[The Korean Odyssey]
*Citizens of South Korea are holding a rally outside the National Assembly, demanding the impeachment of President Yoon Suk-yeol.
A Declaration by Political Scientists of South Korea
<Call for an Immediate Reintroduction and the Passage of the Impeachment Bill to Restore the Constitutional Order>
The emergency martial law declared by President Yoon Suk Yeol on December 3rd, 2024, is, without a doubt, an insurrection. The unconstitutional and anti-democratic emergency martial law renders irrelevant the differences in the political parties we support, our political values, or our beliefs. Yoon threatened the fundamental rights of citizens with the martial law declaration that did not meet the constitutional requirements, and attempted to dissolve the National Assembly, which even emergency martial law does not allow. Fortunately, Yoon Suk Yeol’s attempted insurrection was thwarted thanks to the collective efforts of vigilant citizens, some conscientious military service members and police officers, and some members of the National Assembly. However, Yoon Suk Yeol must be prosecuted for his actions—the nation yearns for accountability.
There is no other way but impeachment. Those who prioritize protecting the president’s spouse over safeguarding the country and its people are now attempting to deceive the public with a claim of “orderly exit.” However, Yoon is a flagrant, active instigator of the insurrection, a crime which even the sitting president—who is typically immune from criminal prosecution—cannot escape. Having an unqualified person in the president’s office only brings misfortune to the country and its people, even if he retreats to the back room. In a presidential system, what constitutional authority allows the Prime Minister and ruling party to lead state affairs? Even if all the existing parties tried to form a new cabinet in unison, who would accept a letter of appointment with the name of an insurgency mastermind on it? The president's retreat to a background role is merely a deception. Having someone other than the president conduct presidential duties is illegal and is a manipulation of state affairs. A shortened term or a promise of resignation in a few months are precarious solutions, given that the nation will continue to be in the hands of an unqualified individual. Not even a few days or weeks is acceptable. We have already seen that Yoon Suk Yeol is capable of doing anything for himself and his wife. What possible reason is there to believe that Yoon would keep his promises?
Impeachment is not a “suspension of constitutional order,” as the ruling party argues, but rather its restoration. Presidential impeachment is a device to rectify the state when the president, tasked to defend the country, the constitution, and the prosperity of the people, instead betrays the trust of the people. It is the act of committing an insurrection yet remaining in the presidential office that truly amounts to a suspension of constitutional order and makes a mockery of the country and its people. The ruling party, the People Power Party, cites possible social instability as grounds for refusing the impeachment, but this is nothing more than a flimsy excuse to put the party’s and their personal interests over democracy and the protection of the constitution. Any lawmaker who denies the legitimacy of or obstructs the impeachment is nothing but an obstacle to the restoration of the constitution.
In our classrooms, we will teach about the anti-democratic behavior of Yoon Suk Yeol and the ruling party lawmakers who boycotted and invalidated the impeachment vote. We will warn our students that tolerating such behavior equates to opening the door to dictatorship, and we will urge that politicians who engage in anti-democratic behavior be held accountable through elections. We will teach our students not to be deceived by false supporters of democracy again, because true democracy recognizes and defends the freedoms and rights of even those who disagree with them. Furthermore, we will educate aspiring politicians not to follow in the footsteps of these anti-democratic politicians, but to become politicians who defend the constitution and democracy.
We demand the following:
1. All members of the National Assembly must promptly reintroduce the impeachment motion.
2. The People Power Party lawmakers must apologize to the public for invalidating the impeachment vote on December 7th.
3. The People Power Party lawmakers must participate in and vote in favor of the impeachment motion when it is reintroduced.
4. After passing the impeachment motion, all members of the National Assembly must work together with the public to deliberate on and implement measures to restore and strengthen democracy.
