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카페 프로필 이미지
강남 꿈틀에서 래팅할래? (영어회화 동호회)
카페 게시글
[토]-English Talkaholic [모임공지] Minutes of the last meeting & announcement for the study on 3/22(a reply must be given to participate)
Tia~* 추천 0 조회 104 14.03.17 14:54 댓글 22
게시글 본문내용
  • 작성자 14.03.17 14:56

    첫댓글 1st/ Tia/ Spirng finally has come!! :) What a lovely weather!!

  • 삭제된 댓글 입니다.

  • 작성자 14.03.18 09:16

    We're aging fast together ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • 14.03.17 17:05

    3rd/ Alice/ I gonna be there this time definitely!!

  • 작성자 14.03.18 09:17

    How's 모찌? has been taken good care of?

  • 14.03.21 10:03

    @Tia~* 모찌 is getting better. thanks for asking. ㅋㅋㅋ
    btw I think I can't get there again. I have to work on Sat. shiiiiiiiit ㅠ.ㅠ
    see you next week. sorry!

  • 작성자 14.03.21 10:07

    @AliceJacqueline You too have to work on weekend? ㅠ_ㅠ Poor girl! ㅠ_ㅠ
    Hope it gets done early enough so you can enjoy the rest of weekend!!

  • 14.03.18 00:21

    4th/jay/see yaaaaaa ;)♥

  • 작성자 14.03.18 09:17

    See you, dear~♥

  • 14.03.18 13:09

    5th/ Lucy/ See you:)

  • 작성자 14.03.19 09:31

    See you, Lucy~~ :)

  • 14.03.19 15:23

    6th/ Andy/ i'm back !!

  • 작성자 14.03.19 20:55

    How was your trip? ^^

  • 14.03.19 19:15

    I'm not sure whether I can participate yet because I may work entire this weekend. So I will let you know......

  • 작성자 14.03.19 20:57

    Poor boy!!!!!!!!! ㅠ_ㅠ
    Why do I feel weird that Seokjun is letting me know he might be absent...ㅋㅋㅋ
    Anyways thank you, hun, for kindly giving me a notice!

  • 14.03.19 19:26


  • 작성자 14.03.19 20:58

    Can I expect you on time please? ㅋ

  • 14.03.20 18:45

    8th / Kevin / miss you Tia!

  • 작성자 14.03.21 09:43

    As much as I miss you? ㅋㅋㅋ

  • 14.03.20 22:27

    9th/ Gloria/ See you all~^^

  • 작성자 14.03.21 09:44

    Glorious Gloria!! See you~~^^*

  • 14.03.21 23:31

    10th/Walter/First time so excited

  • 14.03.22 10:24

    11th/alex/is on the way!
