7am Saturday 19th September - Meet Munsu Stadium Bus (For the bus please prepare a packed lunch)
If you are driving alone the first game is at around 1pm so you should be there 1 hour before.
Fee - Player 150,000KRW Inclusive of everything, accompanying parent on Bus 75,000KRW
Preparation - RSFA Football uniform if you don't have it yet we will arrange it, let us know. extra blue socks, sleeping bag, drinks bottle, toiletries, relaxing clothing, rain coat, sports shoes, football shoes and shinguards
I will need a photo of your child/children and a photo of their ARC card. Passport is not good enough this time because of the tournament insurance.
Field Addresses
U10s venue
Boeun National Sports Center Pitch B
보은국민체육센터 B구장
Telephone 043-540-3742
38-1 Guncheong-gil, Boeun-eup, Boeun-gun, Chungbuk
45 Ipyeong-ri, Boeun-eup, Boeun-gun, Chungbuk
충북 보은군 보은읍 군청길 38-1
보은읍 이평리 45
Boun Jayeong High School 보은자영고등학교
Telephon: 043-543-1105
10 Jayeonggo-gil, Bo-eun-eup, Bo-eun-gun, Chungbuk
123 Goysari, Boeun-eup, Bo-eun-gun, Chungbuk.
충북 보은군 보은읍 자영고길 10
보은읍 교사리 123
Game Times
RS U10s
2 preliminaries on Saturday(20 min halves)
Pitch A
1:10 - 2:00
RS vs. Bucheon Wonjong FC 부천원종.
If RS win,
4:10 - 5:00
if RS lose,
3:15 - 4:05
RS U8s
2 preliminaries on Saturday
Pitch A
1:00 - 1:50
Wonju UTD 원주 vs. RS
If RS win,
4:00 - 4:50
if RS lose,
3:05 - 3:55
RS U10s
First game
9:30 or 10:20
12:00 or 12:50
The Final
2:00 - 2:50
RS U8s
First game
9:30 or 10:20
12:00 or 12:50
The Final
2:00 - 2:50
It would be 3-7pm Sunday back to Munsu, Ulsan then 6-9pm to Admiral Hotel, Koje.
Youth hostel
Songnisan Youth Town(or Sogrisan Youth Town)
Telephone 043-540-7777
134 Beobjusaro, Sogrisan-myeon, Boeun-gun, Chungbuk
3-8 Sangpanri Sogrisan-myeon, Boeun-gun, Chungbuk.
충북 보은군 속리산면 법주사로 134
보은군 속리산면 상판리 3-8
Dinner Restaurant
Donisulsul 돈이술술
Tel 043-544-9233
15 Wolsong-ri, Boeun-eup, Boeun-gun, Chungbuk
충북 보은군 보은읍 월송리 15
Please confirm by sending the photos required to me and to coach Philip, composurer@hanmail.net
Many thanks