December 8th, 2024
855 political scientists
■ A List of 573 Political Scientists from Korea Who Agreed with the Declaration
강명구(뉴욕시립대), 강명훈(포스텍), 강상규(방송대), 강수정(조선대), 강수지(펜실베니아대), 강신구(아주대), 강신재(연세대), 강우진(경북대), 강우창(고려대), 강원택(서울대), 강은주(로체스터공대), 강인선, 강주현(숙명여대), 강지연(충북대), 강진옥(숙명여대), 강혁민(이화여대), 경제희(도카이대), 고민희(이화여대), 고봉준(충남대), 고선규(후쿠시마학원대), 고성빈(제주대), 고우정(성신여대), 고원(서울과학기술대), 공민석(제주대), 공진성(조선대), 곽동진(고려대), 곽송연(서강대), 곽한솔(메릴랜드주립대), 구갑우(북한대학원대학원대), 구민선(윌리엄&메리), 구본상(충북대), 구성철(창원대), 구세진(인하대), 구자선(인천대), 구춘권(영남대), 권금상, 권수현(경상국립대), 권순미(한국고용노동교육원), 권영승(성균관대), 권예소라(성균관대), 권재범(한국외대), 권혁용(고려대), 권형기(서울대), 기여운(충남대), 기유정(서울대), 김가나(애리조나주립대), 김경래(국민대), 김경미(Sapienza University of Rome), 김남국(고려대), 김남규(고려대), 김남은(고려대), 김대환(서강대), 김덕진(충남대), 김동길(북경대), 김동엽(북한대학원대), 김동일(경상국립대), 김동중(고려대), 김동택(서강대), 김동훈(고려대), 김동혜(연세대), 김면회(한국외대), 김명식(State University of New York at Cortland), 김명철(아주대), 김미영(충북대), 김미자(대구가톨릭대), 김민정, 김민혁(경희대), 김백주(서강대), 김범수(단국대), 김범수(서울대), 김병곤(고려대), 김병구, 김보람(고려대), 김보원(텍사스대 알링턴), 김비환(성균관대), 김상범(경남대), 김상연(인디애나대), 김상준(연세대), 김상훈(노스텍사스대), 김서영(서울대), 김선일(경희대), 김선진(동아대), 김선재(연세대), 김선희, 김성미(이화여대), 김성연(건국대), 김성은(고려대), 김성조(연세대), 김성진(덕성여대), 김양규(서울대), 김애경(명지전문대), 김엘리(서강대), 김연숙(숙명여대), 김연철(인제대), 김영순(서울과학기술대), 김영완(서강대), 김용균(서울대), 김용복(경남대), 김용신(인하대), 김원(한국학중앙연구원), 김유은(한양대), 김유철(덕성여대), 김윤의(텍사스텍), 김윤철(경희대), 김은경(건국대), 김의영(서울대), 김인욱(성균관대), 김일곤(한국외대), 김재관(전남대), 김재기(전남대), 김재연(존스홉킨스대), 김재영(샌디에고주립대), 김정(북한대학원대), 김정현(연세대), 김정현(충남대), 김정호(인하대), 김제란(성균관대), 김종법(대전대), 김종철(서강대), 김종학(서울대), 김주람(일본국제대), 김주형(서울대), 김주희(국립부경대), 김준석(가톨릭대), 김지은(이스턴메노나이트대), 김지운(충남대), 김찬우(영남대), 김창진(성공회대), 김창환, 김춘호(아시아종교평화학회), 김태경, 김태균(서울대), 김태균(카이스트), 김태완(부산대), 김태진(동국대), 김태형(숭실대), 김학노(영남대), 김학재(고려대), 김한나(고려대), 김한나(진주교대), 김해순, 김헌준(고려대), 김현(연세대), 김현숙(숙명여대), 김현우(한국외국어대), 김현일(세종대), 김현정(동아대), 김현주(원광대), 김현준(강원대), 김형종(연세대), 김형철(성공회대), 김혜성(애팔래치안주립대), 김혜진(성공회대), 김효정(경희대), 김흥규(아주대), 나일경(주쿄대학), 남기정(서울대), 남대엽(계명대), 남윤민(공주대), 남현주(가천대), 데라시타 카즈히로(교토대), 도묘연(계명대), 류경아(연세대), 류상영(연세대), 류제흥(이화여대), 류태경, 마상훈(연세대), 모춘흥(한양대), 문경희(국립창원대), 문기홍(국립부경대), 문돈(경희대), 문병주(경인교대), 문용일(서울시립대), 문우진(아주대), 문유정(동국대), 문충식(중앙대), 민귀식(한양대), 민병기(대전대), 민병원(이화여대), 민희(부산대), 박경미(전북대), 박규리(윌리엄&메리), 박기현(애리조나 주립대), 박나라(연세대), 박범섭(숭실대), 박봉규(청주대), 박상영(한국교원대), 박상준(한국외대), 박상훈(강원대), 박상희(인하대), 박선경(고려대), 박성용(전북대), 박성진(광주교대), 박성호(연세대), 박솔, 박수인(제주대), 박승빈(앨라배마주립대), 박영득(충남대), 박영수(인천대), 박원호(서울대), 박요한(인천대), 박용수(연세대), 박유미(Copenhagen Business School), 박은홍(성공회대), 박재욱(신라대), 박정훈(서강대), 박종철(경상국립대), 박종희(서울대), 박주원(영남대), 박지영(성신여대), 박진곤(성신여대), 박진수(덕성여대), 박천영(나자르바예프대), 박천호, 박태용(카네기멜론-카타르), 박현희(서울대), 박혜윤(스털링대), 배병인(국민대), 배상민(Northeastern Illinois University), 배진석(경상국립대), 백미연(경기도여성가족재단), 백우열(연세대), 백인주(아주대), 백종윤(중문대심천), 백지원(트리니티칼리지 더블린), 백창재(서울대), 변성호(서울대), 변영학(대구가톨릭대), 변준희(평화바람), 