아주 간결하다. cervicogenic headache, neck pain 운동법은 아주 간단하다.
하지만 정확한 치료법은 매우 어렵다. 아주 세밀하게 불필요한 근육의 activation을 막아야 한다.
headache and neck pain은 아주 흔해서 감기보다 더 stay home하게 하는 요인
진통제는 neck pain과 두통을 쉽게 줄이지만 때로는 통증을 지속하게 하고, 반복하게 하는 요인
The most important such preventive factor is to improve the posture and fitness of your neck and upper back regions.
가장 흔한 neck posture의 한가지는 아래 그림과 같이 head forward posture임.
head and neck pain의 자가 운동법
1) chin tuck beginner position
2) chin tuck intermediate position
3) chin tuck advanced position
이 자가운동으로 SCM, scalene muscle 등 superficial muscle의 overactivation을 줄이고, 짧아진 suboccipitalis를 이완하고, 약해진 deep neck flexor muscle을 강화하여 head forward posture를 교정하여 head and neck pain을 치료함.
panic bird..
Self-treatments for head and neck.pdf
Head and neck pain are very common. Did you know that headaches cause more people to stay home from work than anything but the common cold? Neck pain can occur from postural strain due to faulty sitting posture or excessive desk or computer work. It can also arise from trauma such as just a slight jolt in an automobile accident.
- 두부와 경부통은 매우 흔함.
- 당신은 두통이 감기보다 더 흔하게 사람을 집에 머무르게 하는 원인임을 아는가?
- 경부통은 faulty sitting posture 또는 컴퓨터 오래하기 때문에 오는 자세로부터 발생 할 수 있음.
- 교통사고와 같은 손상에 의해서도 통증이 발생할 수 있음.
Most headaches and neck pains go away quickly and are easily managed with over the counter medications. However, sometimes the pain persists or recurs frequently and it is important to address preventive factors. The most important such preventive factor is to improve the posture and fitness of your neck and upper back regions.
- 대부분의 두통과 경부통은 쉽게 치료됨. 하지만 때로 통증이 오래 지속되거나 반복 재발하는 경우가 있는데, 이는 통증예방요소가 중요함.
- 통증예방의 중요한 요소는 자세를 개선하고 upper back부위와 경부의 운동이 필요함.
This self-help article will guide you in a simple pro-active approach to improve the coordination and fitness of your neck musculature. One of the common faults in neck posture which places increased strain on your head and neck structures is the head forward posture (Fig. 1).
- 이 논문은 당신의 경부 근육의 운동법과 협응성을 개선시키는 방법을 안내할 것임.
- 경추의 가장 흔한 잘못된 자세는 아래 그림과 같은 head forward posture임.
For every inch your head moves forward of your upper back the strain on your neck increases exponentially! Thus, it is essential to try and maintain a more erect posture when working at a desk, driving a car, or performing arm activities (such as carrying things).
- 당신의 머리가 앞으로 나아갈때마다 장력은 매우 증가함.
- 그래서 책상에서 일할때, 운전할때 자세를 세우려고 노력하는 것은 매우 중요함.
Your body's musculature serves two functions. One, is to produce movement and the second is to control or guide that movement. The large, superficial muscles produce movement and are usually very active and easy to train. The deeper muscles which guide movements are important for preventing injury and they often become weak when you are in pain and thus require specific therapeutic exercises to activate and train them.
- 당신 몸의 근육은 두가지 기능을 함
- 하나는 움직임을 만들고, 다른 하나는 움직임을 조절하는 것.
- 크고 천층의 근육은 움직임을 만들고, 대개 매우 활동성이고 쉽게 훈련됨.
- 깊은 근육은 움직임을 안내하는데, 손상을 예방하는데 중요하고 통증이 있을때 흔히 약해지고 치료적 운동으로 그것을활성화하는 것이 반드시 필요함.
A very simple exercise to train your `deep' neck muscles is called the chin tuck.
- 심부경추 굴곡근을 활성화하는 가장 쉬운 운동법은 chin tuck 운동법.
1. The ChinTuck beginner position
Your starting position:
. Perch at the edge of your chair or stand up.
The exercise:
. Place your finger on the front of your chin.
. Then draw your chin away from your finger as you pull it in.
. This is basically a nodding movement with your head as if saying `yes' without dropping your head or looking down.
. You should feel a gentle pull in the back of your neck as this stretches tight muscles there (Fig. 2).
Repetitions: 2 to 3 slowly.
Hold: Pause for a second or two when the chin is in.
Frequency: Every 20 to 30 minutes when sitting for extended periods of time.
2. The ChinTuck intermediate position
Your starting position:
. Begin in the sphinx position.
. Relax your head, upper back and shoulders towards the ¯oor.
The exercise:
. Place your finger on the front of your chin.
. Then draw your chin away from your finger as you pull it in and up towards the ceiling.
. As you draw your chin in press your upper back away from the ¯oor (Fig. 3).
Repetitions: 8±10 slowly.
Hold: Pause for a second or two when the chin is in.
Frequency: Twice a day.
3. The ChinTuck advanced position (The wall ball for the neck)
Your starting position:
. Stand with your back against a wall.
. Place a small in¯ated ball behind your head.
The exercise:
. Nod `yes' by tucking your chin in and pressing your head against the ball.
. The ball should roll slightly along the wall.
