| 경력 | 1년이상 | 고용형태 | 계약직 |
학력 | 초대졸이상 | 급여 | 회사내규에 따름 |
우대사항 | [영어] TOEIC , [영어] OPlc | 근무지역 | 충남 천안시 |
복리후생 | 4대보험, 주5일근무, 연차, 퇴직금, 경조금, 노동절 휴무 | 근무시간 | 08:30~17:30 |
- Support the legacy ERP "K-System" solutions
1) Day-to day operational incident support
2) New change requests support
3) K-System maintenance support
- Coordinate the meeting and discussion with the business users for incidents and issues
- Facilitate with the external service providers and internal regional/global IT teams to provide
solutions to resolve the incidents and issues
- Communicate with the business users to provide IT consultancy
- Manage the business users to build and maintain a trusted relationship and partnership
- 접수기간: 2023년 07월 07(금)까지
- 이력서 양식: 잡코리아 이력서
- 접수방법: 잡코리아 온라인 접수
- 관련문의: 고용개발사업부(02-6207-3906)