변형준(Boston College), 서보혁(한국정치연구회), 서복경(서강대), 서운석(아시아종교평화학회), 서정건(경희대), 서정경(서울대), 서정민(연세대), 서지원(서울대), 서창배(국립부경대), 서창훈(동국대), 서현수(한국교원대), 서현준(연세대), 서현진(성신여대), 선봉규(전남대), 성예진(성균관대), 성치훈(연세대), 소진형(서울대), 손기영(고려대), 손민석(조선대), 손병권(중앙대), 손병환(George Mason University), 손서정(아시아종교평화학회), 손연우(연세대), 손정욱(가천대), 송경호(연세대), 송병권(서강대), 송영훈(강원대), 송원준(한양대), 송주명(한신대), 송지예(고려대), 송지우(서울대), 신미정(상해재경대), 신상범(연세대), 신정섭(숭실대), 신정화(동서대), 심세현(강원대), 심수정(뉴욕대), 심승우(성균관대), 심헌용(조선대), 안도경(서울대), 안도헌(대구가톨릭대), 안두환(서울대), 안용흔(대구가톨릭대), 안외순(한서대), 안종기(고려대), 안주영(류코쿠대학), 안치영(인천대), 안태현(서울대), 양기호(성공회대), 양무진(북한대학원대학원대), 양유정(일리노이대/어바나 샴페인), 양은주(연세대), 양준석(성균관대), 양창원(서강대), 엄기홍(경북대), 엄태봉(대진대), 여유경(경희대), 연준한(맥길대), 오상택(성균관대), 오세제(서강대), 오수웅(숙명여대), 오인환(윌리엄&메리), 오지혜(고려대), 오창룡(국립부경대), 오현진(한양대), 오현철(전북대), 옥창준(한중연), 우병득(인천대), 우병원(연세대), 우종석, 우준모(선문대), 원동욱(동아대), 원영상(원광대), 유미림(한아문화연구소), 유병선(충남대), 유성진(이화여대), 유은하(한신대), 유인태(단국대), 유재광(경기대), 유재성(계명대), 유재일(대전대), 유종성(연세대), 유진석(숙명여대), 유철(성균관대), 유현주(한국외대), 유혜림(서울대), 유혜영(프린스턴대), 윤경우(국민대), 윤광일(숙명여대), 윤기석(충남대), 윤비(성균관대), 윤석상(선문대), 윤석준(성공회대), 윤세라(덕성여대), 유시은(대구대), 윤영상(카이스트), 윤왕희(성균관대), 윤종빈(명지대), 윤지성(DGIST), 윤지환(이화여대), 은민수(서강대), 은용수(한양대), 이가연(성신여대), 이경미, 이경민(전북대), 이경석(인천대), 이경수(서울대), 이국배(성균관대), 이규정(고려대), 이규철(금오공대), 이근욱(서강대), 이기현(한국외대), 이나경(서울대), 이나미(동아대), 이동일, 이명희(Michigan State University), 이문기(세종대), 이미준(서강대), 이미혜(동국대), 이병성(연세대), 이병재(연세대), 이병철(경남대), 이병하(서울시립대), 이보미(서울대), 이보윤(Queen's University), 이상신, 이상원(인천대), 이상협(인제대), 이선우(전북대), 이선향(강원대), 이선희(국방대), 이성우, 이성희(University of Essex), 이소영(대구대), 이소영(예일대), 이소정(테네시대), 이수미(University of La Verne), 이수현(싱가포르 난양공대), 이순주(울산대), 이승원(서울대), 이영임(California State University), 이영재(한양대), 이왕휘(아주대), 이용성, 이용승(대구대), 이용욱(고려대), 이원영(한양대), 이원태(아주대), 이유철(서울대), 이율빈(성균관대), 이인복(연세대), 이인엽(테네시텍), 이재묵(한국외대), 이재인(연세대), 이재현(배재대), 이재현(한국동남아학회), 이정석(태재대), 이정환(서울대), 이제경(충남대), 이종곤(이화여대), 이종태, 이종혁(성균관대), 이종훈(아칸소 주립대), 이주연(고려대), 이준한(인천대), 이지나(충청권역 남북경협전문단), 이지영(국립창원대), 이지윤(서강대), 이진민, 이진영(전북대), 이진원(서울시립대), 이찬수(아시아종교평화학회), 이충범(협성대), 이태동(연세대), 이필원(동국대), 이하경(한중연), 이학선(제임스 매디슨대), 이한수(아주대), 이한얼(서강대), 이헌미(홋카이도대), 이혜숙(아시아종교평화학회), 이혜원(숙명여대), 이혜정(중앙대), 이홍규(동서대), 이훈(텍사스텍), 이희옥(성균관대), 임규택(고려대), 임기홍, 임석준(동아대), 임성학(서울시립대), 임수진(대구가톨릭대), 임시정(고려대), 임유진(강원대), 임희수(연세대), 장기영(경기대), 장선화(고려대), 장슬아(서울대), 장승진(국민대), 장영덕(인하대), 장영희(평화네트워크), 장윤미(동서대), 장진혁(단국대), 장한일(국민대), 장현근(용인대), 장혜영(중앙대), 장휘(연세대), 장희경(서울대), 전수미(숭실대), 전용주(동의대), 전재호(서강대), 전제성(전북대), 전진영, 전진호(광운대), 전혜림(연세대), 정다빈(충남대), 정다훈(중앙대), 정대진(한라대), 정동준(인하대), 정미애(서울대), 정병기(영남대), 정상미, 정상호(서원대), 정성은(건국대), 정세원(국립부경대), 정승현(서강대), 정연경(서울대), 정연식(국립창원대), 정영우(인천대), 정예림(UC San Diego), 정욱식(평화네트워크), 정은빈(유타대), 정인경, 정일영(서강대), 정수현(국립공주대), 정재관(고려대), 정재요(진주교대), 정재욱(경남대), 정재환(인하대), 정주연(고려대), 정주영(인천대), 정지웅(아신대), 정진문(서울시립대), 정진웅(연세대), 정진화(성신여대), 