Rio Ferdinand: "Jackson might have scored goals throughout his days growing up as a player but I don’t think I could ever imagine him being a clean finisher. He’s not.
You change aspects of your game but normally with finishers they’re just born, man. They have always been able to score goals in a certain way. Jermain Defoe didn’t just become a great finisher, Michael Owen didn’t become a great finisher."
리오 퍼디난드 :
"물론 그가 축구 선수로서 뛰고 성장해가면서 내내 골을 넣었을지는 모르지만 나는 그가 확실한 피니셔가 될 것이라고는 상상할 수 없다"
"그가 경기의 양상을 바꿀 수는 있겠지만 확실한 피니셔들은 선천적으로 그 감각을 갖고 태어난다"