 그리고 기대하던 대갈통 투척병(?)
전차가 아니라 짐마차에 사람태운거 입니다-_-
이놈들 운영방법은 그냥 전차로 적기선제압해준다음에 보병돌격 해주는 전면전 위주적인 전술박엔 별로 짤수있는 전술이 없겄내요 ㅡㅡ 전반적을 보병공격력은 좋은데 방호력은 떨어져서 전차의 역할이 극대화될듯.
결정적 으로......궁병! 이 없잔소~!!! 크억!
궁병이 있기는합니다. 전차위에서 활쏘는 역할박에안되지만 ㅡㅡ;