정하용(경희대), 정하윤(국민대), 정한범(국방대), 정헌주(연세대), 정혜정(아시아종교평화학회), 정희석(경북대), 제성훈(한국외대), 조계원(고려대), 조무형(이화여대), 조서녕(모라비안대), 조석주(경희대), 조선철(한국외대), 조성민(성균관대), 조영웅(북경대), 조영원(세인트 프랜시스 제이비어대), 조영철(강원대), 조영호(서강대), 조원빈(성균관대), 조은아(다트머스대), 조재욱(경남대), 조준화(서울대), 조진만(덕성여대), 조찬수(강남대), 조채은(Bilkent University), 조형진(인천대), 조홍식(숭실대), 조희정(서강대), 주민형(매사추세츠 주립대), 주송하(국민대), 주장환(한신대), 주형민(고려대), 지병근(조선대), 지주형(경남대), 진희관(인제대), 진활민(전남대), 차재권(부경대), 차태서(성균관대), 차현진(한국교통대), 채장수(경북대), 최경희(서울대), 최광승(성균관대), 최동현(브라운대), 최병덕(금오공대), 최서영(연세대), 최선(조선대), 최슬아(고려대), 최아진(연세대), 최연식(연세대), 최용섭(선문대), 최원근(한국외대), 최은경(한국외대), 최은정(전남대), 최인호(서울대), 최재동(충북대), 최종건(연세대), 최종현(전북대), 최종호(민주연구원), 최지영(오하이오 웨슬리언대), 최치원(고려대), 표광민(경북대), 하남석(서울시립대), 하상복(목포대), 하상응(서강대), 하상섭(연세대), 하세헌(경북대), 하윤빈(공주대), 한강욱(전북대), 한기호(아주대), 한미애(이화여대), 한새롬(숙명여대), 한성민(한국외대), 한승우(경기대), 한은수(연세대), 한정택(부경대), 한준성(강릉원주대), 한희진(국립부경대), 함규진(서울교육대), 함현호(스탠퍼드대), 허원영(단국대), 홍미화(국민대), 홍재우(인제대), 홍지연(미시간대), 홍현익(세종연구소), 황교욱(북한경제포럼), 황세희(성공회대), 황소희(연세대), 황수영(고려대), 황수영(연세대), 황영주(부산외대), 황옥자(전남대), 황용하(평화네트워크), 황원재(테네시대), 황인원(경상국립대), 황인정(성균관대), 황인혜(서강대), 황정화(연세대), 황지환(서울시립대), 황혜미(숙명여대), Benjamin Thompson (Kyungpook National University), Edward Kwon (Northern Kentucky University)
■ A List of 282 Political Scientists from Abroad Who Expressed Support for the Declaration
Adriana Rudling (Global Research Institute at William & Mary), Alina Dragolea (SNSPA (Bucharest, Romania)), Amoz Hor (Centre College), Andrea Baumeister (University of Stirling), Andrew Rosenberg (University of Florida), Angie Torres (Michigan State University), Anna Gunderson (University of Texas, Austin), Armando Chaguaceda (GAPAC), Ashish Vaidya (Colorado State University-Pueblo), Autumn Lockwood Payton (University of Dayton), Benjamin Goldfrank (Seton Hall University), Berk Esen (Sabanci University), Bonnie M. Meguid (University of Rochester), Boram Lee (London School of Economics), Burcu Savun (University of Pittsburgh), Carlos Shenga (Centre for Research on Governance and Development), Casey Kearney (LSE), Cathy Lisa Schneider (American University. School of Int’l Service), Celeste Arrington (George Washington University), Chad Rector (Marymount University), Chan Ka Ming (Newcastle University), Chang-Ling Huang (National Taiwan University), Charmaine Willis (Skidmore College), Chelsea C. Chou (National Taiwan University), Chiu-Wan Liu (National Taiwan University), Christopher M. Federico (University of Minnesota), Chuan-hsien Chang (Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica), Chueiling Shin (Department of Political Economy, National Sun, Yat-Sen University, Taiwan), Chung-min Tsai (National Chengchi University), Claudiu Tufis (University of Bucharest), Clemens