. Avoid looking down (Fig. 4).
Repetitions: 8±10 slowly.
Hold: Pause for a second or two when the chin is in.
Frequency: Twice a day.
It is important that you concentrate on performing these exercises with good form. With practice of these and other neck correction manouvres you can retrain how your neck functions on an automatic basis. The approach described here and supervised by your health care professional will advance you step by step through the three stages of `motor learning'.
- 정확한 자세를 잡고 집중하는 것이 중요함.
- 세가지 단계의 motor learning을 시행.
first awareness of the problem,
second practice of the corrected postures and movements,
and third automatization of a new postural habit in your nervous system.
- 첫번째. 문제를 인식하는 것
둘째, 올바른 자세와 운동법 익히기
셋째, 당신의 신경계에 새로운 자세습관의 자동화인지.
Recovery from neck injury or prevention of headaches and neck pain requires more than a symptomatic approach. It is necessary to improve the posture and fitness of your neck and upper back regions. There are many different exercises that can be prescribed. Often the correct ones can only be identified by careful supervision with a health care professional trained in rehabilitation.
- 경추 손상회복 또는 두부와 경부통 방지는 중요함.
- 자세개선과 운동법이 중요함.
첫댓글 감사합니다.
정말 좋은 논문..
임상에서 너무도 흔한 질환에 대한 해답
정말 효과좋은~~~^^
# Chin in exercise
- Place your finger on the front of your chin.
- Then draw your chin away from your finger as you pull it in.
- This is basically a nodding movement with your head as if saying `yes' without dropping your head or looking down.
- You should feel a gentle pull in the back of your neck as this stretches tight muscles there
- Repetitions: 2 to 3 slowly.
- Hold: Pause for a second or two when the chin is in.
- Frequency: Every 20 to 30 minutes when sitting for extended periods of time
# The ChinTuck intermediate position
- Place your finger on the front of your chin.
- Then draw your chin away from your finger as you pull it in and up towards the ceiling.
- As you draw your chin in press your upper back away from the ?oor (Fig. 3).
- Repetitions: 8±10 slowly.
- Hold: Pause for a second or two when the chin is in.
- Frequency: Twice a day.
# The ChinTuck advanced position (The wall ball for the neck)
- Nod `yes' by tucking your chin in and pressing your head against the ball.
- The ball should roll slightly along the wall.
- Avoid looking down
- Repetitions: 8±10 slowly.
- Hold: Pause for a second or two when the chin is in.
- Frequency: Twice a day
SCM, scalene muscle 등 superficial muscle의 overactivation을 줄이고, 짧아진 suboccipitalis를 이완하고, 약해진 deep neck flexor muscle을 강화하여 head forward posture를 교정하여 head and neck pain을 치료
The ChinTuck beginner position
자세 : 의자에 걸터 앉거나 선다
운동 : 손가락을 턱의 앞에 댄다
손으로 부터 멀어지며 당기면서 들어간다.
. 이것은 기본적으로 머리를 떨어뜨리거나 아래를 쳐다보지 않고 "예"라고 말하며 끄덕이는 움직임이다.
당신은 당신의 목의 뒤쪽에서 스트레칭된 타이트한 머슬에서 부드러운 당기는 느낌을 받아야한다
반복 : 2~3회 천천히, 1~2초 정도 유지, 오래 앉아있을때 20~30분마다 실시
The ChinTuck intermediate position
자세 스핑크스 자세에서 시작
머리를 이완하고 등 위쪽과 어깨를 바닥으로 부터 위로 향함
운동 손가락을 턱앞에 놓는다
턱을 손에서 떨어뜨려 천정 방향으로 당긴다
턱의 모양을 그릴때 위쪽등으로 바닥으로 부터 멀어지도록 힘을 준다
반복 8±10 천천히, 1~2초간 당긴 자세 유지, 하루 2번 실시
The ChinTuck advanced position (The wall ball for the neck)
자세 벽에 기대고 선다
납작하지 않은 공을 머리뒤에 댄다
운동 턱을 집어넣은채로 "예"라고 끄덕인다 그리고 머리를 볼에 저항해서 누른다
공은 벽을 따라 약간 구른다
아래를 쳐다보는것은 피한다
반복 8±10 slowly., 1~2초간 턱을 넣은 자세 유지, 하루 2번 실시
● chin in exercise
* head forward posture 로 인한 cervicogenic headache , neck pain 의 치료법
* SCM , scalene muscle , suboccipitalis 의 overactivation 풀어줌
deep neck flexor strengthening
* chin tuck beginner position
- 손가락을 턱에 대고 밀어.(이때 고개나 시선이 떨어지지는 않되, 고개를 끄덕이는 느낌으로)
- 등이 당겨지면서 스트레칭되는 느낌.
- 2초 정도 자세유지, 하루에 20~30분
* chin tuck intermediate position
- sphinx position 으로 8~10회 , 2초유지 , 2 set
* chin tuck advanced position
- 머리 뒤에 공을 두고 nodding 하듯이 턱을 밀어넣되, 고개가 떨어지진 않도록.(공이 조금 올라감)
※ muscle
* superficial muscle
- produce movement
- very active and easy to train
* deep muscle
- control and guide movement. ( important for preventing injury. )
- become weak and require specific exercise to train.
좋은자료 감사합니다^^