Hoffmann (University of Stirling, Scotland), Coree Brown Swan (University of Stirling), Corey Brettschneider (Brown University), Daeyong Kim (Ohio State University), Dah Haam Kim (Texas A&M), Dahyun Choi (Princeton University), Dan Slater (University of Michigan), Daniel Stockemer (University of Ottawa), David Ebner (Sweet Briar College), David Hundt (Deakin University), David Jackson (Bowling Green State University), David Macdonald (University of Florida), Devon Cantwell-Chavez (University of Ottawa), Doeun Kim (UCLA), Donghwi Han (Brooklyn College), Donghyun Kim (Chung-Ang University), Dongkyu Kim (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley), Dongwook Kim (Korea University), Dr Gerard Toal (Virginia Tech. USA), Dr Marietta van der Tol (University of Cambridge), Dr Zana Gul (The University of Stirling), Dr. Carl Graefe (Dartmouth College Dickey Center for International Understanding), Dr. Thomas Klikauer (Western Sydney University), Dukhong Kim (Florida Atlantic University), Ecem Ersozlu (University of Pittsburgh), Eduardo Henrique B. Vasconcelos (State University of Goiás (Brazil)), Edward Goldring (University of Melbourne), Elicka Peterson Sparks (Appalachian State University), Elifcan Celebi (University College Dublin), Elías Chavarría-Mora (University of Costa Rica), Emilia Palonen (University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences), Emmanuel Balogun (Skidmore College), Eric C.C. Chang (Michigan State University), Esther Calvo (Lund University), Eunsook Jung (Univ. of Wisconsin), Evren Celik Wiltse (South Dakota State University), Fouzia Azzouz (University of Algiers 2), GILSUN JEONG (University of Sussex), Gabriela Ippolito-O'Donnell (Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Argentina), Gabriela Julio (University of Padua), Geoboo Song (송거부) (University of Arkansas), Gerardo Munck (University of Southern California), Gino Pauselli (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Gisela Sin (University of Illinois), Graeme Blair (Associate Professor of Political Science, UCLA), Gustavo Diaz (Northwestern University), György Széll (University of Osnabrück), Han Kang (University of Toronto), Han S. Park (University of Georgia), Hannes Mosler (University of Duisburg-Essen), Hans Schattle (Yonsei University), Hans Tung (National Taiwan University), Hata Masaki (Osaka university of economics), Henoch Gabriel Mandelbaum (University of São Paulo), Hong Min Park (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Hsin-Chih CHEN (National Cheng Kung University), Hsin-Hsin Pan (Soochow University in Taiwan), Hui-yeon Kim (Inalco), Hung-Jeng Tsai, Hye-Sung Kim (Appalachian State University), Hyein Yang (Cornell University), Hyemin Park (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Hyeonggeun Ji (ISS, Erasmus University Rotterdam), Hyungmin Park (University of Warwick), Hyunjung Park (University of York), Hyunso Christy Oh (Ohio State University), Hyunsoo Kwon (University of Virginia), Hyunwoo Kim (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), Ian Tsung-yen Chen (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan), Indrajit Roy (University of York), Indridi Indridason (University of California, Riverside), Inhwan Oh (William & Mary), Inyeop Lee (Tennessee Tech University), JONGSEOK WOO (University of South Florida), Jack Kennedy (Hertie School of Governance), Jack Zhang (University of Kansas), Jae Eun Jun (Ohio State University), Jae Hyun Park (University of Toronto), Jae-Hee Jung (University of Houston), Jaewook Lee (Leiden University), Jaeyoung Lee (University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign), Jafar Suryomenggolo (CASE Paris), James Bisbee (Vanderbilt University), Jamie Doucette (University of Manchester), Jason Kuo (National Taiwan University), Jeeyoung Lee (Harvard University), Jeffrey Henderson (University of Bristol), Jeffrey Nonnemacher (University of Colorado Boulder), Jenny Jun (Georgia Institute of Technology), Jeongho Choi (University of Iowa), Jinhyeok Jang (National Sun Yat-sen University), Jiyoung Cho (New School for Social Research), Joan Cho (Wesleyan University), Jon Chu, Jonas Pontusson (University of Geneva), JongWon Lee (Indiana University), Jonghyuk Lee (SKKU), Jongwoo Jeong (Georgia State University), Joohye Jeong (MIT), Joseph Parent (University of Notre Dame), Joshua Boston (Bowling Green State University), Joshua Ferrer (University of California, Los Angeles), José A. Olmeda (National University for Distance Learning Education (Spain)), Jungbae An (Ohio State University), Jungmin Han (한정민) (Trinity College Dublin), Junwoo Suh (University of California Berkeley), KUMKUM (Kyungsung University), Kai Thaler (University of California, Santa Barbara), Kanika Khanna (Cornell University), Karl Holmberg (Lund University), Keonhi Son (University of Mannheim), Kevin Gray, Kevin Hockmuth (Akita International University), Kim Yi Dionne (UC Riverside)Kisoo Kim (University of Chicago), Koichi Nakano (Sophia University), Kun (Byeonggeun) Heo (LSE), Kunda Dixit (Publisher, Nepali Times), Kyung Hoon Lee (NYU), Laura Gamboa (University of Notre Dame), Laurent Jeanpierre (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Leanne C Powner, Lee Morgenbesser (Griffith University), Lewis Luartz (Chapman University), Lindsay Nielson (Fors Marsh), Lisa Dellmuth (Stockholm University), Lisa Schweiger (University of Stirling), Lorena Estupiñán-Pedraza (Universidad San Buenaventura Cali), Lucas Novaes (Insper), Maija Mattila (Formerly University of Tampere), Manuela Muñoz Fuerte (Texas Tech University), Mari Miura (Sophia University), Marjorie Castle (Barnard College, Columbia University), Markie McBrayer (University of Idaho), Marques Zárate (Brown University)Mary Gallagher, Matthew Heneghan (University of Glasgow), Michael Bernhard (Florida), Michael Chwe (UCLA), Michael Elwell (University of North Texas Graduate Student), Mikko Poutanen (Tampere University, Finland), Minho Maeng (The University of Alabama), Minju Lee (University of Connecticut), Minsu Jang(장민수) (University of Milano-Bicocca), Mohd Faizal Musa (Senior Research Fellow, Institute of the Malay World and Civilization, National University of Malaysia (UKM)), Mona Adh (University of Stirling), Munroe Kim (New York University), Mutuku Kamau (Social Development Officer (Kenya) and KDI School Alumnus), Myung Jung Kim (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Nara Kang (Michigan State University), Narrelle Gilchrist (Princeton University), Nathan Kalmoe, Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Nathan Kar Ming Chan (Loyola Marymount University), Niels Søndergaard (Institute for International Relations, University of Brasília), Nina C. Krickel-Choi (Lund University), PETITJEAN Clément (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (Cridup, CESSP)), Pandit Chanrochanakit (Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University), Patrick Cunha Silva (Loyola University Chicago), Pei-Yu Wei (Dartmouth College), Peter Hur, Piero Stanig (Bocconi University), Professor David Farrell (University College Dublin), Pyo Yeahin (University of Massachusetts-Amherst), Rainer Werning (Open Academy - Germany), Rakhyun E. Kim (Utrecht University), Rana Khoury (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Randy Leahey (Sunnyvale), Raudiel Peña Barrios (Iberoamerican University, Mexico City), Rena Sung (Kyung Hee University), Renee Scherlen (Appalachian State University), Richard Clark (University of Notre Dame), Richard Snyder (Brown University), Rikio Inouye (Princeton University), Robert Franzese (University of Michigan), Robert Kubinec (University of South Carolina), Robert Yates (University of Bristol), Robin Rose Saywitz (Saint Louis University), Ronan Tse-min Fu (Academia Sinica (Taiwan)), Russell Muirhead (Dartmouth College), Saemyi Park (University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point), Saerom Han (Sookmyung Women's University), Sanho Chung (University of Arizona), Sarah Brooks (Ohio State University), Sarah Thompson (Social Scientists' Association), Scott Hofer (Monmouth University), Scott Siegel (San Francisco State University), Sein Park (Washington University in St. Louis), Seobin Han (Ohio State University), Seongjoon Ahn (University of Illinois), Seoungwon Lee (Seoul National University), Seowon Oh (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Seowoo Chung (Columbia University), Seulah Lee (University of Minnesota), Seulki Lee-Geiller (Yale University), Sharmini Nair, Shengqiao Lin (Harvard University), Sojin Lim (University of Central Lancashire), Soosun You (University of Pennsylvania), Soyeon Park (Michigan State University), Staffan I Lindberg, Stefan Fritsch (Bowling Green State University), Stephan Haggard (UCSD), Stephanie Schwartz (The London School of Economics and Political Science), Stephen Mumme (Colorado State University), Steven Denney (Leiden University), Steven Finkel (University of Pittsburgh), Sultan Mehmood (New Economic School), Sun-young Yun (KDI school Alumni), Sunghee Cho (Temple University Japan Campus), Sungjin Park (GNUE), Susan Kang (John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York), Sverrir Steinsson (University of Toronto), TOGASHI Ayumi (Toyoeiwa University), Tae Hoon Kim (Swedish Defence University), Taehyun Nam (Salisbury University), Tapio Raunio (Tampere University), Tara Riggs (Formerly Binghamton University), Tariq Modood (University of Bristol), Thalia Gerzso (University of York), Theresa Reidy (University College Cork), Thomas Chadefaux (Trinity College Dublin), Tony Zirui Yang (University of Oxford), Torben Iversen (Harvard University), Udoi Rateng (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), Valerie M. Hudson (Texas A&M University), Vivianne Y.-C. Weng (National Chengchi University), Walter Frantz, Wei-hao Huang (NSYSU), Wolfgang Heuer (Free University Berlin), Wonjeong Jo (University of California, Davis), Yann Kerevel (Louisiana State University), Ye Wang (UNC Chapel Hill), Yeaji Kim (California State University Dominguez Hills), Yohan Park (Trinity College Dublin), Yong Jae Kim (Hawaii Pacific University), Yoo Sun Jung (University College Dublin), Yu Bin Kim (Knox College), Yuan He (University College London ), Yusaku Horiuchi (Dartmouth College), mauro calise (University of Naples Federico II Italy), 岡本正明 (京都大学), 王伟, 高垒(Gao Lei, 无所属机构), 국승민 (John Seungmin Kuk, Michigan State University), 김은지 (Columbia University), 박연수(Yeon Soo Park, University of Texas at Dallas), 박찬혁 (Washington University in St. Louis), 신기영 (오차노미즈대학), 오가타 요시히로 (후쿠오카대학), 임정현 (노스캐롤라이나대학교), 조수현 (보든칼리지), 한상현 (조지아공과대학교)